just looking for some games to rate but i will only rate your game if you rate mine
Here's mine: https://slimyjoe.itch.io/super-mega-starfighter
I'll go rate yours
I'd appreciate a rating! I'll definitely play yours as well
I gave yours a try! Here is mine! https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/rate/872278
Here's mine, yours is already rated. https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/rate/897902
Hey i checked ,rated and reviewed your game, would be glad if you did the same ! Thanks https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/rate/899679
Here's mine, I hope it's good XD https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/rate/896959
Hey all :)
This was my first ever jam (and first project!) so I'd really appreciate any feedback!
I'll go ahead and check out yours!
- Leo
Here's the game: A short, wholesome narrative experience about giving away your privillages.
Here's my list of games I really liked from the game jam: https://itch.io/c/1382045/my-favorite-blackthornprod-game-jam-3-games
Alternatively, you can play my game: https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/rate/900004
Feedback will be appreciated!
Heres mine!
Dyzmorphia is a fast paced shooter where you can sacrifice life for ammo!
I rated yours, bringing it to 18 rates. Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/rate/900327