Badass music, made me think of some SNES titles, really well made! The style and gameplay was also really awesome. I think this game is super polished. Excellent work devs!
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Celestial Conquest's pageGame's Take on the Theme
The game focuses on planets (that spin) and also the second boss's main mechanic is spinning
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
It's really hard, or maybe I'm just really bad haha.
I gave it a proper go a few times because i absolutely love the music, reminds me of some of my favourite snes soundtracks so a huge congrats for that.
The artstyle is cool and i think the black and white works really well.
good job!
Congrats on completing the game yourself! The visuals and music are great, and I really like the lore intro!
That said this game is REALLY tough! You've got good indicators for the boss attacks, but I feel like the player has too little health, especially since you can't aim where you shoot and have to get pretty close and personal. It seems like it being tough like your inspirations was a choice, but for future jams I'd consider making the content just a little easier. I think the player having a bit more health would have been a simple and effective fix here.
Awesome job, I can't wait to see more from you!
The 1 bit artstyle here is gorgeous, it makes for some very clear color language, and just a wonderful atmosphere. I really liked the jump system, it's very well informed by the game's theme. Also the intro text scroll with the ethereal language and flowery music gave me VERY strong early final fantasy vibes which is very big weakness for me and had me invested in the game right off the bat
I like a lot the monochrome graphics in this, the game behaves correctly, the mechanics are nice and we can even use jetpack that helps a lot, the feel of being in the outer space is great in this game, boss fight is hard but manageable.I could maybe advice you show some particle on ground when we jump but well its really cool as is, the animations are cool. I rate graphics, fun, control and music the most, but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Awesome work! The mix of inspirations really shines through, and the challenge feels super rewarding. The bosses are fun and well-designed, Impressive effort for a solo project. Congrats ❤🌻
Lovely artstyle and the combat is really fun, took me a while to understand I could fly, I thought I simply had a jump until I saw the playthrough, then realised it was written in the loading screen, silly me. I still believe a small tutorial would of have been nice. The controls are extremely polished and behave really good, good job.
The music is super cool, I just wished it looped, because I spent half boss fight without that super cool music track.
The bosses are really cool, I feel they are too tanky for how easy they are to dodge, I was able to no hit the first and second boss, I'd say take some HP away from them and make their attacks slightly harder to dodge, I do like the first boss projectiles that come from the side, that forces me to touch ground or go high and when that combines with the fire attack, it's great, I say more of that pls.
Overall, solid game. It was very fun to play.
I loved the design! I had a little trouble playing it, but I found it really fun. Congratulations on your work!
Nice take on the theme! The visuals looked really good. The game could benefit from providing feedback to the player when a bullet hits a boss (I had to constantly check the health bar to check if my attacks were effective), Congrats on the submission.
The game could benefit from a tutorial since I didn't know you could fly or attack by holding the fire button until I read the comments. That being said, once you get past that, the game becomes very enjoyable. The art is also great, and the black and white color scheme really enhances the theme.
Really loved the music and theming!! Also the character designs, you did so much with so little (circles, pixel art and 1 bit palette - which I also loved)
It took me a moment to understand you could fly with double jump. Only then I found out how to actually damage the bosses, but then with the large arenas they became too easy to cheese...
If you push this forwards, I'd recommend looking at Kirby and Metroid boss design. I think the theme has potential!
Very nice art and good idea for game, it was good to play. Controls was bit hard to getuse to at first but once i got them it was not too bad but some bosses felt too much hp for being simple, if they had more types of moves I would not mind the high hp. Good work on the game
Bro the art is so yummy. At first attempt, the combat felt difficult and the bosses spongy. When I got used to the flying, and realizing I can hold down the fire button just like cuphead, I was on the moon (get it? sorry). Timer is a good addition, helped me git gud (not staying in the middle of the arena). Flying was good, it didn't fail me once. Pretty solid entry, aside from the theme feeling lacking (guilty).
The game are well made but that's all I can say.
I'd lying if I said the game was challenging because it's pretty easy for me since the boss doesn't have any complex attack pattern, but that's good if these are meant for the beginner bosses as a warm up.
*Who knows you plan to make a 5 or 6 bosses and trying to make easy ones to go first and harder ones for later but couldn't make it in time due to jam being only for a month.
I see lots of game trying really hard to put "Spin" theme on their games even it's looks nonsense, but in this game I barely felt the theme other than the second boss idle spinning animation I guess?
*Just saying, you probably can make a star shaped for bullets and made it spins when it moves, or maybe include spinning meteors, etc. to make a game felt the theme more.
I don't know if it's just me or are you intentionally made it that way but the window pop up for the first boss are covered by boss hp gauge while it's fine on second boss.
Also, it's definitely only me, I found building a tower of projectiles are more fun than fighting the bosses, I'm sorry for not enjoying your game properly and being an oddball.
That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.
Thanks for leaving such a long feedback. Im glad you found the game easy but if you read through a couple past comments of people of weren't able to get past even the first boss, so there isn't much I can do about that I think... either the game is too easy for some or too difficult for others. I struggled thinking of ways to implement the theme very well and I guess the main connection was supposed to be that since the game focuses on planets, stars, darkholes that all spin in the real world it would be a passable interpretation of the theme. The healthbar appearing over the first boss is something I haven't seen playing the game myself or on anyone else's experience with the game so it is probably a one-time glitch. Anyway thank you for playing and I apologize that it wasn't difficult enough for you.
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