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Panic in the PantanalView game page

Don't let the monkeys burn.
Submitted by Magn — 7 hours, 44 minutes before the deadline
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Game Title
Panic in the Pantanal

Developer Name
Fun Bun Studio

Short Promo Blurb
Don't let the monkeys burn.

Full Description
In the game you play as a fireman in a forest on fire with monkeys. The goal is to save all the monkeys before they burn. To stop the fire water can be collected at water tiles and sprayed at the forest.

Promo Image(s)!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ9pkEqGPXB5HKz1Q?e=mJS5LA

Promo Video!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM

Artistic Statement / Use of Theme(s)
The theme was “Change the story”. We focused on the ongoing effects of climate change on the environment and what we can do to save wildlife.

Development Summary
The plan was originally to make a fire-fighting game and we discussed different formats. Since we did not manage to make a game in Unity we had to settle for a simpler turn-based game in JavaScript. By avoiding this complicated game engine, we could instead focus on level design, art, and polishing. We were three in the team.

Release Plan
We plan to release a mobile version with more levels, and we would like to add more mechanics such as a water hose. We will try to release it at Coolmathgames and similar game distribution services with free games.

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I love the art! I do feel as though some levels are quite hard and could leave the player frustrated, but overall great job.


Thank you! Sorry about the frustrating levels. If you need help with some level, please let me know.


This is really cool! The game's quite captivating and had me stumped in places. It really reminds me of older arcade games, the game forcing you to consider your movements kinda simulates that struggle with those big massive joysticks. The water sound effects is really good by the way.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks a lot! There is definitely a retro touch in this game, but since the game is very simple there is no point in having advanced graphics.


This game's art and sound design is very impressive! The fact that y'all made ten levels for this game is really cool. My only suggestion is that when the player clicks restart, it should only lead back to the beginning of the level you were playing at instead of going back all the way to the start.


Thanks. Yes, I agree! The new version with an improved reset function will be available after the voting has ended.


I love the cohesive aesthetic of this game! The art, music, and engineering seems to be really polished, and I am impressed that there were 10 different levels playable. My main feedback would be that the pure text tutorialization may not be enough, as I was quite confused while playing for quite a while at first, and having a win/defeat screen to differentiate how well the player did would have definitely helped making the gameplay more clear, as now there is only a "start" button when the level is complete. Maybe I did not understood the game entirely, but I am quite intrigued by how are we supposed to beat these levels and save all the monkeys (I kept failing).


Thanks for trying our game. I will add the missing game over screen. Here is a link to a video with the solution to level 1:!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM


I found a lot of the levels very inventive! There were some levels that seemed to be impossible? I also wish the restart button restarted the current level instead of taking you back to the menu. There were some levels that didn't use water, but that's your core mechanic so I think it would be better to include water in every level except maybe the first to lean players into the mechanics a bit more?


Happy you appreciate the game. I agree the reset button should take you back to the same level. In some levels water is not needed, and these levels probably are the easiest, so maybe they should be the first ones. By the way, the levels are not ordered by difficulty.


pretty good game! fits the theme and is pretty fun to play.  There are some balancing issues like I couldn't figure out how to do level one and everything else but besides that I liked it.


Thank you. Here is a link to a video with the solution to level 1:!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM


really cute puzzle game! a few of the mechanics were not immediately obvious, which made the game seem overly difficult at first. some of the levels have no leeway for mistakes, so not knowing all the mechanics made it tricky to play at first, but I eventually caught on. I just haven’t beat level 9 yet, it’s a good challenge!

here are the details I think should be more obvious:

  • picking up water gives 3 uses (in hindsight it’s clear from the three droplets, but it took me a while to realize this).
  • picking up or using water does not count as a turn.
  • there’s water outside the edge of the visible play area.
Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! Happy you like it and I can give the solution for level 9 if you like. There are some additional rules that are not clearly stated in the instructions. It is hard to know how much details is needed when explaining, but I think this shows that the instructions need to be updated.


no worries, I just tried again now and figured it out! and yeah, it’s hard to know how much info is too much. though tbh I think it would make more sense if all actions counted as turns, that was the main thing that confused me.


The fireman has some super human powers to be be able to fight the fire alone. For example he/she can spray and pump water super fast. Hope this makes sense. No seriously - you are right -  I just don't wanna change the mechanics since then I also have to redo all the level design.


makes sense haha


I love a good puzzle game, and this scratches the itch! Took me a sec to catch on you need to pick up the monkeys but apart from that it's a smooth fun experience!


A nice simple game that can lend itself to more interesting/harder mechanics and levels. though it seems like the first level is unbeatable.


If you use the water gun you can beat the first level, see video:!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM


Love the music, the art, the main menu screen, and the instructions part because other games don't have that :). I think the idea and execution are great, but there is a movement bug that makes the game very hard. I don't know how to explain the bug but it is noticeable when playing.

Developer (2 edits)

Thank you! Please try to explain, because I haven't noticed any bug. By the way, I forgot to answer your previous comment in the production sprint. You wrote about problems when holding a button. Unfortunately the game has not been built to handle this.