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A member registered Dec 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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i won again

Essentially what the title says, i like to either put on a long youtube video or whatever album/song ive been listening to lately, some recent examples include:

Ektomorf - Hangok (whole album)

Ektomorf - Fereg, Last Fight, Nem Engedem (individual songs)

Megadeth - 13 (song)

Strong Deformity - Trust

Audiotopsy - LYLAB

Primus - Suck on this

Pitchshifer - Deviant (whole album pretty much)

Kickback - Ressurect, Count Me Out

this game fucking sucks yet somehow still gets a download every once in a while lmao

sick, hope you have fun playing!

probably not as good as most the stuff on here, but im working on a goofy rpg maker game that id love to see someone play, its a demo right now but its got about an hour or more of gameplay

not exclusively game dev stuff, but i do post alot about my projects

lmao ive always found that word funny so sometimes i sneak it into sentences

hey thanks alot! its always awesome to see people be nice about my dinky little projects, best of luck to you too!

I try to style my games after old crude amateur indie games and flash games, cause thats kinda what my games really are, crude indie games made for mine, my friends' and sometimes other peoples amusement (cause sadly i havent gotten much success yet, but maybe someday!)

For me atleast the trick to achieving the effect is first having played alot of those games, simple movements and animations, primarily flat colors with simple shading, exaggerated features and that kinda jazz

pretty cool game, the visuals had a cool style to them and the effects were pretty awesome too, the gameplay itself was really hard but enjoyable! level 3 was definetely my favorite. i did find a bug though where in level 3, sometimes if you reset the music just wouldnt play and once it played itself 2 times at once, although it was fairly uncommon. awesome game, keep it up!

yeah for sure, ill try and get to it soon!

Thanks alot! i see people saying the game looks like an old flash game, which is good because i used to love old flash games as a kid. Im glad you enjoyed the game even if the platforming kinda sucked! (which will be fixed in an update sometime soon)

Thank you! I can agree with all the points, which hopefully i can fix in an update sometime after the jam end, and its nice to see you liked the parallax backgrounds! they were a bit of a pain to set up but i think i did a good enough job. thanks for playing!

Pretty good game, the aiming is a bit weird (having the gun be centered with the player instead of on the side would help) but you can get used to it, the art is also neat especially with the big googly eyes! it gives off a sorta flash game charm that i dig alot, and the gameplay is pretty fun even if a bit simple (although the simplicity sorta adds to it in a way). Cool entry!

Pretty awesome game, reminded me of the likes of TBOI and atomicrops. The artstyle is pretty good too. One little nitpick i have with it though is that the web build tends to lag a bit (although thats prob due to my laptop being kinda shit + web games usually being laggy) and that the walking speed felt a little too slow, although thats counteracted by the dash function so it really isnt much of a bother. Overall i had fun playing this!

Im glad you liked the expirience! I always liked the sorta crude yet charming graphics alot of flash games had, so i tend to try and pull that off whenever i can. And about the controls, I might try to add these in in like a future update, since i agree that those things could help the game be much better, oddly enough i planned to add a restart function yet i guess i just kinda forgot about it.. anyways thanks for playing!

i hope they write about this game in future history books

this game fucks so hard, not finished with it yet but so far its been a 20/10 expirience

Ive always been a big fan of Rockstars games (mainly GTA, but ive dabbled in others) so theres probably a bit of that influence in it, hope you have fun playing!

My game (Pokemon Purple) just hit 300 downloads, so i wanted to say thanks to everyone whose played it! That may not be too big of a number, but its still really awesome to see it doing well!

Honestly, when i first started making it, i didnt even plan on releasing it, it was just meant to be a dinky little project i worked on for fun, so im glad people are enjoying it after i changed my mind!

There is a sequel in the works, although its on lower priority for now, so hopefully i can show some of that soon!

TGSET 3 (Demo)

Been loving this album lately, some other songs/albums ive been enjoying lately are:
- Strong Deformity - Racket
- Ektomorf - Hangok (Especially Nekkem Ne Mondd Meg)
- Megadeth - Killing Is My Business
- Venom - Black Metal
- Ebola - In My Hate (Especially [Opener with thai name])
- Crossbreed - Concentrate
- Creepy Crawl - My God
- Exodus - Piranha
- Various SOAD Songs
- Anthrax - Deathrider
and so much more..

So, ive been working on the third installment of my comedy RPG series, The Greatest Story Ever Told.
Ive released a new demo for it not long ago, and id like to get some general feedback on it, whetever its about the gameplay, art, comedy or whatever you feel like! Ive been trying to make this game the best i can, considering TGSET 1 and 2 were both just kinda whatever came to my mind, so your feedback would be really important to me!

The demo is about an hour or so long, so if you have an hour to spare then id appreciate it alot if you gave it a go and then told me what you thought of it!

3,871 Views, 327 Downloads, 17 followers, 23 following, Payments and Gross rev both at 0 (Cause everything i do is free for now), 113 Posts, 10 Topics.

This is a demo for the 3rd game in a comedy RPG series ive been making called TGSET 3 (The Greatest Story Ever Told 3).

After the uncountable incidents in TGSET 2, You wake up in a hospital where the doctors try to sell your organs! After fighting your way out of there, you decide to go home, but lets just say things wont exactly go your way...

Not sure if this one fits considering its a comedic game that isnt entirely serious, but if you want to play a pokemon fangame then itd be awesome if you played mine!

Still a fairly early demo but id appreciate it tons if you played it! 

i won again

This.. "Unique" Pokemon Fangame ive been working on for about 3 months now is finally out in its finished state! 

And guess what? this game actually has a STORY now! wowzers!

After you realize your laptop was stolen, you go ask around to see if anyone knows anything about it, but when nothing works out, you go ask your mentally unwell friend Wally, only to find out it was stolen by a Theft Team! God fucking dammit! And then..... Lets just say shit escalates..

Download Now! This isnt a suggestion, i know where you live and will break your legs if you dont!





So i went and did something about the achievements and simply just reverted to an older versiom of the script, granted it does make the achievements uglier and sorta breaks the achievement screen but it doesnt crash anymore, atleast it shouldnt

Im glad you enjoyed! lmao the writing was indeed awful, but i didnt wanna alter the og game too much so ig its here forever, and ill probably just scrap the achievements if i cant find a fix for the crashes.

lemme guess, its something with achievements? if so, just reload the game, i have no clue what the hell is up with the achievements, so i just didnt bother fixing them for now.