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A member registered Dec 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ive always liked making stuff of my own ever since i was a kid, an then i decided i wanna try making my own games, which is how I started out with gamedev about 5-6 years ago, i found out about scratch so i made some shitty little games with it (i was like 10 or 11, so obviously they were pretty bad) which despite their quality i really enjoyed making, so i kept on slowly developing my skillset and would move on to godot on which i made a few slightly less shitty game jam games along with some cancelled/lost projects. 

Then in the summer of 2022 i would unknowingly make probably the most important game in my gamedev "career", an amateur little RPG Maker game called The Greatest Story Ever Told. The game itself is nothing special (hell the first version of it is a buggy mess, considering it was made in like 2 weeks from sheer boredom) but its what got me to realize that making funny games is really fun and thats what ive been doing ever since, mixing my own stupid little brand of humor into my projects to make both my friends and any outsiders who may stumble upon my stuff laugh!

So pretty much i started out making dumb hobby games as a 10yo, and am still making dumb hobby games as a 16yo.


alot of my projects usually start from a funny or cool idea ill have for a game that ill end up messing around with for a week or so before i eventually stop working on it for a while, then ill just chip away at all of my backlog whenever im bored enough. as fun as it is to just mess around with alot of things its definetely best to keep a smaller scope when it comes to ongoing projects

i start a bunch of projects and hardly finish any

Really fun concept with some really awesome art, i did feel the bosses were a little health-spongey (either that or i was doing something wrong, which is most likely the case) but the gameplay was really fun and creative. Probably one of my favorites so far.

fairly short but really fun, the style is simplistic but is pretty charming and the gameplay was pretty fun if a tiny bit buggy (i got stuck in a magnet at some point but thankfully the reset button was right there to help). Nice entry!

anybody else wanna kill this guy

to damage the boss you gotta destory the piss jars on the map then pelt him with piss, glad you enjoyed the game!

Had some pretty good fun with this one, Even for just 2 blocks there was a surprising amount of creative ways to beat the levels. Cool entry!

A very simple concept but a super fun one, and also some very charming art. It was a little hard to get the hang of at first but when i finally overcame my skill issue i had quite alot of fun with this one!

Im bad at this game. 0/10 Horrible entry, i hope you get kidney disease

But jokes aside, even if i suck at this game i still really enjoyed it, the gameplay is very creative and the art is pretty sweet aswell (the B in bloom stands for Best-Thing-Ever). Nice work!

I really liked this one, while the graphics were pretty simple the gameplay more than made up for it! this kinda reminds me of Bloxorz, just a little easier than that game which is a good thing since the levels required just the right amount of thinking. Great entry!

Super cool game, wish the web build didnt lag so much cause it made turning the mouse a bit of a chore but everything else worked really well and the puzzles were pretty clever, also liked the voice acting with MS sam!

oh damn i had no idea you guys had an itch account! this looks pretty cool, i should give it a try sometime

thanks alot for the shoutout! as i said on the site im currently working on an  update for TGSET 3, and im actually pretty close to finishing it, so heres a video of probably my favorite addition so far, a game over screen that changes with every friend you recruit:

my rpg maker game, The Greatest Story Ever Told 3 goes FAR into weird/experimental territory with tons of beavis and butthead / early southpark -esque humor, give it a shot of that sounds interesting to you! also feel free to tell me what you thought of the game if you do play it, i always love to hear feedback on my projects!

a bit late, but if youre still taking submissions and looking for something... interesting to play then feel free to check out my game

pretty fun game so far, id reccomend adding some more visual feedback when you get hit (be it a little explosion animation on the ship or a subtle screenflash) and either making the ship faster or buffing the boost a little. some power ups could also be pretty fun

fun and short game that runs on the gzdoom engine, should only take like an hour and a half to complete

Ignoring miscellaneous scratch games that have been mostly lost due to banned accounts, my first proper game was puym. Puym was a stupid topdown shooter i made in a weekend while i had a friend over at my house and wasnt really meant to be much more than a joke.

My latest game, Yellow Flow was also a stupid topdown shooter yet it was made in 3 days for melon jam '24 and was supposed to be a love letter of sorts to all the goofy and violent flash games i would spend hours playing as a kid (mainly the hobo series, gun mayhem, swords and sandals etc.). While being super unpolished and buggy (i had 3 days to make it afterall, alot of that taken up by IRL stuff) i think i managed to make a pretty fun game with YF for what it was supposed to be, though ive been slowly but surely finishing off a project with over a year and a half of progress and im hoping to have it out by the end of the summer!

Probably one of my favorites so far, the drawing and movement felt super smooth, and the graphics while simple worked really well for this type of game, one thing that kinda bugged me is how if my line went off screen itd usually just draw straight up making a wall of sorts, although the better i got at drawing my lines the less i had to deal with that, seriously impressive entry!

bonus points for the voice acting, and the art was on point too. the game is kinda hard so i didnt survive for very long but i had fun with it, kinda felt like i was moving a little too slow even for a turtle. nice stuff!

I Really liked the graphics here, and the gameplay was pretty awesome if not a bit too hard for my liking, i just wish there was some music to break up the silence. great entry!

I really liked this one, the dialog was really funny, the gameplay was simple but fun and the graphics looked really good. all around great game!

Fun and short game, feels like something youd stumble upon on coolmathgames during class and end up getting so into it you finish the whole thing without realizing. Kinda wish there were a little less spots to get yourself easily stuck in but if you really think through every step then you shouldnt have too much of an issue with that. Also the graphics while simple are pretty nice to look at, the consistency works very well. Good game!

really fun little game, i liked the way the little salmon fella flapped around as i swam, and the swimming itself felt smooth and satisfying. nice game!

i was super into flash games as a kid and always wanted to make games of my own, and stuff like beavis and butthead, early south park etc. are what inspired me to combine my sense of humor with the stuff i make

i won again

Essentially what the title says, i like to either put on a long youtube video or whatever album/song ive been listening to lately, some recent examples include:

Ektomorf - Hangok (whole album)

Ektomorf - Fereg, Last Fight, Nem Engedem (individual songs)

Megadeth - 13 (song)

Strong Deformity - Trust

Audiotopsy - LYLAB

Primus - Suck on this

Pitchshifer - Deviant (whole album pretty much)

Kickback - Ressurect, Count Me Out

this game fucking sucks yet somehow still gets a download every once in a while lmao

sick, hope you have fun playing!

probably not as good as most the stuff on here, but im working on a goofy rpg maker game that id love to see someone play, its a demo right now but its got about an hour or more of gameplay

not exclusively game dev stuff, but i do post alot about my projects

lmao ive always found that word funny so sometimes i sneak it into sentences

hey thanks alot! its always awesome to see people be nice about my dinky little projects, best of luck to you too!