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How is your game related to the special object and theme?
Santa use a car to deliver gifts, this car cant turn so he use candy cane to turn, the goal of the game is to keep the most momentum from the boost to deliver the gifts as fast as possible
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Ello – I loved playing this game, I had a very similar idea about turning a vehicle with candy canes but I was planning on building it with a top down view. My team and I ended up doing something entirely different, but it’s interesting to see someone else build something similar to what I was thinking.
I have a few pieces of feedback if you’re interested:
As a couple other people mentioned I felt lost while playing most of the levels. Notably, it wasn’t an interesting lost where I was excited to find my way back, I was just consistently guessing where to go next. And then I would randomly stumble to where I needed to go. Either adding landmarks or subtle hints of where I’m meant to go would help.
It was very dark in some of the levels – I’m pretty sure at some point I hit an invisible wall, but it took me 10-20 seconds to realize my car wasn’t actually moving anymore. Maybe putting a house there or making sure that all level borders are clearly visible would help.
Well done!
hi, i would have loved to see your take on making this idea ! would have been fun ! about the problem of being lost im now aware of it, i understand a bit better where i went wrong and why it doesnt work thanks to all the feedback ! and about the invisible wall, i think it's in level 4, it's a missplaced collision ^^' it's not voluntary you where meant to be able to go threw there x) sorry :(
Really fun, and I love the idea of a candy cane being used for a drift feature. It would be nice if the camera didn't turn with the car when you drift, but it was amazing other than that.
hi thanks for playing ! can you explain me what was wrong about the camera turning ? is it to much ? to nervous ? or maybe just a wrong feeling ?
it felt too snappy and instant, a smooth transition would be nice.
Any game involving traveling and steering with a candy cane is a great game...
pretty cool, felt a little lost tho
Oh man this one is fun! Movement has impact and i love it. To quote kastrov "VROOM VROOM" puts it the best. Good job!
The controls/gameplay for this are really good nice job with this one!
Love the vibe and the responsiveness of the controls. Really good!
thanks for testing the game, happy that you liked it !
I really liked this game, the mechanics are very well implemented and the use of momentum is fantastic. The best one I've played for the moment.
Thanks a lot, happy it please you !
Yeah, I think it would've been better if Santa kept the sleigh and the reindeer. :P
maybe faster, what did you dislike about the game ?
Like what Pixlated said, it's easy to get lost, especially when the stage gets completely dark from level 3 and on. So adding a mini-map or increasing the brightness would help.
Nani?! Kansei Dorifto?!
gotta go fast
Really fun! The controls are snappy and it's overall a blast to play. It's pretty easy to get lost in some of the levels so a minimap would help in my opinion.
the goal was to be a bit lost ^^, maybe there is something wrong about how i bring it then, thanks a lot !
Obviously this isn't your fault since the time limit was so tight, but if you decide to expand on it, you could put some recognizable structures and waypoints on each map, so you could at least tell where you were before.
Ho nice idea, i like it a lot, thanks !