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A jam submission

Hypersteel Prime: Gearframe GladiatorView game page

High-octane first-person shooter where you blast waves of enemies away in your mecha.
Submitted by WireframeWarrior, MLSOUND — 12 hours, 4 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#213.4623.462

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
Video Game

Was your game made solo or in a team?
Team. Wireframe Warrior - Programming & 3D Modeling, MLSOUND - SFX, Music, Effects

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
Kenney - Buildings

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is a really fun mech shooter. Models are a little simple but neat. Controls were pretty good though I might suggest letting Q/E be buttons instead of 1/R but that's personal preference. Or to allow mouse wheel up/down and click. Shooting was fun and responsive. I like the way the aim moves the camera though I'd like that ring to be just a bit larger. Do you think you could have that be a player controlled variable so that anyone could tweak to there preference? Maybe mouse wheel up/down could increase/decrease it's size. Was able to clear 9 waves but I cheesed it by hiding in a corner. Would like to see patrolling added. Maybe let enemies move especially after being shot once by the player. 

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

I appreciate the feedback and suggestions regarding controls, it's all definitely things we're considering, especially for player options regarding aiming. We initially wanted more enemy variety but had to cut it down, we prioritized getting the feeling of the player's movement and shooting right. These turrets are sadly stationary aside from jumping when being shot at due to physics. Enemy mechas and drones that can patrol or follow the player are something I desire and that we may add post-jam!


Awesome, I look forward to seeing this grow :D


This is really cool - I agree with some others about the turning but the lock-on mechanic feels really solid and makes it much easier to navigate when fighting an enemy.  Overall the game has a sweet vibe aesthetically.  You really feel the weight of the mech with the movement and sound design, and the cockpit view definitely helps sell the mech vibes and adds some nice flair.  Solid entry all around.


Thanks for playing! We'll consider tuning the turning and other controls and options post-jam. We definitely prioritized the feeling of being in a mecha, and I'm glad you liked it overall! 


This is a great entry. Agree with below comments re: visuals and sound design. I really like what you did visually, with the limited scope. Making the surfaces of these simple shapes shiny and glossy is a really nice touch, as well as the interactable ones that pop up when you shoot them. Those are easily destructible objects, buildings, etc in a larger scope project.

Felt like you guys recreated your own little Mechwarrior, really sweet. The movement speed, cockpit, weapons heating, jump jets, great stuff. 

Like comments below, the turning could use some work. I would straight up make it even more MechWarrior like, and just have turning impact the upper torso/arms while your free aim is based on where its facing. Could get that classic strafe combat going.


Thank you for the feedback! Indeed, it was a balance of trying to get it to feel and look as good as possible within the limited deadline. Destructive environmental physics was definitely something considered but sadly not implemented, although at least we got some of that with the turrets exploding into pieces. I'm glad for the Mechwarrior comparison, it is an influence although we wanted it to feel more speedy and light without being too jarring and still feeling like you're in a heavy suit. We will consider tuning the turning and allowing players to adjust things like sensitivity and turn speed soon.


Very polished entry! I like the visual effects and the sound design is on point. Great job!


Thank you so much! Means a lot :)


Incredibly satisfying and polished gameplay, I love it! I really like the feedback when you hit turrets and their explosions are really good, with all the parts flying and everything (which I might steal lol). Sound definitely helps it a lot as well, those are some good sound effects. 

I am not 100% fond of the turning, would be nice for it be smoother but beyond that, perfect little game! Wouldn't mind seeing more of it!


Thanks so much! And yes, totally hear you on the turning. That's one of the main things we want to focus on tuning and smoothing out since we'd love to keep working on this project if our schedules permit us to.  Really appreciate the feedback and thanks again for checking our game out!


It's super satisfying to blow up the turrets! Very nice! 

I must admit that I struggled a bit with the sensitive  mouse-turning and would have loved a bit more of a smooth movement. More than once I felt that the main reason I died was because turrets dropped all around me and I were unable to turn in their direction in time.

Other than that though I really liked it, especially the sound design which is great! It also felt great to blast the enemy shot out of the air before they reached me! 

Nicely done! 


Thanks so much for playing and for your feedback! Totally hear you. Smoothing out the aiming and adding a sensitivity slider is something we want to work toward updating. Definitely hear that frustration and it's one we share and look to address eventually. Again, thanks so much!


The gameplay is fantastic! And the controls are so satisfying, this is truly so polished for a jam! The audio work is impressive too, well done! 


Thank you so much! Appreciate it :)


Pretty polished little game. Looks and sounds amazing. It controls quite interesting, it’s a bit unusual, but i think it works. I guess you wanted to enable the fast around the corner turns with that?

Everything about this is very neat and clean, i like it, there is no visual or auditory clutter anywhere. A also love, how even the buttons in the menu have different sounds to them, very satisfying.

I’ve noticed that almost all sounds have very little lower frequencies to them, it would interest me if that was a conscious choice and why it was done that way? Maybe because this is quite a mobile mech, so it shouldn’t sound too heavy?


Thanks so much! Really glad you enjoyed it :) As for the absence of a lot of the lower-end frequencies - it was a conscious decision. With how fast-paced our game played and how much was going on at any given time, the lower-end frequencies began to muddy up the mix and make everything kind of mush together and it became very tiring on the ears. So while sounds still do have sub to them for extra punch, it was toned down for the sake of auditory readability. For an in-game purpose yes, it also made sense for our mech to feel and sound like it had high mobility. Hope that answers your question!


Yes, I just find it quite incredible how clean everything sounds, i don’t think i experienced that level of auditory clarity anywhere else.


That means so much to hear! I just began learning sound design about 5 months ago and this jam was my first time ever learning implementation so I truly appreciate your comments


Very fun! Loved how it controls!


Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it :)


The shooting and sounds were satisfying, however I found the turning to be a bit jarring, instead of instantly turning when moving the mouse to edge of the screen I think the effect would have been smoother by ramping up the turn speed based on the mouse difference from center.


Thank you for trying the game out!! Absolutely agree, that's one of the things we'd like to tune but couldn't in time for submissions so hopefully sometime soon we can update that. Appreciate the feedback!


Thank you for letting me look with my Mouse <3


Thank you for playing <3