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The story-arch is so well crafted here, and Main Menu theme in particular has lovely ideas and colours utilised. That is great pacing and structure to these compositions and the writing is excellent. Being hyper-critical here (as you asked :) - keep working on the programming of lyrical and legato lines, as in places you could add a bit more realism through more dynamic shaping and phrasing, as this will just add another level to your tracks. Also explore ways of adding more intensity to the battle-themed sections. Overall this is has been very impressive to listen to, great work :)

The textures and colours on show here are so effective, and there is a really nice sense of development and pacing across the OST. I’ll Miss You is especially impressive with some lovely writing on show - great work :)

Some great ideas on show here, and really like the contrasts that you manage to create! Keep working on the dynamic shape of the orchestral instruments, as this will add more depth to these passages. I would also maybe think about taking a different approach with the drums, either by using different samples, or even taking a more experimental approach, as you could explore some different ideas with that aspect of the tracks I feel. Great work overall :)

Some really interesting contrasts created here, with the sweeping synth sections being highly effective and there is a really nice sense of development and even fun as it develops. The sound design elements work really well, and although the beat driven sections feel like a bit of a departure from the earlier ideas, they work quite well. Some great work :)

Lovely sense of ambience and atmosphere created here and some good writing shown! Think about how you could vary the textures with changes in instrumental layers in each track, as even subtle additions would add that extra bit of detail. Adversity does feel a bit detached from the theme of the others, but only as the rest of the OST feels so cohesive. Some really nice work :)

There is some impressive contrasts shown here as the OST develops. Twilight Zone in particular works really nicely, with a good sense of atmosphere being created here. Don’t be afraid to develop your compositional materials further, with more subtle instrumental/synth layers to add more depth in places, but overall great work :)

There is an impressive range of stylistic approaches shown here! Some really nice development of your tracks. Maybe explore ways of adding more realism to the orchestral programming, as this would help take the tracks to the next level. Some very impressive work overall :)

Some really interesting and unique combinations of genres here that work really well, with lots of interesting ideas :) You could be more confident in developing the textures you use in the more subtle moments, and also look into libraries like Spitfire Labs (their free), as such sample libraries would really help bring out the sense of atmosphere you creating even further. Great work!

There is some lovely writing here. The combination of orchestral and instrumental textures work nicely, and the sense of cohesiveness across the OST is very strong. Some very effective use of the compositional material, great work :)

Very impressive use of colours in this soundworld with a lovely sense of atmosphere. There is a really soothing feel to each track, even in busier moments, and there is a clear cohesiveness through the OST. Overall this is really well put together :)

There’s a great sense of structure with these tracks, and stylistically the OST works really nicely. It’s a shame to not have more detail on how you imagine the game, but some good stuff here :)

The overall production is really impressive. I especially like track 3, with lovely use of synths over the piano lines. Think about ways you could build transitions between sections, as some of the changes are quite stark. Great work :)

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The subtle textures are very impressive and the overall soundworld created really suits the theme. I would maybe think about taking a different approach with the drums, either through different samples or with a more subtle experimental approach, as you could really explore some interesting approaches with that aspect of the tracks, but overall this is lovely work :)

Nice combination of chiptune and experimental layers here, especially in the track Grief. Don’t be afraid to ad a bit more depth to your the orchestral moments, with a bit more dynamic shape to really support the more epic moments. Great work overall :)

This has been really well produced, with a clear narrative in relation to the theme. Stay Afloat is particularly impressive in the way it builds and develops, and I especially enjoyed the Resurface track. Nice work!

Great sense of atmosphere created in this soundtrack and some great work. Think about how you could create a bit more ‘space’, as the lead reverbed synth especially can be a bit overpowering, and add even more subtle colours to add even more development to the supporting lines. Really nice ideas here :)

You have combined the ambient and ‘retro’ soundworlds really effectively. There are some lovely ideas here, with a great sense of release as the second track develops. Both tracks are also really well paced. Don’t be afraid to build the intensity even further in your tracks just to add add even more to the shape you’ve created. Impressive work :)

The sense of ambience in the Introduction is spot on, really impressive track. There are great moments of contrast as the OST develops too. You could perhaps try and relate the Ending track more to the Intro to give it a bit more cohesiveness, but some really nice stuff here :)

Nice soundtrack! Some really delicate layers here, especially in the Introduction, the colours in A Special World work very nicely. Think about how you could develop your ideas further, with even more subtle layers on tracks like Strange World. Great work overall :)

There’s lots of variety in your ideas here, with lots of contrast between tracks and some really nice ideas here. Be more confident with developing the compositional materials you have to add more depth to your tracks, and keep working on the sample programming to give it more dynamic shape, but overall a great effort :)

Your tracks work really well in relation to the theme you’ve gone for, with the dark fantasy vibe being very effective here. I like the way you sustain that sense of dark atmosphere throughout and there is some great writing. Perhaps there could be more shape or variation to the low vocal drones in the second track, but overall really great work!

You’ve got a clear and strong understanding of the soundworld you are writing for, with some excellent ideas here. Be a bit more confident and detailed with the programming of the sample instruments you use, as this would inject a bit more realism and shape to some of the legato/lyrical lines. Overall the compositions are really nicely constructed and paced, with the orchestral colours through The End being particularly impressive :)

There is a lovely ambient feel here and there is great shape to each of the tracks. Think about how you could add more subtle instrumental/synth textures and also slight variations to some of the looping patterns, as this would add more development to your ideas. Nice work!

There is a nice sense of atmosphere created and you have nice ideas here. Be more confident in developing your ideas further, with more subtle colours, and think a bit more about dynamic shape in your orchestral writing. Also look into libraries like Spitfire Labs (their free) as such sample libraries would really help bring out the sense of atmosphere you creating even further :)

Very nicely constructed track, with a very good understanding of the genre. It would lovely to hear this developed a bit further, with more instrumental colours or additional tracks with variations on the theme, as the compositional material is great :)

The scale of this OST is very impressive, with a really interesting balance between sound design and musical ideas. The sense of ambience created is really atmospheric, and there is a real cohesiveness to your story arch. Well done!

Great effort here, with some interesting contrasts and a good overall structure. Maybe explore using additional synth/sample libraries (there are loads of great free ones, like Spitfire LABS) to add more texture and variety to your sounds. Some great stuff here, well done :)

There are some really interesting textures here. The ambiences are really atmospheric and there lovely subtle details used. The Steal the Energy track feels a bit detached from the rest of the OST, but overall the use of sound design and layers are very nice, good work!

This is a really fun OST - Lots of nice ideas going on and you can really hear the influences like Sonic in there. Nice work :)

This is a really interesting piece that you’ve constructed. There’s a great sense of story arch and there are some great contrasting moments. You could maybe vary the way you use the piano and some of the fx, as this would just add more layers to the colours you use. The harmonic approach is maybe a tad abstract for a game soundtrack, but it gives it it’s own sense of character and draws the listener in :)

Very nice soundtrack, with nice use of orchestral colours. You could be more confident with dynamic shape, especially in the more ‘epic’ moments, to help create a stronger sense of intensity. Some lovely writing overall :)

There is extremely impressive work here. Very atmospheric and lovely use of colours and subtle textures. The pacing in the compositions is excellent and there is a great feeling of story arch. Very strong work :)

Thank you to all that replied, it has been lovely to hear everyone's work - After this message/comment I won't be able to give any more feedback to replies that come in (sorry, want to make sure I don't miss any requests). Wishing all the best to everyone!

Really nice sense of atmosphere created in your tracks :) Think a bit about creating more ’space’ in the harmonic sustains in places, as this would really help in tracks like Hollowed Eruption and Towards Our Reflections. Great sense of shape to the overall OST, nice work!

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This is thematically there is such an impressive effort put in here (absolutely loved the 'wiki' page), and stylistically it feels very on point. The sense of atmosphere created is great, especially in Ectosymbiosis. There could maybe be even more subtle variations of the textures and colour in places, but overall this is highly impressive stuff you have produced :)

Your use of sound sources and textural layers is excellent here and there is a really unique soundworld that you have created (was not expecting the Bossa in the final track!). Booting up is a fascinating work, reminds me of Yosi Horikawa in the use of sound design. Very impressive work all round :)

The scale of this soundtrack is hugely impressive! Lots of ideas going on and a range of stylistic approaches (especially liking the atmosphere created in Cave of Dreams). Think a bit about piano velocities to avoid spikes in the audio, and maybe look into libraries like Spitfire Labs (their free) as such sample libraries would really help bring out the sense of atmosphere you creating even further. Really good work overall :)

The production quality is great throughout and there’s such a strong sense of story-arch. Number of tracks is also impressive! There’s a clear cinematic/trailer atmosphere that works really nicely. Be a bit more confident with subtly varying repeating ostinatos and patterns in your orchestral writing, as this will just help in taking such passages up a level, but overall very strong work :)

Such a nice sense of atmosphere created. The instrumental colours are really well utilised and there’s a great sense of pacing in each work. This an excellent soundtrack and some really impressive writing!

Stylistically there are great ideas here. It fits really nicely with the theme and nice development of your melodic material. You can be more confident with adding more subtle varieties to some of the textures and patterns, as this would just give your tracks that little bit extra. Really great work :)