Fun little game. I like the idea of creating a web of files based on where the typed phrase is in the world. A little jank in terms of accidentally typing phrases that are offscreen or words instantly spawning on top of your folders. Good work!
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Cascade protocol's pageJudge feedback
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- This is an interesting idea for a game! Like Epistory (which you listed as an inspiration in your GDD), Cascade Protocol feels like a unique twist on the typing game genre (which used to be pretty boring). The art style is really cool and definitely fits with the computer/computer virus vibe that the game has overall. The music is really catchy and does a great job at aligning with the pace of the game. Although I really liked the concept, I wasn't able to actually figure out what words I was supposed to type because the letters began approaching on the screen before a word ever appeared for me. You might consider either slowing down the letters or delaying them so they start a little bit later on the first word. I imagine you might increase the speed to make the game more challenging over time, but the other challenges (like the boss behavior) sound effective as well. Overall, cool game concept! I really wished the words would appear because I can see myself playing this endlessly.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
It's a typing game where you try to reach the highest score. As you type words you capture and connect to them.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
As a computer virus you're a weapon destroying data and infecting everything you can.
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