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A member registered Aug 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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My game is only two ratings away from hitting the 20 I need: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2234333

Strategy games are really hard to get right for game jams, but you did it. At some point the sharks stopped coming and the music stopped, but I still captured my ton of carbon. Great job!

Nice job, I really like the click to move concept!

Really like the idea here, the crank is an awesome mechanic, and I had some fun deflecting debris as well. I really like that the water changes to darker shades as you go deeper. Great work!

I really love the propeller animation and the bubbles coming out of the back of the submarine. Since the sound is a bit sparse, I would switch up the audio tracks every once in a while, the loop on the music was just too short and it became a bit grating to listen to. 

Like others said, a little bit more gameplay elements would be great, maybe another obstacle in addition to the mines, perhaps a moving obstacle like a shark?

The graphics are fantastic, good choice in sound effects and music as well, really suits the atmosphere

Nice job, some sound would go a long way!

The photography concept is fantastic, but I couldn't tell if I was actually taking pictures or not. I received money though, just didn't have anything to spend it on. 

Nice concept, I would spend a bit more time on the jumping mechanic, being a central mechanic to this type of game it felt more floaty than I would have thought it should. 

This is a nice foundation, I'll second the other reviewer that stated that automatic reload should be added, it definitely should!

Switching tools depending on the block is a nice mechanic, the heatstroke mechanic is a great way to keep the pressure on the player to go quickly as well. 

Some music would be a nice addition!

I like the background music, the levers ended up just opening the door for me on most puzzles, so I never really had to deal with the conveyor belt platforms in any way, I'm not sure whether or not that was intentional though. 

The spring pad really bothered me, it feels like it's applying a constant force to the player object, rather than working like a spring pad would. Switching out the sound effect and making this a "levitation field" or something would make this feel much better. 

Picking up the crate also made it hard to see what I was doing and blocked most of the screen. 

I think the rhythm mechanic is a great addition to this type of game, the graphics are great as well!

The game is a bit too difficult, in that the hitboxes require very precise movement that is a tad bit too unforgiving. I do really like the timed explosions with the warnings though, it is a really cool addition.

Yeah that was a big oversight on my part, after the jam is over I'll be tossing in a death screen!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! 

I really wanted to add a shark but ran out of time.

I definitely should have added a game over screen but never got around to it, after the jam I'll be tossing one in.

Thanks !

I'm really kicking myself over forgetting the game over screen, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

After the jam I'll be editing the engine cut-off noise, it repeats too often and that is likely where the clipping is occurring. 

Thank you!

I like the transform mechanic, some of the jumps can be a bit unforgiving. Nice game!

I like that I can smash blocks just by falling quickly, definitely a great idea there. It did feel a bit clunky though, for instance falling through gaps in the floor was finnicky and there wasn't really any reason to kill enemies. If they dropped some type of power up or health then at least there would be a reason to attack them. 

I really like this concept, it definitely could use some sound. 

I think what is confusing most people is that when pressing spacebar on a planet, the fatality and success chance stats look like buttons. 

Definitely needs some sound as well!

I like the art style, I do wish there was an ability to aim, some variation in shooting sounds and that the enemy AI didn't freeze up after firing rounds. It is also possible to stand too close to an enemy, in which case the bullets just go by them. 

Very impressive, as others have stated the multiple views you can see from the sub is fantastic, the sound design is also very impressive. I would keep adding to this after the jam. 

I really liked the gameplay and the music, there is an impressive amount of content for a jam game!

This is a nice concept, but it desperately needs sound and either higher density of krill or a lower required amount of krill per level. The pixel art looks great to me, especially the background of the underwater environment as you dive deeper.  

I like the concept, I feel like moving side to side should reset the mining timer, it felt kind of clunky and it was possible to destroy multiple blocks at a time by spamming the left and right movement. The upgrade system is nice and it is definitely an addictive gameplay loop. 

I think the sound design here is great, the shooting sound is a bit repetitive, but the music and menu interaction sounds are heavily appreciated. 

I do agree something should be done to keep the player from exiting the viewport, as at that point you effectively lose control of the player as well (all momentum from shooting will result in pushing the player higher out of the viewport).

This is a great concept and very unique, great job!

I have the same difficulty complaints others have made, so I'd rather point out how nice the weight dropping system is. I could see you adding more depth to that mechanic alone, allowing the player to pick up and drop weights as a core mechanic.

It is too bad the sound didn't export, I'd have liked to hear it. 

The art style used here is also very nice!

This is a great concept for a puzzle platformer, I think the waste mechanic might be a tad bit quick, I spent a bit of time waiting for food to respawn as I messed around with trying to figure out how to reach certain food baskets. There is some really nice level design at play here. 

I really like the art and animations, I like the idea behind the puzzles, I'm not sure if you get more points for bringing garbage into the hole with you, but I felt the urge to do that anyway

A little bit of music would be nice, the upgrade system is a cool idea, it does seem like it would take a very long time to get enough money for the first few upgrades, there isn't really enough oxygen at the beginning of the game to get to the ocean floor. I'm also not sure how the sleeping bonuses work, it seems like they're instant?

Really like the atmosphere, and it fits the theme well, I didn't feel like the exterior lights really had any affect on the monster at all, I turned them and off constantly and the ship was still getting attacked. 

very hard to tell what is going on when you first load up the game, there aren't any indicators on where enemies are, they attack very quickly and disappear. The ship rotation is also very sensitive and hard to keep control over. 

great concept and well executed!

Looks and plays great, feels like anytime an enemy with a sniper rifle is introduced it's an instant death though. 

love the gameboy artstyle, did not enjoy the death sound, the left-click hold to float did not feel responsive either, didn't really feel like I had much control over preventing the guy from diving right into the skulls.

awesome polish, impressive number of features and some really great puzzle design

Hey thanks for the awesome critiques, a good settings menu is on the way post-jam. I couldn't think of anything else for the mutants to do though, that's a problem I still have to figure out. They were coded to split their attention between attacking the player and eating plants, based on whichever food sauce caught there attention first during their wander path. Since the player still can't plant new food though I have that commented out. Once seeds are added though that behavior will be back.

I'll be sure to try out your game tomorrow, thanks!

For the containers, I wonder if allowing them to hold objects would be as simple as generating a static collider from the visual mesh? It feels like you have a simple collider on them instead.

Great job using Godot 4, I started my game in Godot 4 but had to revert to Godot 3 due to all the bugs.