Here's my playthrough! I didn't get very far I guess. Somehow my research wasn't finishing? It feels like there's an interesting game here I just couldn't get to it.
Here's my playthrough! I didn't get very far I guess. Somehow my research wasn't finishing? It feels like there's an interesting game here I just couldn't get to it.
I played the tutorial twice, got stuck both times but got a bit further the second. The art and game itself look great, and the tutorial was on track for being well done, there are just some kinks that need to be ironed out. I also got no sound when I played the game, is that a bug or is there no sound? The first time I got stuck after I completed my first contract, there was nothing I could do even after opening every menu, the second I did the first contract, opened research, researched and then built a new ship, got a second contract and tried to launch it but I couldn't figure it out or it was bugged. There is a typo when starting the game, where you select the popularity, it says loose instead of lose. It's a good looking game so far with some unique characters and concepts, like the orbits, so I want to see how this shapes up.
This game feels so much better than the previous one and I honestly see myself playing it for hours if you polish and fix it
The mission accepting process feels strange but I cannot say how to organize it better
The building progress bar should be reversed
Automatic pause off is annoying
I couldnt choose to orbit langragien untill reloaded the game and tried again and overall path selection with double click is not responsible somehow
I failed one mission and there were no available possible contracts after this despite mostly unlocked techonology tree and multiple ship combinations, shouldnt they randomly appear from time to time?
I like your ui design direction but looks like it stuck in a limbo between bronze and a paper and I cant tell which material is this, maybe it would be better to separate them and make more metallic outer parts and gears with old weared paper inside for a text?
i have played 2 runs, one i restarted and the other i lost due to no funding! public opinion
my thoughts:
pause game and resume game icons are reversed - if the game is paused, the icon should be "play"
a text displayed as inversed (from right to left) on a path to Incuben
the government wants to "replace everyone by less incompetent people" - so they want to replace us with competent people? are we incompetent? that's funny if it's not a mistake
when asking for money, the string "$agency" is typo'd as "$agnecy" so it wont show the name of the agency but will show just $agnecy
for rewards, what is the number of in the parenthesis? is that the money i got, next to my current money? a bonus? unclear
when i am unable to start an expedition, a sound plays telling me i can't do it. it should also tell me what i need to do, so it isn't so cryptic, especially if i accidentally make a mistake
i did orbiting missions but they give 0 public relations and i failed because public relation dropped to zero, but i was unable to travel to the planets since i needed more fuel, and it was NOT clear what i should do to obtain fuel. i researched more fuel but it wasn't enough - more hints to that nature would be helpful
played the new tutorial alongside my friend who has not played it since last DD
we got stopped as the scene where the paperpusher says "lets go to my office" - you couldnt click or enter his office no matter what
a lot of confusion probably arises from ESL, but at this point i know what you're saying so things are clearer for me.
need an obvious progress bar or indication for research. i put a thing to research - is it done? is there a bar? nothing really tells me that it finishes - you can totally use the bottom left of the screen for "large" popups saying "X thing finished". you do have popups but theyre so small and go fast where i don't even finish reading them before theyre gone
the new transparent UI reports are nice.
friend's feedback from watching:
the UI should be changed - when you look at space games, you dont want to be obstructive with the UI to give the impression of the vastness of space. this UI feels like its limiting you to the screen both with the design and the yellow/brass coloring since it is trying to catch your attention instead of letting your eyes wander. it also feels too bulky
the tutorial navigation needs to be streamlined a bit. it also is missing the "game" component where you as the player don't know why you're doing anything. why are you sending a rocket into space? who cares? what's the goal? the game should get the priorities in order where the NPCs are funny but you as the player don't know what happens next - is there a campaign? will the NPCs have different dialogs? do they interact with the player Civilization style?
should make it clear what the final goal is first before introducing all the characters
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