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A member registered Jun 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Petit Ost très mignon ^^ Complètement dans le thème !

J'ai beaucoup aimé l'ambiance et les petits motifs que tu mets en place. Mon morceau pref est le dernier que je trouve très bien écrit ;)

C'est toi qui chante les vocaux ? Si c'est le cas remarquable!

Content de voir que pas mal de français participent aussi !

Good job ^^

Cool horror soundtrack with great instrumentation :)

I enjoyed a lot lights off who was the most stressing tracks of all ;)

Great leit motiv usage aswell

The mix was really dry so maybe use some reverb?

 Good job^^

The guitar wasnt recorded and is a vst ^^its a guitar vst from ample sound !

Intriguing first track! really love the gentle switch to organ and piano at the end!

2nd track got lovely theme but the first transition was a bit abrupt and the flute wasnt fitting really well in the mix.

3rd track was a nice combination of style!

4th was cool in that waves feeling!

5th got really weird and goofy vibe x) remind me poor things ost ! the second part at 1 min was soul crushing with that gentle trumpet or flugelhorn? Sounded really great ;)

6th track was like an elevator song and it work really well in that genre ! loved the trumpet inclusion! but did u recorded her a multiple time?

7th track got a really cool time signature, thats really cool to take that risk !

Overall great OST, maybe you should work a bit the mix^^

GOod job ;)

Intriguing harmony and cool flute for first track! really gentle^^Got genshin sumeru vibe!

Beautiful writing for 2nd track love your mood, its really a great surprise ! what an ambience!

Powerful theme for 3rd track and wtf mix with a guitar, great surprise!

I love the pacing in your tracks and the mood shift! 

Overall great soundtrack ! Great writing skills, i think you may work a bit more on the mix because it feel a bit too muddy or screaming sometimes:)

Good job^^

Really cute soundtrack and goofy for second part ^^

Loved the ambience in third track ;)

Good job ^^

Great first track with cool sound design ideas and production !

Good job ^^

Really weird and goofy vibe, was really fun to listen ^^

The mix is really clean and those synth wonderfuls !

Good job ;)

Unique and creative song! 

Good job ^^

Great orchestrations and cute theme ! The transition was a bit abrupt in first track, but the lovely theme coming after made me forget!

Mental loophole is definitely working according to his title!

Joyfull interlude hit me with nostalgia because i love that style of writing ^^Maybe you could work on some sections because the writing felt a bit repetitive sometimes.

Last track was wonderful, some pokemon vibe here!

Overall great OST! You should working on the mix whos the main problem here;)

Good job ^^

Ambient cute and evasive soundtrack^^

Minimalist ideas who works really well !

Good job ;)

Great sound design and harmonies !Seeking the Floor is a great track ;)

Good job^^

Really great OST in old retro style, got hit with nostalgia ^^ Megaman, pokemon etc

Loved all your motives they work really well and the mix is really cool!

Megaman spotted in corridor^^

Work really well overall! Good job ^^

Really cool writing and harmonic shift i really enjoyed all the OST! Only thing to work are mix and maybe sampleq quality :)

Good job^^

Wonderful little OST with great variety of style ^^

Cool job ;)

OH woaw that dissonance, wonderful writing in prelude! 

Cool little ost^^You should work on the mix to get a better quality overall ;)

Cool sound design and style, got some retro vibe listening to your ost !

Really loved Observation sound design ^^

Good job ;)

Woaw ! Beautiful writing and orchestration for first track ! Beautiful harmonies, a great surprise for me! The motiv aswell ! Its professionnal writing skills here! Jrpg Anime vibe really enjoyable!

Great mix of styles for second track !

Thirs track was filled with wonderful modulations ^^

Last track got me some anime ending vibe!

Overall well written OST, the only default would be the mix i find a bit weak and the lack of dynamic(volume change)!

Good job ;)

Aaaaaaa, that warm sound design ! Really lovely and ambient soundtrack, i feel the water on my shoulders ;)

Loooved the ascent breathing sound add so much! 

Great cohesion in the tracks overall great job ^^

Fantastic sound design and style ! Remind me Kevin penkin vibe +1 

Great usage of samples, the ost got a dark atmosphere and enjoyable for that^^

Wtf was combat xD, some concrete sound design here and that bass ahahah

Loved protocol exit, great FPS vibe

Overall good job^^

Really chill and ambient vibe!

Good job^^

Lovely and calm loops ! maybe lack a bit of dynamic to get a greater tension in your tracks^^

I got a bit of celeste vibe ;)

Good job!

Great first imression by sound design dude!!! How did you achieved that keyboard sound x)

Got caught off guard by that unique style x) remind me some great youtube video for 2nd track called cows and cows and cows !

Fantastic sound design for 3rd and 4th track aswell ! Chaotic tracks

Overall it fit really well your theme^^

I will continue revenge off course, its not a finished piece^^ same for that feeling, those are themes i wanna work on;)

So usually to fix that kind of issue, get a great volume balance between all your elements and pan them well first.

Then eq every instruments while listening to your track, very important for the mix stability!

Mixing is a skills you train with Time and a bit subjective according to your ears.

Also try to get a good headphone like dt 770 or HD 600 it help a lot hearing all the details.

3 cute little loops !

Enjoyed a lot the 2nd track ;) cool drums and rythm

Good job^^

Blue was really peace and gentle :)

Dive was a great mood change !

Enjoyed the groove from wave and the instrumentation!

Flow was ... weird? x) those choirs surprised me a lot! positive vibe

Sink was really cinematic and the harmony shift cool!

Deep is deep, what else? Epic vibe!

And Breath to conclude the journey, i did laugh a lot when the aaaaaah came x)

Overall great OST ^^The only down thing would be the mix and the lack of dynamic :)

Cool use of samples, really enjoy that vibe it give, verdant sea was a bit western of the sea x)

First use of rock in OST i listen in the jam and really well done!

Wtf was 2nd track x) Goofy vibe! The transition was really well done!

Love first part of 3rd track really unsettling.

Amazing last track with vocals! The voice a bit drowned in the mix but it doesnt matter it still sound fine ;)

Great job^^

Cool blending of style here ! really love the mid section from track one :)

You nailed the bubble theme with the 2nd one, love those little arppegios at the start !

Creative work ^^

Oh wonderful surprise here for the production and unique style! Loved a lot the dark mood !

The way that loop evolve in first track is really great i got chills ;) the transition at 2 min was intriguing.

The 2 other tracks were really strange, its more like spectral music, really creative sound!

Good job^^

oh first track got me some japanese vibe like chrono trigger ost or Joe hisaishi!

The mix between synth and acoustic is succes :) Loved the motiv use in 2nd track, minimalist and effective.

Last track got me a really cool jrpg aswell^^

Great OST !

Great synths and ear candies, a bit of house vibe in it ^^

Great synth bass a 1 50 !

Was a cool blend of styles, good job^^

Cute ambient and great synth blend in first one ! Maybe you could had more high cut in freq or reverb to get more that underwater effect :)

Maya's theme was simple and effective ! Enjoyed the sequence starting at  1 10

Good job^^

Oh got an harmonic suprise in first track well done ! lovely waltz^^wtf transition in jazz!

Shallow was really ambient and nostalgic

Enjoyed a lot that reverb pad effect at 1 45 in last track!

Good job ;)

Wonderful and cute theme with a nice orchestration! 

Loved the consistency in orchestration and those arrpegios :)

Maybe you should work a bit the mix, i think thats the only issue here !

Good job ^^

I was surprised by the quality of your tracks ! 

Cute theme, was really surprising that switch to chiptune in the 2nd track but worked well!

Overall great little OST ^^

Well you nailed your cloud theme ! First track was really chill :)

2nd track was indeed at the image of the storm ^^ Loved your orchestration !

Good job ;)

Great variety in moods, Battle against a traumatic opponent is really fun x)

Good job! ;)

Great ambient tracks and well produced ! top notch sound design and mix !

Good job ^^

What a dark vibe with powerful synth!

Anxious i was after listening to it so its a success x)

I find the bass is taking too much place in your mix and it get muddy really fast.

Good job ^^