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Asteroid MayhemView game page

A re-interpretation of the classic "Asteroids" for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 "Let there be CHAOS"
Submitted by Sal, niguiri_fff, yonner — 3 hours, 54 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#9322.6672.667

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Its Chaotic in nature, could be easy could be impossible to win;

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
In partnership with secondary programmer, a sound designer and a 3D Modeler.

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Nice game entry. I would like to feel that I'm moving, but you took a clever approach.
I think you need to add something to the asteroids, I did not feel like I was shooting at them.


thanks for the feedback, yes we need some particles indeed x)


Really cool looking game, was a little confused on how to control the ship but figured it out via the games page, i hope you get to that 20 ratings! Every game should get to 20+ ratings :)


Thanks! we managed at last minute, yes we struggled to the last moment so it had to be placed on game page, thanks again for the feedback and support


<3 Woaaah great one, I love that idea, it was hard to manouver there but I had a lot of fun in the end.
Game lacks of information how to control the ship, but with game page I was able to learn the use of throttle :P
Sound and music were great there, made a lot of atmosphere in game and over all game was pleasant... but chaotic, mostly I was just flying in one direction where I was able to not hit too many asteroids :P


yes its true, we should have added some message to let the player know the controls but its was kind of chaotic on the last days without much sleep xD i am glad you enjoyed thanks for the feedback


Wow, difficult, but very cool!


Impressive game! I think you need to add some features like minimap so players can see incoming asteroids. Overall, it’s a great game!


thanks for the feedback, its true some warnings were on the “To Do” list but well maybe we will do an update x)


This is a fun game! And a really impressive one too, with the 3D graphics.

I had some trouble figuring out what to do at first, since the game doesn't have instructions, but I managed to figure it out for the most part. Thought instructions would've been nice.

Overall, a great game! Nice work!


thanks for the feedback, indeed we missed the instructions ingame x) glad you enjoyed


Really cool idea, I love the 3D first person twist on the original Asteroids! I had a lot of fun trying to weave my way through the asteroids even though I wasn't very good at it :) One thing that I think could be really helpful is have a ring of little indicators in the HUD that point to nearby asteroids, even if they are below your ship. I found I ran into a lot of asteroids that I didn't see coming, even with the audio alert. Alternatively, you could use a kind of 3D minimap like Elite: Dangerous to show how far they are from you (center bottom of the image). Either way, great job!

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yes that would be cool, might look into it, along with more realistic rotations. thanks for the feedback ❤️


Nice job, but ship handling doesn't seem to be responsive


thanks for the feedback, in what sense is not responsive? and in which platform? the speed is controlled by force simulating a drag free environment like space, while the rotations are unrealistically perfect, speed/thrust only points forward, you can accelerate with “r” or reduce acceleration with “f”, by design if you want to change direction you need to rotate and counter thrust accounting with current speed and sun gravity.


It is very difficult to dodge asteroids. Sometimes there is a feeling that the ship is standing still and just spinning. Having smashed the asteroid with fuel, it is impossible to reach the fragments and collect them, they fly away from me too quickly. But in such a short time, this is a good game, you are great!


thats weird i found it quite too easy for what i wanted, did you check the stats for throttle? but anyway the nature of the game is chaotic so you might get hit straight away and you need to press “t” to stabilize. an advice if you try again you have to plan ahead due to momentum. thanks again for feedback


I got an error but from what I played the graphics look good and the audio was nice so good job


A nice game, I got a webGL error in my browser (I think it was either when I collided with an asteroid or with the sun, not sure). The turning felt a bit unnatural but I got used to it over time. Maybe you could make the asteroids a bit faster but put fewer of them? It would make it much more chaotic and maybe a bit more fun too that way.

Wanna give my game a try too?


yes we planned to make the ship to turn with forces instead of by brute force be there was bugs that prevent it for now. regarding the asteroids is believe its a matter of taste, I wanted to make 3 lvl of difficulty but again time didn’t allow. Thanks for the feed back and yes sure will give it a try


I played your game! Good job!


got a webGL error other than that its pretty good


Got a WebGL error once I collided with something. Apart from that, interesting idea, though I'd definitely add some inertia to spinning, the controls feel way too robotically responsive at the moment.


thanks, mayhem on dev side didnt allow it xD but after the rating period i plan on posting aan updated version with inertial torque instead of the current rotation. we fight the bugs on this one.