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A member registered Apr 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun game, I ended up playing all the levels.

It's a cool concept. Of course some physics aspect could be improved but for a game jam it was a nice effort.

I would have personally preferred a soundtrack instead of the background noise (or at least in addition).

Anyway, good entry. Well done.

Cute game, I like the art style and the cactus appearance.

It could have fit the theme better and I encountered some performance issues, especially after a few tries.

The game doesn't have much depth but it's a good start if it's your first. Well done.

Original and interesting concept.

The game also fits the theme pretty well.

It's a bit on the hard side maybe.

Music was great.

Overall really good entry, well done.

Interesting game.

Sometimes you can roll very little time for really long recipes .

It's not super clear how to cook the various ingredients either. I don't think I got more than F ever. I really struggled there.

Good concept but needs more polishing.

Interesting game.

Sometimes you can roll very little time for really long recipes .

It's not super clear how to cook the various ingredients either. I don't think I got more than F ever. I really struggled there.

Good concept but needs more polishing.

Nice effort, but I think the game needs some improvement.

Controls should be a little bit tighter, the physics seems a bit off.

Enemies attacks are also looking a bit weird, and the map is too big, I felt a bit lost and overwhelmed.

Maybe I missed something, but I saw the options for music and sounds but I didn't hear anything. Was the music missing?

Nice idea about the golf, very unique.

The power / accuracy bar is very laggy and it's hard to pull off the shoot you wanted to.

Graphics could be improved.

The concept was quite original though. Well done.

This game is quite fun!

Unfortunately, theme-wise, selecting the damage didn't feel like rolling a dice to me that much, but it was more about timing it right. I feel like the dice could have been easily a bar and the gamplay would have not changed at all.

Overall it's a good entry, well done.

This game fits the theme well, it's a simple concept but the puzzle are well crafted and require some serious head scratching.

I found out you can actually get out of the map by moving right as you're getting out of a portal, but that should be easily fixable. 

Well done.

I was a bit confused trying to figure out the keys to play the game.

The game could have fit the theme better, randomness doesn't necessarily mean roll of a dice. 

There's room for improvement.

I agree that playing the game explains it better than the introduction screen.

However the game is a bit of an odd one here. It's supposed to be a puzzle/strategy game but you have a lot of randomness to really control it.

I found myself mostly looking for colored dice to place in the general area I meant to expand rather than paying attention to the value of the dice.

Spam clicking while the dice are being generated also kinda breaks the game, I had multiple dice in the same place, but I understand that kinda defeats the purpose of the game.

Overall it's a cute game that fits the theme, well done.

Controls are a bit rough. The concept makes sense in theory but it would need some very tight controls to go with it. In the current state it gets more frustrating than fun.

The game could have fit the theme better, but with a lot of polishing it might become a decent 3d platformer.

Ambitious project, that could be scaled into a proper game.

The enemies art style is very intriguing and the core mechanic works pretty well.

The map feels very raw and could have benefitted from more polishing.

The beginning is very slow, and the dice are too unforgiving, most of the time the turn outcome is very underwhelming and flat.

Overall the progress is very good for a 48h game. Well done.

The dice theme here is more visual than translated in actual gameplay, where it boils down to randomness more than actual dice rolls. 

Anyway I feel like the concept is clear, quite fun and overall well executed.

I would tweak a few things though:

- the map has too much verticality, and most of the time it becomes about chasing enemies rather then shooting them (the most fun part!)

- dying is very easy and those colliders are very generous for the enemies...maybe multiple lives or hits before dying might help with the frustration of dying right after finally obtaining an upgrade

- I would like the progress to go faster, before you reach the first upgrade you have to shoot a lot in your base form, I wish there was more chaos with faster blue/red dice to choose from.

Details aside, this is a good entry, be proud of what you achieved.

Gorgeous art style, but the gameplay falls a bit flat.

With one option per turn there's really little you can strategize, the defending dice has no purpose other than infinitely stalling the battle.

I've encountered a visual bug that changed my dice icon  after choosing an unrelated power up between battles.

Anyway, overall it's a cute game that might benefit from a little more polishing. Well done.

I can see where the idea was going with this, but maybe it's a little too gimmicky and just clicking on the screen to get through throwaway lines gets boring very fast.

For what the concept was, it was still well executed though!

You know how to make addicting games, man!

It might look a bit daunting at the beginning to read and understand what every kind of dice do, but in the end it's easy to pick up and very hard to stop playing.

Perfectly in theme as well.

Well Done!

Perfectly in theme, the concept is fun and original. I had some clutch moments rolling my dice against the enemies to fudge them both at the last second.

The presentation is also good and the game page is curated. Well done!

On a side note, I didn't notice any option to modify the settings, playing on web I found the music too loud and I had to lower the volume of the browser.

Hi Angry Armadillo Games! Thanks for the review.

Fair points,  I think the issue about having to know a bit about D&D and its dice could be improved by adding some more polishing to the game.

My main issue is that I feel like the tasks are just random and not necessarily about a dice roll (even if the dice roll is random).

The idea is for sure very creative and unique but controls are a bit rough and it might benefit from a lot more of polishing.

Original mechanics, even though I feel like the connection with the jam theme is kind of a stretch here.

Anyway, I finished the game and I enjoyed the puzzles. They were very simple though and I would have liked some more challenging ones, but I understand there was a 48h time limit!

I really liked some things, like the projections on what will happen. On the other hand, I wish it didn't reset the state of the board everytime I restarted a shot. Every missed shot I had to setup the whole thing again!

Overall nice work, I enjoyed it!

The fact that it's so blatantly just two squares with faces connected by the top square's "beard" and you have to get cookies is so ridicolous that I actually like it a lot. Very fun. However, there's not much else to the game and I wished there were some more challenging puzzles.

Nice work.

Cool idea and interesting puzzles.

The first yellow box I encountered was pass-through tho.

Overall excellent work.

Definitely agree with this. Anyway, overall I liked the game and its concept. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

This is well executed and polished. Puzzles are interesting, but I feel like sometimes I understood the logic to beat them but I would have to try a few more times before I got it right mechanically. I wish it was less punishing if you can't hit that pixel perfect jump or link.

Overall excellent work.

Very cute aesthetic. The grandma is adorable and  the dog is a really good boy. Unfortunate that you couldn't manage to include the leash mechanic, it would have hit the mark with the theme better. Anyway, I got 106 mushrooms at the end of the day and it was a fun experience! Nice work. 

I love the reference! I like the idea as well, but it definitely needs more polishing. Potion making should be smoother. Maybe the more you play the more you could increase the difficulty and the number of knight "going into battle" in need of a potion to increase the stress level, until they leave crying and calling you a rascal.

Very cool art. I really enjoyed grappling stuff with the hook! It was the most fun part seeing the ship become bigger. Combat felt a bit flat, and having that many enemies helped only a little to make it a bit more challenging. I would have preferred if you could shoot only in the direction of the cannons.

Very nice game overall! Great work


(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! We're currently discussing all the possibile ways we could take the game forward in a future release.

Definitely! We already have some ideas to greatly improve the gameplay, but those require much more than 48 hours. Maybe expect a full and improved version in the future ;)

I absolutely agree with you! The gameplay definitely needs some polish. I think the idea could be expanded further post jam.

Credits to @Asdaroth and Thomas for art and music :)

Hey saharo! Thanks for trying the game. I can see how the UI could use some improvements to convey better the fact that you ARE the demon. That's why you got the losing screen. Maybe try again knowing you have to beat the knight this time! :D  

One of the most original. Very hard. Cute aesthetic. I enjoyed it!

Nice idea. I love the background music! Nice work.

I think maybe having more prior knowledge on what the combination of cards will do might have helped. Nice work, anyway! Very original.

Very cute and fun! Good job!

I can understand that. I would have loved to playtest my game a lot more as well, but it's hard in 48 hours! Nice work anyway!

Art style is amazing. Couldn't really understand how to play it properly though.