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Killigan's Treasure

A bovine's journey in a land unexplored. · By Eddio

v.0.49.2 - Bugs/Typos Sticky

A topic by Eddio created May 31, 2024 Views: 485 Replies: 10
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Developer (1 edit)

Post any bugs or typos you've found from v.0.49.2 here!

Please try to be as informative and detailed as possible with your report so we can tell exactly where you're encountering an issue!

0.49.2 actually

Evening tavern scene, Mac is positioned directly behind Killigan in the dialogue that follows: "I grab a seat at our usual booth, just as Mac squeezes out of the growing crowd."

Going back in the dialogue fixes the issue, but initially Mac shows up on the wrong side of the screen.


The original intention was to induce the sense of Mac having to squeeze into the booth from behind Killigan, but that does appear confusing looking back on it now. He'll appear from the right side of the screen for that segment in the next build.

0.49.2 again.
Spiceport Day 4, Equipment selection. Once you get to "Am I satisfied with this?" and select "No" it still locks you out of changing your equipment.


Found the issue, will be fixed in the next build.

(1 edit)


Spiceport Day 5, Banni entrance, the frame with the dialogue "'Fraid I'm in no shape for that now, t'be frank with yeh" has Banni's image disappear and the words "Image 'banni frown showoff talk' not found" mirrored in red at the top left corner of the screen.

After that dialogue, Banni's image returns, but on the left side of the screen and covering Zhokhar and Taavi's images for the rest of the dialogue until Taavi says "I've got a plan, and it doesn't involve sending you away again."


Fixed, will be in the next build.


The same issue of being locked out of equipment change also occurs after selecting "no" when asked "Am I okay with this?" happens again in Spiceport Day 6.


Fixed, will be in the next build.


(Not sure how to add Spoiler tags on

After the swim race with Zhokhar, with the dialogue starting with "Gah hah... damn yae, bull... yae won..." Killigan appears halfway off screen facing the right, while Zhokhar appears on the right hand of the screen facing right, instead of facing each other.


This looks like it may have been caused by skipping through dialog too fast, so the sprite didn't go to the proper position in time. I'll add in a failsafe to that segment regardless.

Developer archived this topic