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Legend of Xenia 2 - tiny Zelda-inspired game πŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ—‘οΈπŸ’€βœ¨

A topic by baku created Aug 03, 2017 Views: 2,065 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 16
(18 edits)

Legend of Xenia 2

A sequel/prequel/remake (or something like that) of my lowrezjam 2016 game Legend of Xenia.

Quick jump to update: β†’ Day 4 β†’ Day 5 β†’ Day 6 + 7 β†’ Day 8 + 9 + 10

Day 1 + 2:

I, uhh, spent day1 finishing another game, Snowfriends. I then wanted to start lowrezjam on day 2, but was lazy and played PUBG instead, whoops 

Day 3:

I spent today doing art research and doing some mockups. I know that I want to make a game in the same universe as my last lowrezjam game, Legend of Xenia, which was (supposed to be) a small Zelda-like, so I replayed that game and took a look at the art in it. It hasn't aged well, to be honest. It was primarily inspired by the GameBoy Colour Zelda games, as well as some Pico-8 games, and the colour palette was Pico-8 as well (I'm not using that engine though). I want to have a similar look this time, but with higher quality art in general, and a much nicer palette, so I started researching other games and stuff, and started doing some mockups by basically enhancing the assets from last year. Here's what I've got so far:

Legend of Xenia, from 2016
Legend of Xenia 2 mockup
Comparison GIF! :D

As you might guess, the new colour palette (and style for things like the grass) is heavily inspired by The Minish Cap. So where last year had art inspired by Zelda games on the GameBoy Colour, now the palette is inspired by a Zelda game on the GameBoy Advance! Hehe, next year Nintendo DS?? 

That's it for now, see you again tomorrow where I'll start programming. 

β†’ Day 4

(1 edit)

The art is so detailed in such a small space; it's beautiful, can't wait to play it :D

That's quite impressive. And the original game already looked quite promising, good luck! :)

Thanks guys!! ❀

Nice. I loved graphics of the original one and 2 adds some pleasant grass.

Your art is insanely good for the size. Looking forward to this. Need to go back and play last years!  

(5 edits)

← Day 3

Day 4:

Slow day. I started out by making a new font for the game. Looking back at the Legend of Xenia font, I realised it really wasn't that readable at all, being too small and blocky. So I decided to make my new font a bit bigger sprite-font, which means it's just a bunch of images, so that I can add manual antialiasing to make it clearer, as well as do fancy button icons if necessary. Here's the font:

FontDialogue mockup

I also started my actual game project, setting up a bunch of behind the scenes stuff. Controllers, state machines, collision engine, and player movement. Using GameMaker Studio 2, if you're wondering.

See you tomorrow!

β†’ Day 5

Love your font. The text reads great in the 64x64 space. Actually all of your pixels do.

Uau! This is looking seriously good and I can hardly see the need for higher resolution!

I thought the last version looked really nice. The art on this one looks great. The new font is awesome too.

Would love to see a web version so I can play it :) (although I have just checked and it seems there's now a Mac version which wasn't there last time I looked :))

The macOS version of Legend of Xenia has been there since 19 April, 2016 πŸ˜› It was compiled by a friend, and I believe some people were having issues with it, so your mileage may vary.

HTML5 version of LoX2 could potentially happen at some point, if enough people pay for it like last year (LoX1 earned me about ~$50 from people randomly deciding to pay!) - the GMS2 HTML5 export is a little pricey and I can't really afford it right now though :l

(4 edits)

← Day 4

Day 5:

Another slow one. Huh, not too much productivity lately. Doesn't help that there's a festival in town right now. Oh well, tomorrow I'll brew some extra strong coffee and put in some extra effort.

Today I pulled some more quick static objects into the game, and implemented "dynamic" shadows. Outline shaders, yay! I'm like, the worst ever at shaders, so this was a fun challenge to tackle. Then I decided to tackle another challenge, that of a textbox/dialogue engine. I looked through ready-made ones, including this one made by a friend (v4 of that engine was what I used in LoX1!), but ended up writing my own super simple one without any unnecessary bells and whistles. So that was god damn miserable, seriously, typewriter effect + good linebreaks suck fun.

Shadows (poopy gif, sorry!)Dialogue engine test, as creepy as ever

I'm sure tomorrow will be great! Also, thank you all for the great comments so far β€οΈ

β†’ Day 6 + 7

This is looking awesome. I loved the first Xenia.

(1 edit)

← Day 5

Day 6 + 7:

I took some time to really think about what I wanted to do with LoX 2 story-wise. Should this game be a retelling/remake of the first one except done better, should it be a prequel that [story spoilers from LoX1 in strikethrough] shows the events of the shipwreck, or maybe a sequel that explores what happens next with, for example, the missing king? I've decided on the latter - Legend of Xenia 2, as the name suggests, will be a sequel that takes place a few years after the first one! General story has been worked out, more specific story beats still to be defined though.

I've also finally started animating Xenia. Feels good man. All four run/walk (it looks like a bit of both, really...) animations are done. Confident stride, bouncy subpixelated hair, all in all they turned out pretty lovely.

Movement animationsIn-game

Next I'll do her basic attack animations, but before I start doing that, she really needs something to attack, doesn't she? Say hello to the first enemy! ...wait, those are just bushes, aren't they? ..oh. oh nO THEY'RE NOT, NOPPPPE

And on that bombshell... see you tomorrow in a few days!

β†’ Day 8 + 9 + 10

Neato! Sideview looks especially smooth.

Character animations are looking great. LOVE the bush mobs! (please call them bush whackers)

(1 edit)

← Day 6 + 7

Day 8 + 9 + 10:

My devlog updates are getting less and less frequent, huh? I'm really starting to feel the crunch kicking in, so I've just been focusing on making the game instead of spending time on these updates - my terrible sleep schedule which makes me feel tired constantly doesn't help either. So there might be a couple days between this and the next devlog updates, too.

So have I actually gotten some stuff done since last time or what? I certainly have!

First is combat. Enemies can now hurt you, and you can hurt enemies. 

New attack animations (right), compared to LoX1 (left)
Watch out, bush boys, she has a sword now!

After having done the left and right attack animations, I was asked by a friend to show my animation process, so I timelapsed the creation of the up and down attacks. May or may not be interesting Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Notice in the gameplay above that the "dynamic" shadows are always green, even over dirt paths? That's not very dynamic at all! So I added the ability to have differently coloured shadows depending on the ground tiles. This was a nightmare, but it's worth it I guess. Also added sand, as well as water animated water (still w.i.p.)

I also added cuttable long grass, which was also present in LoX1 and every Zelda-like game ever. I tried making it a bit more dynamic this time, (mostly because I couldn't pixel a nice looking sprite >.<)

Differently coloured shadows! :DDon't mind me, just cutting some grass~~OH NO NOT AGAIN

At this point there's enough bits and bobs in the game that I wanted to start designing the world. Since the player will be visiting some old areas, and some new areas, I thought I'd start by remaking the starting area of LoX1 to get a feel for GMS2's level design workflow (spoilers: SO MUCH BETTER THAN GMS1 HOLY HECK, gms2 room editor = ❀️❀️❀️)

See you in a day or two, and good luck with your own games in the meantime!

It's time for another devlog :D

fabulous work ! Release it after the jam ;) (android ?) 

Thanks! Android is unfortunately not happening.
