I like the visuals of the game, the mechanics are fine and solid, the dash and jump with spin or higher jump seems very handy too, the chess theme in the game feels nice overal and I like the whole experience. The tutorial helps a lot, and dodging takes a while to get used but its really working nicely after a little bit. I rate graphics, fun, control, and music the most but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
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Check-Check Mate's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
player is spinning to beat of projectiles
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
No,everything exept music was made by me (all music without copyright)
By seeing the screenshots, I thought that this would be like Worms games. Game has some flaws like unclear tutorial, you didn't say tat i can dodge only brown projectiles. But i liked the gameplay and artstyle.
Like the artstyle and music choice. Somehow the game makes me feel like I would play a version of chess and that's where the dog suprises me as an enemy.
This game has an amazing idea—I've never seen anything like it before, and it's impressive!! I'm blown away by how well you implemented the tutorial—it was a very smooth and intuitive experience! The visuals and audio perfectly complement the overall feel! Excellent work!
Everything is ok, you fitted everything pretty good. Just make sure to tell where is the tutorial, as i went to the 3rd door right after starting and got instant destroyed xD
The idea of grabbing the item in the tornado and throwing it back is very interesting! Only in the beginning would I say to make it clearer how to enter the doors! Congratulations on the project :D
Simple game with a cute stylish art-syle.
Nothing too ambitious but everything holds together decently.
I would recommend slowing the attacks a little because as it is now there's basically no time to react.
I love the hand drawn animations - it always adds a special charm to games. The best attack has to be the knight hitting the platform from above. Make sure to playtest heavily when your game is intended to be difficult - you'll be able to balance it to be more hard-but-fair, which should be your primary aim. Well done overall.
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