The ambiance was superb! I still have the game running just because of the BGM. It’s mesmerizing and I think achieving that in a jam entry is no easy feat!
The idea of the game was well put together. I think that this idea was fun to play, some interactions felt a little bit unpredictable at first (like the android turning in some corners when it should have gone forward a little bit and then returned) but at least the game kept it cohesive and it was just a matter of getting used to it. The same thing goes for swimming because you can’t cheat it; I enjoyed the consistency a lot because it helped me see THE solution and not just my attempt at forcing a solution that wasn’t really the correct one.
The duration is perfect for a jam. I enjoyed the duration of the game; 9 levels is enough to enjoy the gameplay and all the features that were presented here without it becoming tedious. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
[My section of BAD PARTS for this game is going to be filled with subjective opinions; objectively, I don’t see anything wrong with the game save for the small detail I mentioned about some corners looking like you were going to go forward and then turn around].
- The game feels a little bit too passive. Save for the last level; I KNOW the game actually requires you to pay attention and plan ahead at all times which keeps you engaged, but sometimes when I had the solution and all I had to do was wait it felt a little bit boring. Luckily the fast-forward buttons were there to save the day but interacting with them was a little bit clunky. Maybe mapping them to the arrow keys or something that allows you to quickly toggle the fast-forward on and off would do the trick here.
This game owns the ambiance department! You should seriously play this if you want to feel like you’re in outer space: the music, the ambiance, and the gameplay all tie together in a well-put light puzzle game that will keep you entertained for 10-20 minutes if you go for all the collectibles (which you should).
It’s an excellent jam entry and I think it’s going to do quite well in the ratings! I loved it!
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