I really liked how the shooting works! The music is really good and fits the game really well, I had fun playing it. Congratulations on your game!
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Guardian Protocols's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes i did all of that, except bg musics (free for everything)
Very interesting game. I wish enemies had more attack types and animations. Also, eternal problems of every game designer - unskippable intro. But i had fun while playing. Good thing bosses differ from each other besides the design, but gameplay.
Really cool game so far !! Would have love a bit more things happening on screen for making it more lifeliving ! But pretty solid submission so far ! Well done :-)
Really cool game so far !! Would have love a bit more things happening on screen for making it more lifeliving ! But pretty solid submission so far ! Well done :-)
Love the art on this one. Only real complaint is that the tutorial kinda holds your hand a bit and theres a bit too much explanation as opposed to just letting the player figure stuff out.
Cool game! My only issue was that about halfway through the fight the scorpion boss stopped attacking and just followed me around the arena until i killed it. Nice artstyle and intro though!
If ur having trouble to exit training room, after closing tutorial menu by "Q" key, hit "Esc" button then select Main menu (Don't over spam it and also resume button will not let u pause again just hit "Esc" again to unpause ). After getting to main menu press start again and new area enabled .
*this Issue will fix after voting in progress ends*
I've tried it again, this worked. The visuals do look great ingame!
I think the gameplay is good, I'd like it if it would slow the boss down for a short bit if I hit it, for one to add hit feedback, but also to give me time to dodge an oncoming attack in a better way, this would make the mechanic more interesting I think.
I'm really attracted to the screenshots but unfortunately the game stuck on the instruction tutorials and cannot proceed.
If ur having trouble to exit training room, after closing tutorial menu by "Q" key, hit "Esc" button then select Main menu (Don't over spam it and also resume button will not let u pause again just hit "Esc" again to unpause ). After getting to main menu press start again and new area enabled .
*this Issue will fix after voting in progress ends*
Fun game! it took me a couple of tries to beat the scorpion until I got the hang of the main mechanics of our attack. I wish there was an visual feedback on the arena size. other than that, great game!
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