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RoomCeptionView game page

Imagine a room, that looks the same, but it isn't.
Submitted by Yamoshi (@LordYamoshiDev) — 1 day, 8 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#2533.2003.200

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Basically you dive deep into rooms, which seem the same, but actually aren't, diving deep inside what could be an eternity, hence the name room ception.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
Yes, except the models and sounds.

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Cool game, not a great execution


The sound design and models are very well done. One suggestion would be to add indicators to make the times I could and couldn't pick up a box or push a button more apparent. Overall good job. :D


It could be great calm puzzle and concept is nice, but there is a lot of problems. Where can we start… movement is really bad here. It’s too slow (Left Shift didn’t make it so much better), jump slows you down for some reason, not to mention that springs work absolutely weirdly. Music fits, sounds are bit weird and doesn’t really gives any feedback. Polishing in game jams is questionable theme, but I basically could skip one of the levels (don’t remember which exactly, but here was one level with some gameplay that I basically completed by pulling only one lever), also I stuck on 9th level because the box just fell off the conveyor belt (maybe I missed something, but I feel like it’s not how it should be)…

Could be good, but the execution is not great.


The game crashed for me on the 4th room but here's some feedback:

First, the crates block out most of the screen so it's hard to see when picking it up.

The spring pad was weird, it didn't really feel like a spring pad and it was hard to reach the moving platforms with it.

BUt otherwise, interesting concept


I'm going to assume you were using the webgl version. 

For some reason the webgl version crashes you (I think when loading scenes, doesn't always happen tho)

If you refresh you're able to continue since it saves.

Or try the downloadable versions (maybe that'll be a better experience)


respect for all who made a 3d game in one week, couldnt manage to import my character as I tried making 2d game. I love the simple game design, got a bit dizzy cause allw as yellow and the pause menu is sic, music is not so good, but thats only taste


I love the play on the theme of going deeper and deeper into rooms. Puzzles were enjoyable. The music made it feel like there wasn't too much stress, which I liked for a relaxing puzzle game. I also really liked that you let me customize my controls. Great work, really fun.


Wow. Great idea and good game mechanics


great  work and nice music


Make the game a third person perspective and it will be better



I like the background music, the levers ended up just opening the door for me on most puzzles, so I never really had to deal with the conveyor belt platforms in any way, I'm not sure whether or not that was intentional though. 

The spring pad really bothered me, it feels like it's applying a constant force to the player object, rather than working like a spring pad would. Switching out the sound effect and making this a "levitation field" or something would make this feel much better. 

Picking up the crate also made it hard to see what I was doing and blocked most of the screen. 


Nice game, chill vibe.


Fun game, It has some good and clever puzzles, its just that it has some very wonky physics some times, especially the bounce pads (If you hold jump while getting launched you fly to the moon). But I did really like the setting, with a solid colour room that alsmost doesn't change, gives me a sort of liminal space feeling. And the credits where done in a pretty cool way.

Great game. keep it up♥


The WebGL build doesn't work properly, my mouse gets out of the window so I can only have like 30 degrees of rotation. The executable works pretty good, surprised that it supports ultrawide aspect ratio.

The controls/movement feels a bit janky, are you using physics based movement?  

Spring pad is hard to use, I suggest using a "jump zone" where it doesn't actively launch player into the air, instead it makes player jumps higher, so the player gets more control on it.

The plain color background is hard to look at, and doesn't provide much visual feedback on the movement, largely because the room is so empty, and the lighting setup enhanced it. Perhaps some texture on the wall would help.

The levels, although some are a bit too obvious as a "puzzle", some are quite interesting and fun to figure out. I do understand that this is a game jam, and people pretty much just give up if it's too hard, so it makes sense that you choose to babysit players on the earlier levels.

The conveyer belts and platforms on top of the room, I feel that they are too high for player to see what's on it. I suggest you to lower it so that player still cannot reach it, but can see more of it.

Pretty polished UI and settings, few games on the jam get them to this much details.


Hey you volunteered for some in depth feedback so this is on you. Also please note that I am generally not into puzzle platformers so this is all coming from someone not in your target audience. Also note that my submission has a big list of it's own issues. Anyways here's what I would personally adjust if this was my game and I had infinite time.

Game Page & Title Screen

First just the game page, you have one screen shot no gifs no art. I would take gifs of either jumping or placing the box down or some other simple gifs showcasing the different mechanics you have. As it is, the game page is very plain and unattractive.

The color scheme in the title menu and the game in general clashes pretty hard. Outside of just learning color theory, you can use adobe color or some other tool to pick colors that work together better. 

I like all the settings possibilities and the ui in general, but the outline box is a bit ugly. Instead of the outline box for buttons, I would make the default font a little darker on the text and just highlight / scale the text. I think it would make the entire UI look a lot cleaner with the same amount of work you already put in.


On one hand, you picked really good keybinds. Every keybind makes sense and is familiar due to other games using same keybinds, some people in this jam should take a lesson from you on this.

Anyway my biggest issue with the gameplay is controlling the character. You walk way too slow by default, I would remove the shift key, make the default speed the run speed, and probably make the rooms significantly smaller as well.

For the interaction I would have a toggle for carrying the boxes, press E to hold box, press E again to drop it. Jumping into platforms holding a box doesn't feel good as it is. Also dropping boxes is difficult and finnicky, I would try to make them weight significantly more, and if that doesn't help I would have them drop into slots that they click into place in.

Level Design

Second reminder that I don't generally play puzzle platformer games, you may get better feedback from someone closer to your target audience.

The rooms are too big and too plain. Walls desperately need some simple texture and a cleaner color scheme, floors should have a separate texture as well. The room being so big makes it really difficult to see what was happening with conveyer belts and anything else and it just feels weird to walk around in, I believe that having the puzzles be more concise would generally improve the feeling of the game.

The starting puzzles were all really simple and repetitive, there was no thinking involved and there was no new puzzles for multiple levels. Also it is my firm belief that every puzzle game in game jams should have a skip level button, so people can experience the entire game and don't just quit when they get stuck.

Anyways I am always impressed seeing 3d games in short form game jams. The design of the cube was really high quality, and I'm a big fan of the infinite room theme!


Big thanks on the feedback, I'll make sure to take your feedback into account.


it’s basically portal but make it flashbang, also please fix the fucking launchpads for the love of god what kind of physics are those


Very cool game! 


Pretty cool game, apart from the yellow color destroying my eyes xD.
More seriously, the movements are a bit clanky but the puzzles are great. For some reason, i also really like how the box looks. Good submission! Don't forget to fix the loop problem in the WebGL version, currently it only works when downloading the game!


Ok so managed to get trough some rooms but got stuck on the one with the blue door and i couldnt figure out if i did something wrong or if something got stuck.
music was pretty chill to walk around with and i think your puzzles a very neat idea as it becomes more complex the deeper you go.


The room with the blue door unlocks a hidden lever, that lets you progress further.


Ok so managed to get trough some rooms but got stuck on the one with the blue door and i couldnt figure out if i did something wrong or if something got stuck.
music was pretty chill to walk around with and i think your puzzles a very neat idea as it becomes more complex the deeper you go.

Submitted (1 edit)

So i tried playing the game both browser and dowload but they are stuck in a loop when clicking on play XD.

ill wait with a rateing to see if you can fix it in time


Hey there ArcTale,

I think I've fixed the bug, but as of now only the standalone version has it, can you try and see?