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A jam submission

Inside my WorldView project page

Submitted by Melomadness — 1 hour, 36 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2223.6463.646

Ranked from 48 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I think about some Storytelling game about somebody having different feelings in his head.

Maybe the little girl and her bubbles?

1st track is the main theme mixing acoustic and electronic instruments.

2nd track is more like a track depicting Joy written in the old Baroque style ;)

3rd track is a wandering feeling in a Bubble city

4th track is the main protagonist fighting his demons

5th track is the nostalgia feeling ^^

Message from the artist
Just have fun while listening^^
I tried to respect a leitmotiv but i guess you will find it yourself :)


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Inside my world, inside my head

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Fascinating mixture of instruments! It definitely suits the "inside your world" theme. Very interesting lead synth. Great work!


You have a beautiful composition style! This was a super bubbly and charming soundtrack where all the tracks were tied together really well. That second track definitely stood out to me the most. The Baroque style is truly a work of art when done well. I had a great time listening to this. Excellent entry! 


Wow!! What a beautiful work!!

What I liked most was the way you used the instrument (the keys that have a voice together) as a leitmotiv element to create integration between the initial tracks. I like it, it sounds more like musical theater in game format; I found it very creative!! I liked the quality of the orchestra. It contrasts with other instruments, but I understood a little of what you were trying to express!

Congratulations on your work!!


The Revenge track was very unexpected (as also in 0:15)! but very cool!!  I loved the heavy accompaniment, it adds a lot of character.

On the other hand That Feeling sounds very cute♥

Awesome job!!


You really captured the bubbly vibe, this was really fun to listen along to!


I liked the vocal instrument a lot! Felt like the little girl was humming each tune.


Well crafted compositions, more in the traditional way. Nicely done! :)


I like the more classical composing style you have! It's an aspect I've been wanting to tap into for a long time now, and your way of blending it with a more video game-y aesthetic is really inspiring!

The consistent use of that "talk-y" synth is really cool and unique, and I think it really adds a lot to the ost's personality! I tried to do something similar in my own submission, but I think you did it much more successfully, and that's also really inspiring!

Special shoutout to Bubble City and it's beautiful guitar - I don't know if it's a real recording or not, but I love it nonetheless!

This is a really good soundtrack, and it gave me a lot of ideas for my own music, great job (and thanks)! 


The guitar wasnt recorded and is a vst ^^its a guitar vst from ample sound !


Wow! It sounds fantastic!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really really solid tracks! The composition is great all across the board, and your mixes sound super clear! I love this hybrid of acoustic and digital that you went with, it's really darn good!


Nicely done Louis, doing some classical especially Baroque in these day and age is not simple at all and you made a great rendition of it. Mix is good I was afraid of too much reverb at first but I got used to it and it fits well. Nice mix between orchestral and some chiptune especially the first track build up is well made arrangement is on point. I felt like Jam Revenge could go even longer its a shame it stopped I was waiting in anticipation. Great work !


I will continue revenge off course, its not a finished piece^^ same for that feeling, those are themes i wanna work on;)


Your submission is really cute! Love the harmonies and the little melotron voice :D Seems you really like Bach's fugues, nice couterpoint!


My World: Your melody reminds me a lot of the main leitmotif from Undertale! I like the build into the end when the brass comes in!

Baroque Bubbles: Your instrument changed in this track to be more electronic which is an interesting choice for a Baroque-inspired piece. Your counterpoint is very nice in this track. I wonder if adding more of a reverb tail onto your bass would help decrease some of the electronic feel which may complement the voice-like synth playing the alto melody line?

Bubble City: I love the playful andante feel and the oboe melody is very nice. I like the feeling of this city which feels maybe more like a town. It’s interesting that the very last downward arpeggio reminds me of the try again jingle from New Super Mario Bros U. 

Revenge: I like the change in intensity with the driving strings. I’m surprised by such a strong emotional reaction in a game that has seemed so gentle so far!

That Feeling: Great ending version to return to the main theme in a credits style tune.

Overall: Your compositional skill shines through in your counterpoint skills! I think your first track was my favorite as the orchestration felt the most authentic to the style. Revenge was a close second! Great work and thank your for sharing!


Very decent body of work. Liked the use of the vocal instrument throughout all tracks, It really helps keep everything cohesive. Good job!


I was just blown away by your style and musical skills here. Wonderful and so touching. Like I was in a movie. Your mix of instruments was just wow. Really good job. Makes me want to get better at my skills! I wish my stuff sounded more like yours.


Wonderful compositions! Very much enjoyed your instrumentation and thematic choices. 


This made me really happy! Your instrumentation is so playful and I love that breathy voice sound that you use, adds a lot of character to everything and makes it stand out!


This is a great little soundtrack! Each track does  a great job of protraying what you want it to. I feel like they don't have a definitive path between them unfortunately, assembling a light story to tie the ideas of your songs could go a long way. I would love to see what you think this storytelling game tells. The instumentation of these tracks is beautiful. I love your first track a lot. Good work!!


Well done!! The majority of this I would say is "cute" and I love it! When you stray from that vibe, you end up with some really heavy hitting pieces from an instrumentation standpoint, and everything that was traditional orchestration and instrumentation sounds so authentic and real, it's fabulous!

Excellent work!


Love how each instrument has it's turn to play/accompany the melody.  A lot of nice sound and instrument selection for the idea at hand too.  The vocals feel synthetic yet fit right into the arrangement and work really well with the melodies.  Your string arrangements are also very impressive, love what you did in Revenge ! Great job, nice melodies!


Not gonna lie, but "Revenge" caught me off guard! xD I like the others, don't get me wrong, but "Revenge" will be stuck in my ears for a while. You did a great job! 🤍

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