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HeavyGrade WarriorView game page

Submitted by dungeon (@misterlukeherb) — 6 days, 7 hours before the deadline
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Fun Factor#463.0313.031

Ranked from 32 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Pretty good for something made so quickly, but I was a bit confused by what determined the direction of the player's gunfire while in the air, sometimes I'd be shooting straight down.


Thank you 


Nice game! I like the retro style, though the controls for aiming and jumping were a bit difficult at times.




I love the look of this game, the early PC game visuals are kinda nostalgic to me and the game is fun to play too!


Thank you!


Good job pushing out such a quick entry despite it being a pain!

Not a fan of the content, the mech could stand to be a lot faster given the gameplay loop. Also, the jump is very fast and erratic, which in itself isn't bad, but given that we don't have a follow camera it can be nauseating. I was able to avoid the discomfort by just not really focusing on the screen whenever I jumped.

Visuals look great though, really like the NES style title screen, and the mission briefing sets a cool mood.


Thanks, I'm not sure what you mean about the camera following you when jumping though?


I think he's referring to that the camera follows you 100% and he'd rather the camera not move up/down as much as the player does. If the player could just 2/3 squares before the camera started moving. 


Ah I see what you mean, thank you!


Necron is correct. In a lot of games, what they'll do is create a separate object which follows the player at a certain speed, camera will lock onto that object instead. Once it gets really close to the player, that speed also slows down a lot so you get much smoother transitions. One lazy implementation is to have the camera move 1/2 the distance towards the player from where it currently is per step (or similar).

You end up with a camera that trails behind the player if it moves really fast, while simultaneously it won't move much if they stay within the same area and jerk around a lot. I think a lot of tutorials have referred to this as "Smooth Camera".


Yeah, it's something I have never even thought about really. Obviously as the game was made in such a short of amount of time I didn't think about it. But there's a way I could easily implement something like that I suppose!


Cute little game. Really like the graphics created. Interesting use of elevators, what did you have to do to program them? Wasn't a fan of the gun shooting in the last direction of the player movement, made shooting a couple beacons and flying enemies tough to hit. Wish the player movement was a little quicker.


Thanks for the feedback 


Cute 2D side scroller with retro/old PC feel. I'm personally not a huge fan of old PC aesthetics (the colours kinda hurt my eyes) but good job recreating that retro aesthetic. Did find some of the control a bit awkward like collision detection while moving, the gravity lifts were awkard to jump between, and shooting direction feels unreliable while jumping. But very impressive considering this was done in 6 hours!


Thanks DC, I appreciate it!


Figured out a way to fix the shooting down while jumping, will update after the jam is over!


6 hours? That's very impressive! 

I had fun with this one, it's simple and effective with a lot of retro charm. Nicely done!


Thank you very much, very kind of you to say!


Really cool for something made in such a short period of time. The only issues I had were the shooting down bug and the collision interactions with steps (perhaps either a higher jump or using different collision shapes for step tiles). I would also be really excited to see what this game would be like with more music/sfx involved.  Otherwise, it was really stylish and retro, I especially liked the HUD and the Atari-style designs. Also the lasers looked great!


Thanks a lot for the comment, glad you liked the lasers!


Six hours is so insane and its ended up so good. Loved the visuals, really nailed that retro aesthetic perfectly and gameplay is quite a fun time. I had some issues with, with the fact I kept shooting downwards while trying to shoot and jump but as a whole it worked really well.

Liked it a lot!


Thanks a bunch :)


Really impressive for 6 total hours of work - definitely some quirks to the movement/shooting as you mention in the description, but overall pretty cool little game. There's some cool mechanics such as the gravity ladder thing. If you had told me this was a lost DOS game I'd never played before I'd be convinced, it reminds me a lot of that era aesthetically.  With some extra polish to the movement and some expanded mechanics/levels/etc this could be a solid retro throwback game.


Thank you so much!


Nailed the retro aesthetic, well done!


Thank you, I'm really happy with how it looks too considering how quickly it was all done!


It's nostalgic. I like it !


Thank you, I appreciate that!


simple and good !

i like when we do the aestetics of odl games and it chill to play.

some bugs bun funny like my bullets go down when i jump lmao.

clearly nice


Thank you very much!


What a cute game, everything about this is cute. Starting with the file size, over opening a tiny little window, over the sound effects used. And then there is the walking animation which looks like a little penguin waddeling. :D

It was a short little enjoyable experience. The shooting mechanic was quite interesting, the direction of the bullet seems to be affected by the current velocity the character has? Didn’t quite figure it out, but that left some place for skill expression for sure, which could be extended in further levels. I think the colors work great and everything is clear and nicely readable, good job on that.

The biggest annoyance with the movement is, that you get stuck on terrain often when jumping, because you always have to press the forward key after you are already over the height, else it get’s canceled. That doesn’t feel particularly well, and is not really necessary to preserve the retro feeling in my opinion. Also having jump on X and Z is kinda meh, i would like to use my thumb for something, especially a key that you need alot. I kept confusing both of them just because they are so close together.

Also the sounds seem to glitch out on the little green tanks, it still plays after they get destroyed.


Thank you for the detailed feedback and the nice comments too. It's all greatly appreciated!


I like your game! I really like the ZX Spectrum classic effects, and the HUD was really nice to look at as well! It made me feel like I was actually piloting a mech. The environment design was cool as well. Even with the limited color palette and pixel sizes, the tiles were super well done, and they helped to create an eerie alien environment for the player to explore.

One thing I would say is that high jumping and heavy gravity are a bit disorienting, especially when paired with the slow walking speed, and it makes it difficult to aim at blocks that are difficult to reach otherwise. This isn't a game-breaking problem, but it's something that could help improve the game if you ever want to go back to it.

That aside, this is still a really fun game and solid entry, and it's really fun to explore! Great job!


Thank you very much! 


Love the unique retro art style and theming! It was very refreshing to see something new. The level design was also really cool, I enjoyed wandering around these alien caves.


Thank you!


Love the feel of this game! The graphics looks great and the audio fits fantastically. As you and many others have said, lots of quirky-ness with the controls at times but nothing major. Great work!


Thanks a bunch 😊 


I really liked the aesthetic! Both it and the overall design reminded me of the original Metroid 2 for Gameboy.

I think the physics of the jump could be a little frustrating since walls could seemingly stop horizontal momentum, making it difficult to jump up when next to them. It did add a little bit of difficulty to it though, which was fairly interesting to work around.

Also, I think the text tracking actions in the UI was quite nice. Really solid work considering the brief amount of time it was made in.


Thank you, very kind!


This is a cute little retro platformer. The 8-bit sounds match the assets and overall visually it looks cohesive. I'll admit the movement is jank and slow and some of the controls can be finicky. But for a game made in only 6 hours, this is admirable and a good prototype practice. You did well with the time given.

I'll admit I kinda wish the movement speed is faster and the laser shot feedback PixelMetalWolf I noticed as well. You can't target diagonally upwards too, which is kinda awkward. Upgrades were non-existent and first aid packs are in abundance so I hardly got any chance of a game over. 

Overall, an admirable effort made. Not my type of game but I respect the result that you did with it.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback! Initially the movement speed was a bit faster but it almost didn't feel like it suited the very heavy looking bipedal design of the mech, if that makes sense. But then again you go up and down using gravity lifts and that's just silly anyway 😆

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