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Living in a Computer - OSTView project page

I found life in my Computer. Exciting!
Submitted by G0dpr1m3_TV — 1 day, 15 hours before the deadline
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Living in a Computer - OST's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2363.6173.824

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

"Living in a Computer" handelt von einem jungen Programmierer in den frühen 2000ern.

Die Geschichte werde ich hier jetzt nicht erzählen, die Arbeit mach ich mir nicht, aber den Anfang kann ich euch gerne lassen.

Er kam eines Abends von der Arbeit, völlig erschöpft und ermüdet und schaltet seinen Computer ein. "Ich muss mein Projekt fertig bekommen bis morgen." Dachte er sich nur in seinem Kopf, während er Seelenruhig auf dem Sessel saß und seinen "Error" auf dem Bildschirm betrachtet. Weggeklickt, braucht ja eh keiner. Und wieder zwei "Error" auf seinem Bildschirm. "Langsam reichts aber auch.", er wurde leicht wütend, kümmerte sich jedoch nicht länger darum, da sein Home-Bildschirm endlich geladen hatte. Diese Ruhe hielt jedoch nicht lange an... der Projektordner auf seinem Desktop war verschwunden.
"Eh... sch****. Wo ist der Ordner?" Sein Desktop fing an zu wackeln und plumps... Der Ordner fiel von oberen Rand des Desktops herunter und zerschellte wie ein LEGO auf der Taskleiste. "?... !?", dachte er sich... doch es sollte noch viel verrückter werden.

"Living in a Computer" is about a young programmer in the early 2000s.

I won't tell you the whole story here—I'm not going to put in that effort—but I'll gladly share the beginning.

One evening, he came home from work, completely exhausted and tired, and turned on his computer. "I have to finish my project by tomorrow," he thought to himself as he sat calmly in his chair, looking at the "Error" message on his screen. He clicked it away—nobody needed it anyway. And then another two "Error" messages popped up on his screen. "This is getting ridiculous," he thought, growing slightly angry, but he didn't dwell on it any longer since his home screen had finally loaded. However, this peace didn't last long... the project folder on his desktop had disappeared.
"Uh... crap. Where's the folder?" His desktop started shaking, and thud... the folder fell from the top edge of the desktop and shattered like LEGO bricks on the taskbar. "?... !?", he thought... but things were about to get even crazier.

Message from the artist
Genießt es! Ist mein erster Jam und hat mir sowohl Spaß, als auch Kopfschmerzen gebracht.


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
Defenitiv Ja, das Bild aber nein xD

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Really interesting spirit your soundtrack has..... It's different, mesmerizing and cool!



The Continued Quest To Rate Albums With FEw Ratings to Hopefully Get Some In Return
Grüße aus Dortmund!
Enjoyable synth textures that feel very computery. The development of computers is pictuired well and I feel it also reflects on the recent push for more digital worlds? In the 90s, when this was still science fiction. Jumping Jack Flash or Tron this ain´t. Good work. 


Meine deutch is nicht zo gut, BUT, 

The situation that you set up is interesting to me - as I have years in Computer Science and - as a child of the 80's/90's - I definitely got to enjoy the growth and maturation of using personal computers.

I'd like to know some of the technical limitations you put on yourself for the sake of presenting the musical mood and theme. I can see the 808, I can hear some very 80's and 90's Dance/EDM sounds that would probably be sitting inside this computer-world. How did you choose?

Other than not knowing what order the tracks would be in - I think this OST will be surviving in the folder I made for the jam. Good job!


The idea was to use less instruments but making them harmonize to each other. I personally don't like using more instruments. That was the idea behind it. And also, as a beginner, this is a good strategy to Not overcomplicating my music. That's a good limitation.


I really enjoyed the atmosphera, very solid tracks! Nice job dude!


really underrated ost tbh, this is super good. it commits super well to the synth-y vibe that fits perfectly into the game it was made for


Very Good!


Its a nice ambience. I like the world its creating

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Cool ambient soundtrack, but sometimes gets a bit repetitive. For example Dem Ende entgegen has hardly any change, only new instruments added. You should probably change the chords and melodies a bit from time to time, because if they are repeated too many times they can get a bit jarring to listen. You also don't have to only add instruments, sometimes removing some in the middle of a track does the trick and makes the music more interesting to listen to. Removing some instruments can give some more breath to the listeners ear and can give more space for different instruments. I like Die Einkaufshalle with these drums, a bit different than the rest of the soundtrack, but I feel that it's a bit too short and would again get a bit repetitive if played in loop inside a game. I think that Ein Kindeslied is structured a bit better, becuase the melody and chords actually change throughout the track, but this time the track even lacks a bit of repetitiveness and sometimes the melody sounds all over the place because of that. You need to find a sweet spot between lack of repetitiveness and too much repetitiveness, because if the track doesn't have any repetitions then it won't be really memorable, but if it has too much then it can get a bit annoying to listen to. Now Einkaufshalle Start has more of what I was talking about, it's repetitive, but not too repetitive, has some instruments added, some removed, I liked that one. It's really hard to judge Hochfahren, because it's more of an ambient track, a bit of context (where it's meant to play in the game) would help. I like Unbekanntes Zuhause, the melody is a bit more memorable than in other tracks and uses cool sounds, idk if there's anything else I should say about this track. Wahrheit is a really cool, calm track too I really like the reversed guitar.

Also the SoundCloud link doesn't work, so I think you should fix that


Soundcloud removed the Playlist. I look after ist soon as possible. Thank's tho!


Thank's for your Feedback. I'ts really helpful for me because I'm just new to this scene. 

So, Hochfahren was meant to play as an entry when you open the game. It should give that feeling of an old running computer in a basement. I did not know if it's necessary but I kept it in the end.

Developer (1 edit)

Funny tho, I wanted to change Dem Ende entgegen but it was not ready tho... now it is.


Die Einkaufshalle sounds just like Domi and JD beck - Knxledge! I really like how bouncy the drums make it sound and your dynamics on the arp.

I can really hear this whole soundtrack being used on a small indie game, great job!


I am unable to view the submission on SoundCloud. Is it private?


It's repaired. Now it should work.


Hello! Ich mag das! Der style, die vibes. Wunderbar. Meine lieblingslieder war "Das Geschäft" und "Dem ende entgegen".  Ich habe das sehr geniesst. Ich wundere was der Kontext in deinem Spiel für "Hochfahren" ist. 

Entschuldigung für mein schlechte Deutch.


Hello! Ich mag das! Der style, die vibes. Wunderbar. Meine lieblingslieder war "Das Geschäft" und "Dem ende entgegen".  Ich habe das sehr geniesst. Ich wundere was der Kontext in deinem Spiel für "Hochfahren" ist. 

Entschuldigung für mein schlechte Deutch.