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A jam submission

Hyve PlagueView project page

A Grimdark Future tale where plans don’t always go as planned
Submitted by Hobby Fuzion — 1 day, 15 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Concepts & Originality#24.3504.350
Flow & Clarity#173.6503.650
Adherence to Theme#303.3003.300

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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You managed the dark tone very well. Quite a bit of story woven into one page. 


Many thanks to you for your time reading and commenting!, From the various comment's too much exposition for the format is  something I have to work on (which is a good thing), but the idea itself seems reasonably received which I take as not bad at all for such a quick turn around. 


I feel like this story could have benefited from a few more paragraph breaks. There were long blocks of ethereal text that were setting up the story, not really driving it forward. I was only really engaged on the final battle, but that, itself, was excellent. The mental image of this infected humanoid blocking giant razor claw strikes was interesting but I loved the grotesqueness of this match up.


Thanks for the feedback, I can think of now tightening it up in a few ways to lower the exposition level for sure.


Honestly, my complaint only applies to the idea that these are short form stories. Given a more drawn out format where the writing can afford to be more dramatic and poetic, it would have read great, hope you don't ditch the style entirely =)


not at all, the length parameters are definitely limiting (in a good way) and your comments are both appreciated and valid - I would only hope that with more time/editing and space it could be polished to be more enjoyable, so the critique is very welcome


Loved the depiction of the Hyve, particularly as apex predators. Reminded men of Kha'zix from league of legends in a way.

Really enjoyed it, flowed nicely. Wasn't sure who to root for.....


I've heard of League of Legends, but never played so had to look your reference up, but gotta say the title Void Reaver has a nice sound to it :)

I liked this one a lot - the rare Infected Colonies mention (with a sympathetic POV character too!) was unexpected and fun. 


thank you for your kind words, these are factions I hadn’t used before so wasn’t sure quite how to approach them in a fun way


I like what you were trying to do. The views from both sides helped flesh out each character and their side of the story. I feel you didn't have enough room though to fully realize your story. It felt a little rushed and detached at times. You have this huge event going down and each side viewing the battle through their eyes, but the space you had limited how much time we spend with each so I feel you were able to tell us what happened but I didn't get enough time with either to really pick a side to root for. I also feel the the main climax just kinda happened. It didn't separate itself enough from the rest of the story. With only one page I wouldn't focus so much on the world building as I would the characters and the main events. Over all very Solid. 


Agree and appreciate the solid critique as well, thanks for taking the time to assess! 


Really cool parallels between the two leaders.  I didn't know who to root for!


Thanks so much for your comments, this one was both rushed due to my own time constraints (totally on me) and a bit different since I wanted to use factions I had not before and clearly do not have a handle on yet LOL, I guess its reality imitating art :)