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Robo RevolutionView game page

Twin stick mecha shooter
Submitted by CM, gloriousclover, The Chronomaniac (@le_chronomaniac), BaaBaaBop, Gonellicon4 — 1 hour, 6 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#433.0833.083

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
Video Game

Was your game made solo or in a team?
Team - Credits in Game

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
Yes, an explosion graphic. Attribution in game credits

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?
Tried, but had to drop scope. Was going for diplomat

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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Looks good, sounds good, plays good. Fun quick twin stick horde shooter. Loved watching those little guys run across my screen, and then mowing them down

I would occasionally get stuck and wouldn't be able to move, but that could just be me not understanding a mechanic.


Thanks for playing mawo! The stuck thing is just unfortunate unresolved collision stuff. We were aware of it, but didn't have time to address. Maybe just a case where the faster velocity of two objects wins, not sure. Ultimately I left it in as a "feature" to encourage players to not let the bots get close.


Rise of the robots : Ultimate chaos turbo tournament edition !

Okay my stupid jokes aside this is quite a lot of fun to play, the WASD + mouse combo makes this easy to pickup and play, the enemy spawnrate however makes this quite difficult to survive O_o the thrower enemy’s bombs are also a bit hard to see among all the chaos going on on screen.

Oddly enough i kinda like the crazy fast pace the game has though, it really captures the ongoing revolution theme pretty well i think.

Visually i really dig the pre rendered mech (at least i suppose it was made this way :p), that tripod design is very cool, and the workerbots look nice as well.

Overall i didn’t survive all that long but i had a blast, good job guys :)


Thanks Wolf! Lyndon did a really good job with the Mech legs. First time trying to do that via procedural animation. They didn't really like how it turned out since it's a bit jank, but the rest of us thought it looked pretty cool as is haha.

I'm glad you enjoy the chaotic aspect of it, that was one of the core goals for the initial vision, and I'm glad people can pick that out despite the limited time I had to playtest and balance the content.


Haha no worries, limited time always means you can’t get 100% of what you wanted to do out of the door so that’s fine.

Mad respect for using procedural animation :o and i think it looks pretty cool as well.


Fun little game!  Some of my runs seem pretty varied despite it always having the same game loop. I've found it's best to shoot the red outlined ones first. Also read from one of the other comments your method of using pixelated blender models for your sprites, very cool, reminds me of how Dead Cells does it!


Thanks Wireframe! Dead Cells has a sweet pipeline. We were going more that old PS1 style. Re: the gameplay, I tried to make the lanes swap in difficulty for the first little bit, but they aren't too different. That said the end result being a bit more random/varied worked out well for such a low content gameloop :D


Very chaotic and cool!


Thanks dungeon! Also thanks for hosting, was my first Mech Jam


Love playing this twin stick shooter. Really liked the mech and the ability to quickly restart the game (I died plenty). The mech movement is a bit weighty which can make controlling it a little difficult. I'd love to see powerups, more enemy types, maybe an upgrade system. I think the check enemy position is a little off because a couple times and enemy off the left side of the screen threw a bomb at me and I don't think they are supposed to do that. Might be able to set a bool that disallows them to use their grenade after they move a set distance. 


Thanks Necron! Yeah, all the content rebalance was done on the last day. That's a side effect of me putting too much variance on the bomb timer after spawn, there is no position check for bomb throwing haha.

The mech movement was intentionally made to be sluggish when holding down the fire, so in an emergency you can let go and move quickly again, at the cost of needing time to ramp back up your DPS. Everything certainly can use more polish though.

Appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!


Good job! I really like the way the robots look, I really like the almost "pixelated 3D" look of the characters. The music is great as well, and I like the idea behind the gameplay! I do think that it can sometimes be a bit too difficult at times, and I find myself getting cornered too quickly, but overall I like this game a lot! Great job everyone!


Thanks Lukas! The sprites are actual pre-renders based on models our artists built in Blender. All the assets are in fact. Would've been nice to flesh out the content a bit more, but we did what we could to get it decent. 

Thanks for playing!


Ooh, that's a pretty cool way to do your art! 


Yup, old school PS1 style lol