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Read this if you accidentally deleted your game! Sticky Locked

A topic by JUSTCAMH created Feb 25, 2020 Views: 2,954 Replies: 50
This topic was locked by leafo Sep 04, 2021
Viewing posts 1 to 14
Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

There’s been at least three cases of people being disqualified due to an unfortunate oversight in the system.


The game jam has locked uploads. This means you cannot update your game, and you can’t add any new builds. Problem is that if you delete a build, you can’t add it back.


This is a pretty silly oversight, why would you remove a build from a locked jam? We at least need a better warning system, to let you know that you can’t re-upload builds. So I ask that you visit the discord #meta, and thumbs up my request for this to be fixed.
You can also help by replying to this, to keep it high on the community forums for others to see and avoid making the same mistake. 

Pinned ReplyAdmin (7 edits) (+10)

Hey all, sorry for the inconvenience. There’s a pretty big banner on the project edit page warning you when uploads are disabled due to a jam. I understand we can add more warnings when deleting files, but please read the page before making any changes. The jam hosts have locked new files uploads for a reason: you should not be making changes to a submission after the submission period has ended.

If you mistakenly deleted your game and still have the original file I can help you get it reuploaded. We can not restore the deleted files, they are permanently removed. The reupload should be the same exact file, I can compare the hash of the file to what we have in our logs. Reply to me with the submission URL and a link to download the file (please have it be publicly available).

This is a pretty silly oversight, why would you remove a build from a locked jam?

This is not an oversight, one of the rights all developers have is they are free to delete anything they uploaded whenever they want. It’s part of our terms of service.

Submitted (7 edits) (+1)

Hi dear leafo,
We DEEPLY appreciate your valuable attention and support that gave us a second chance to turning back the previous situation.🙏🏼🌸

*Edit 1: I check the "popular list" on the jam and there is no icon for my game unfortunately! (My game was in 4th raw)
What's the problem with that list? (the judgment at the end is from that list mostly)

*Edit 2: now it appeared on the list! thanks a lot🙏🏼 Everything is ok.

Jam HostSubmitted(+1)(-1)

Either I am not understanding what you  are saying or you don't understand rhe rating system. Ranking high on popular is no guarantee for a high rating at the end  of the jam. 


I'm sorry I deleted the game. This is my game file.   gamepage:  gamedownload:


The file has been added to the page.


thx xd!!!!!!!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I'm very sorry It was my first time in a rated game jam and it completely slipped my mind. I hope I'm not to big of an inconvenience sorry and thanks for your help I really appreciate it.

My Game Page:

Web- Build: 


Admin (1 edit)

I reuploaded the files for you.

I see that you originally tagged your desktop version of the game for all three platforms, Windows, Linux, macOS. I looked in the archive and don’t see Linux or macOS executables. Please correctly tag your game.



Yes I will do that immediately thank you so much :D


Hello, I had the same problem where I deleted my game. Luckily I have the original zip file on my computer. Could you help me reupload it?

The page is here:

The file is here (WebGL):


Please provide a URL that does not need an account to access.



Sorry, does Github work?


Yeah, thanks. The file is uploaded.


Thanks a lot!

Hey Leafo, I accidentally deleted my build without knowing that uploads are locked. I just was trying to replace my earlier build because I named it "TrashGame" and it was showing up in the feed.

Link to the Original Build:

Link to submission URL :

Thanks for helping!


Hey dude, the jam's over, and you can do whatever you like with your game. The stuff in this post no longer applies, you can add your builds back at any time.

I just accidently deleted my game for the GMTK 2020 Game Jam. This is literally my first game and i am very sad. I rlly dont know much about ths site and accidently deleted my game so maybe if someone can help me with this before jugding is gone i can have my game back :DD can u pls fix leafo! it would make my day!


You'll need to talk to the GMTK Jam hosts, they've got a discord, you should be able to contact the mod team there. 

alright thx

JUSTCAMH well i  had a conversation with mark brown and hsi staff and they said they couldnt do anything about it :/

thats y i was hoping that the admin leafo could help me!

pls respond leafo im just rlly sad and waiting for u

I just accidently deleted my game for the GMTK 2020 Game Jam. This is literally my first game and i am very sad. I rlly dont know much about ths site and accidently deleted my game so maybe if someone can help me with this before jugding is gone i can have my game back :DD can u pls fix leafo! it would make my day! heres my game file:

pls pls pls read this

Admin (1 edit)

You gotta stop posting in another jam’s community. This thread is not for GMTK Jam. If the hosts of GMTK Jam told you it’s too late to submit then there’s nothing I can do.

alright sorry also i fixed the issue so lol. sorry for bothering :(

(1 edit)

Will you help with games not from the Brackey's Jam? It is my first rated jam and I need help

If you will:

HTML zip file:

Game site link:

Hey I'm not sure if this still applies for this years jam. I was one of those people who was really dumb and accidentally deleted the files here is the submission link
the downloadable version is here
you can look at the time stamp for when this was uploaded, and you will see it was like 20 minutes after close time because it happened literally 2 minutes after close for the jam.

(1 edit)

for clarification I never saw any type of extra warning on this as I was in the edit game page before the jam ended, so I never received the message that I would be blocked from editing the submission at all. I was really tired from working for like 12+ hours that day(and it was 4AM), and accidentally deleted the files. 

hello i have mistakenly delete my game publish page


This post was for a specific jam that happened a over a year ago, sorry.

Dear leafo,

I became victim of my own stupidity and deleted my game during a Jam. Could you please restore it? I created other copy of the game before seeing this post, so downloadable content is in the copy (I would remove it if the original game is restored). File should be the same if I didn't do other mistake.

Original game in Jam to restore:

Copy with the downloadable content:

Thank you very much in advance and sorry for the inconvenience.


Admin (1 edit)

Deleted files are permanently removed and we can’t bring them back. If the jam host wants to let you submit again, confirm with them, remove your game from the jam, upload new files, then get the late submit link from them to add your game back to the jam.

This thread is for a a different jam that happened over a year ago.


Thanks JUSTCAMH for this topic and following up that problem,
There's no doubt pro users know that special situation but what about new game makers like me?!

My game with 36 votes faded out from the top 25 games in "popular" list last night because of this simple mistake!
I'm still in shock!



Agreed. One of my friend also did this. Felt sorry him.. We definitely need a warning message or something. 


Really?  that's sad!😞

Jam Host (1 edit)

Thank you @leafo for reaching out and helping everyone! We had a few more of people saying they deleted their builds without knowing that uploads are locked. Even though there is a huge banner saying that, next time we will make it more clear so less of this happens in the future.

Edit: I also pinned this thread and made the name a bit more friendly.


If the deleted build is the build that is not working at all on other machine does it counts as disqualified?


nope, your fine. As long as there's still a build for people to play =)


ok cool!

Here is the game btw.


Thank you very much @leafo for your support and for the amazing free service you provide to all of us game developers

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello Leafo , i wish you can help me, so i uploaded a Webgl file + a download file but  deleted the webgl version ( i thought i could make webgl update) without saving and can't bring it back! I contacted the itch team and told me to contact the jam host, but didn't receive a reply from Brackeys, note that since i thought i could update i've deleted the original copy then replaced it with the new build (but it's a tiny update, a little bug at the start of the game that's all) please could you help me? Here's a link to the game :


Jam HostSubmitted(+1)

If you experience any issues around the brackeys jam, contact the discord staff of the brackeys server instead of brackeys himself. Seeing that you don't have the original file, we can't allow you to upload the update as no updates are allowed.


Hi, fortunately I wasn't affected by this but I do have one thing to say as an experienced web dev and that is that it is taboo to have a delete button, of any kind, without a warning. 

The software has to give clear indications of what the users actions entail especially if they are irreversible. 

This is a major break in any type of UX that the website tries to display to it's users. 

I don't know which environtment the website was built on, but I dont think that addind a standard browser alert can be that difficult.

Not shitting on the dev team, as oversights are merely part of the job, but i hope this gets fixed so more people dont end up deleting their games.

Admin (2 edits)

There is confirmation confirmation dialog for the delete button in addition to a huge warning on the page telling them how a jam with locked uploads can not accept new uploads.

I have the feeling these are people who wanted to sneak in a change to their game but were too eager to try to upload the changed files without reading the page first.

Submitted (1 edit)

Here is my folder

here is my website

and here is the jam entry page if you need it

Thanks :D

Accidentally pressed delete? Well what you should see is In big red BOLD letters the word Warning!, next up to prevent accidental secondary clickage the "Red Confirm" button should clearly shift over to a new spot on page and a "Green Abort" button is to tak place where you originally clicked delete, last measure to hopefully save the files from being deleted is a 10 second timer stating "Warning! Your game is being deleted from the Jam" with the Abort Delete button where the Confirm button was last! - Then that way if a file was deleted then we all know from that specific system it was deliberate! :)


Hello, I had the same problem where I deleted my game. Luckily I have the original zip file on my computer. Could you help me reupload it?

The page is here:

The file is here (WebGL):


Here is my folder

here is my website

and here is the jam entry page if you need it

Thanks :]


I uploaded the file for you.

To anyone else seeing this: Please reply to my comment above where I asked otherwise I won’t get notified Thanks

I just accidently deleted my game for the GMTK 2020 Game Jam. This is literally my first game and i am very sad. I rlly dont know much about ths site and accidently deleted my game so maybe if someone can help me with this before jugding is gone i can have my game back :DD

Admin locked this topic