I cannot tell when racoon enemies are attacking, and swinging the bat doesn’t feel too great… Aesthetic is alright though.
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JENNY's itch.io pageComments
Big improvements since previous DD. Dunno about "relative mouse mode", feels like it would suit a controller better. As usual - hat mechanic is great, kudos for new weapons (tri-gun sucks btw).
I like the style, I like music. It choked a bit on a large monitor, but oh well. Also - train boss is a pretty big difficulty spike. Still manageable, but I wish you'd get an indication that you're actually hurting it - it took me a bit of time to realize that the goal is to take out the turrets.
Good stuff, please keep it up!
Been watching this with great interest in the GIFs you've been sharing the past month, happy to say the gameplay didn't disappoint! Love the amount of visual effects and the high speed pace of the gameplay.
I felt the sound effects were a bit lacking for the environment you're in. Like you could have much stronger echo and reverb on some of the impact sounds since you're in these long corridors and hallways, it would help add some more kick to the bat hits and killing enemies. It'd also be nice to have the cursor just slightly larger - I lost track of it a few times. Really promising game all around, going to keep an eye on it!
-Controller support would be really nice, given how the melee works.
-Melee weapon can easily visually vibrate and phase through walls.
-Hat based health is fun.
-If I set relative melee to false, then die, it won't save my preference.
- I seem to be stuck behind an iron bar? Guess I'll restart. Also this started happening out in the void(maybe he needs to die to get past?):
-Beat first level. Fairly fun gameplay so far, reminiscent of Hotline Miami but more forgiving. Making the environmental hazards common encourages me to experiment with them more outright, compared to some other games.
-Mouse cursor is too small for menuing, at least when you don't have a gun. A small white dot gets easily lost in the noise.
-Train track crossing was a little annoying, I died the first time because the blue didn't look like a wall, but just some trim color on the ground. It wasn't until I hit it that I saw there was a break in the blue that I was supposed to cross. (And why is this wall only on one side of the subway tracks?) To best communicate this, put some of that wall on the other side so the player can know what it is. Not that it is a huge deal in this case, since it's only 20s away from the start of the level. But still.
-3rd level is fun so far. Both amused and somewhat annoyed when the train railed me, thought I was being smart by avoiding the fire by walking on it. On another note, fire damage over time is kind of strange. I suppose the idea is that if you get hit by fire you need to get your hat in quick fashion before you're scot free. It's a decent way to discourage walking into it, but you're screwed when it falls onto the other/in side of a fire wall. As for the boss, I've gotten to it several times but it's a pain because it's a slew of respawning turrets and I have no clue how far along I am.
-Beat train boss and I don't get it. I killed all the turrets before getting to the 'locked in by fire' section, then when I got to that section I didn't know what to do. My gun wasn't doing any damage to the fire pipes, but melee does? Only sometimes when swinging at it does it hurt it, and only the middle pipe. After a while the train door opened, but I don't know if it was a timer or if I did enough damage. Boss just sucks from this experience. Might have helped to have a checkpoint just before it.
-Mario style level select is pretty meh, doesn't fit the game I think. Doesn't help it's just a normal scale level with portals instead of a zoomed out map.
Minute to minute gameplay and visuals are good fun, keep it up.
Played for a bit, here's what I think:
-RTrigger to shoot is pretty bad(travel time before actuation), it should be swapped with RB, which currently throws your gun away. Likewise, the melee throw could go on the LTrigger, but maybe it's more apt on a button since throwing a melee is more viable attack.
-When going to pause menu, for some reason the mouse cursor is frozen(the in game graphic, actual one is fine but invisible). Doesn't matter if you're in KB&M or controller mode.
-I found out that you can shoot your gun while dead, which is kinda funny. It happens because you drop the gun on death, but if your body bounces into it it will be picked up again.
-Aim assist, if there at all, is subtle. The enemies are small enough that you can aim right at them and miss by a hair or two if you're a distance away. Though take with salt, I'm not the best at twin stick shooters on controller.
Got through the first two levels and spent quite a bit of time on the fire level. This game is wild and fun, with so much chaos and killing going on. I like how the game handles the projectiles and explosions, very juicy. It's awesome that you can deflect bullets and hitting them around like pinballs is so great. I didn't realize at first the hat was your shield, but no big deal. The two things I had slight issues with is the ability to pick up empty guns was super annoying and on the fire level it wasn't clear at all how to beat the boss so I got a little filtered. Overall great fun with very nice juicy effects. Great demo!
What a fucking experience. It feel like being on drug while fighting the local crackden boybands.
The stick mechanic need some work, maybe a tween to go from on angle to the other it make it hard to control (but it add to the fun)
The visual effects are a bit too much in my opinion, but the physics are satisfying.
I kind of wish the bat simply pointed at the cursor instead of following mouse movement, it would feel more natural to me, the "relative melee" button in the pause menu didn't seem to change anything.
Played for a bit. Video:
The effects of the game are pretty juicy. Hitting stuff with the bat feels good, although Im not sure how to make it work properly. There were times when I hit a vending machine from the side without breaking it and other times just brushing it with the bat made them explode.I liked the idea of the hat being a renewable second life.
It is hard to notice when you get hit. Sometimes an enemy exploded and all of a sudden I was dead in the other side of the room.
The 19:30 explosion had a much larger effect than I imagined.
The game crashed a lot on me. The abrupt end is from a crash.
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