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A member registered Feb 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow thanks for all the feedback! I now realize that some of the decisions like ramp -> fish are kinda unintuitive. the flipping animation meant to be flipping in the air but its kinda unclear. also using fish icons seems like a much better idea to be honest. And also starting with some fish would completely remove the issue of unavoidable death. Thanks a lot!

Thanks for playing!

Cool Game! I liked the stealth gameplay and the idea is cool. This is the first game ive played that doesnt use the theme in a winter related way.

Thanks for playing! The reason i didn't add sounds for throwing, flipping, etc. was bc the rules said there can only be one sound channel so i would have to pause the music, which i didn't have time to implement. 

the quality of this game is incredible. the animations, gameplay, story, all of them feel very polished. Really well done!

This game was fun! I managed to get to 1000 before dying. I also loved the pixel effects, really made it look like a nokia screen

Thanks for playing! yeah the cooldown that disables collisions after hitting a ramp is a bit too long making it difficult to hit jumps shortly after hitting the first ramp.

Cool little puzzle game. took me a little bit to figure out how to move the snowballs but other than that it was fun!

Cool game! The yeti is deadly accurate XD

Unfortunately the game was kind of broken for me. The game went instantly to full screen and there was anti aliasing. 

Really enjoyed playing this one. The menus are readable despite the low resolution and the concept is cool

Thanks for playing! thats a problem I wasn't able to completely fix before the deadline. If you use a ramp you will be able to throw a fish at one of the three so you won't die but if it happens at the start of the game it is unfortunately unavoidable.

glad you liked it!

Glad you liked it!

This is by far one of the most polished games I have played from this game jam. The art and animations are really cool and the mechanic also feels unique. 

(1 edit)

Your game looks very similar to mine! It is interesting to see how you did some things differently though. Good Job!

Not bad for a first game! the scenes felt well drawn as well... Hopefully you fix the small bugs after the jam!

The animations for this game are really impressive. the concept also feels unique. Good job! 

Really Cool Game! I am surprised at how much content there is considering the timeframe. The only issue I found while playing was that there was some jittering while the player was walking. 

Cool Game! the simple mechanic is fun and I like the pixel divider effect. 

This game was pretty fun! The fishing mechanic felt well done. My only complaint would be that the menus are kind of hard to understand and the beginning cutscene feels a bit rushed. 

hmm interesting... I'll be releasing the updated version very soon with re-bindable keys 

thanks for the extensive feedback! I plan on working to fix the wall jump inconsistencies. Being able to see an outline or something of the hidden platforms would definitely help to make the game a bit easier to understand.

Thanks for the feedback! button prompts sound like a good idea

Thanks for the feedback! the J key was meant to be pressed with the other hand but i agree there are definitely better ways to implement it.

I’m glad you liked it! I’ll check out your game as well!

Pandas are the best! Loved your game as well!

Thanks for the feedback!

I realized this was an issue in my own game also after submitting, i only realized once my friend pointed it out... Should be a simple fix where I just add a short delay for consecutive jumps.

Thanks for the feedback! I’m planning to include all your suggestions in the revised version.

First time playing a mowing game but it was pretty fun! Mowing the grass becomes surprisingly addictive.

Amazing Game! The pixel art for this game looks amazing especially the backgrounds. The theme feels really well interpreted and the game feels very polished. I genuinely think that you could sell this game on steam. Good Job!

Cool Game! I liked the music, art, etc. The platforming also felt good and phasing through walls is satisfying to do. My only complaint would be that when phasing through multiple layers the player starts speeding up really quickly which can make knowing when to release the space key difficult. Maybe have a fixed falling velocity?

Thanks a lot! I'll make sure to check out your game as well.

Yes I also noticed that there is a delay between touching the wall and being able to wall jump... I will try to see what is causing it and fix it in the revised version.

Thanks for the suggestion. Switching mode being bound to the shift key sounds like a good idea. I cannot bind the dash key to space because dark can still jump once; this would mean that you could only dash once you jump which would be a bit awkward. Regarding the delay between being able to wall jump I will try to see what might be causing that and try to make it more responsive.

Thanks for the feedback. you have several valid points and people have said that the controls are awkward to use. Could you recommend me a keyboard layout that would work better? In my experience the wall jumps are mostly reliable its just that its not properly explained how to use them; when simply sliding down a wall and pressing the space key and no directional keys the player will do a small wall jump opposite of the wall, if they are holding A/D when doing a wall jump they will go further. 

Great Game! the art is absolutely stunning. The theme of mode feels really well interpreted and the platforming feels good. One issue that I also encountered with my own game is that if you spam the space key you can do a triple jump. 

Thanks! I loved playing your game! wall jump does currently work as just pressing jump when sliding down a wall, if you want to fly further than you also press the button for the direction you want to go. I agree that the color changing should be reduced to one button and ill work on that for the post jam version.

thanks! In the revised version I’ll make the color switching a single button and make the wall jumps more consistent. Not sure how I could bind double jump and dash to a single button though.