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A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun story! I like how the text appends to the end of the page, it makes it feel like your choices are really 'writing' the story, and gives a nice air of permanence.

Okay, what’s ur username there?

(1 edit)

I will check them out (:

Also, dm me if u want to discuss doing a jam together in the future^^ ur a rlly good artist.

Nice game, it's just like Cookie Clicker except it's cute and wholesome (:
The aesthetics are quite fire, and the philosophy behind the game is really interesting. self harm? suicide? anime??! its all connected. 5/5

best game

Thanks for your comment! We have uploaded a version that works, and hope you enjoy it!

I beat it! Very nice game, well executed but it can feel a little finicky at times. The level with the meteors was very difficult but I figured it out in the end. Great job on such a short time constraint, and I'm glad to see that you were able to put up a submission this year.

Very smooth feeling game, and the visuals look great! I also love how gradual the tutorial is. Nice work!

Great artstyle and fun idea! Nice work on this one.

so true bestie

Sadly the built version refused to load any audio or any of the story progression. Thanks for trying out our game.

very true

so true never play with trackpad

he liked it he told me in real life

bias and nitpicking 

the balloon bombs are a scam. otherwise fun and silly game.

very cool game. reminds me a lot of kirby!



This game has been in the making for quite some time, primarily in the summer of 2022. The game was made with members of Signature School's Programming club but is separate from the organization as a project. I wanted to try my hand at a simulation game involving many interacting elements. Everything is affected by everything. Guards can shoot you, but can also shoot each other. Potions can be used on the player or the guards. The elevators can be activated or broken by both the player and the enemies. These behaviors combine to generate a narrative in the gameplay. It was a great time, and please let me know if you want more!

this didn't win bc game jammers are nitpicking and bias. my fav entry <3

Fun platformer! I think that the bounce mechanic does feel a wee bit odd at times but other than that very nice job!

Nice work! This is one of the most polished and fun 3d game i've seen yet.

Super enjoyable game! It's funny that both of our games are about dice with attatchments lol (: The countdown to the juicy super jump makes this game really addicting. Nice work!

As some others said, this game has a really solid base to go off of. As of right now, the game is really bias towards the player, (which might not be a bad thing for a jam) so that even if I tried to lose I couldn't. 

Overall a really good entry! I love the flow of the game and seeing all my dice line up to attack/heal was super satsfying stuff.

Played it to the end! Really fun and satsifying game. Good job :3

Coool submission! I can see a few minor flaws with the game (checkpoints, sometimes frustrating results from the die) but overall I think this is one of the most polished and fun entries yet. Nice work, I'd love to see more of this!

Presentation was top tier! I love how the tension rises as you get closer to 0 cards. One of the best games i've played yet!

Very polished and fun to play, and made me think about my next move. I liked it!

We are glad you liked it! Luckily we've found the source of that bug, fixed it, and will update it after the jam is over (((;

We are glad you had fun with it!

We actually had the same thought process as you and had the arrow keys do the same thing as wasd. I know we literally didn't communicate it at all to the player but in the post jam version we will be more careful to do so (:

One of the best games i've seen yet! Wheat really blew me away was the presentation. The sounds when walking around, pressing buttons, and especially rolling the dice sounded amazing. Would love to see more content and polish in the future~ nice work!

Really cute and funny game! I do wish there was an element to make it easier, as the game is super super hard right now. Overall, nice work!

Cool! I'll give it a look after the jam.

I'm glad you enjoyed our game!

Really really strong entry! If you added a bit more content I think it could make a full game! My only critique would be the difficulty, as the game is quite easy, even on hard mode. Still one of the best entries to far. Nice work!

Really well presented game! Personally I wish there was an element of strategy in the game, but watching the game play itself was made fun by the amazing art and sound (: nice work!

Sorry that you ran out of time. The game was really jazzy and fun while it lasted, and the presentation was on point!

They say great minds think alike!
The game was difficult to control, but was a great time. Art, music and gameplay all come together and create a really unique experience. Great work for just 50 hours!

Nice art and concept!

Reminds me of a game I played as a kid called DeBlob! Sorry you ran out of time, it seems like it could have been an interesting concept.

really original and fun idea! nice work!