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A member registered Jan 24, 2024 · View creator page →

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Lol the button spam was a bug we missed. Thank you for playing and leaving feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing!

LOL! I love the idea about feeding the critters instead of defending your crops against them. We would have liked to do some kind of in game tutorial to help explain everything, but we ran out of time.

Thank you for the feedback on the clicking and dragging mechanic. We thought this would make it feel more interactive, but I can definitely see how it could be annoying. 

Thanks for playing our game!

Yes you are correct that there is no win condition, and the only way to lose is from the heat. We wanted to add another lose condition where if you failed to fill a certain amount of orders then your boss would fire you. It's also maybe a good idea to have the rabbits/snails remain at the farm patch until you shoot them, instead of them leaving after they eat a plant.

Great idea on expanding the shop! Some sort of auto defense, or auto planter/harvester could be great additions, and could really turn this game into a decent "idle" game potentially.

Thank you for playing and leaving feedback!

Awesome work for you first jam! The art, music, and lighting were all great! Controls and gameplay felt very natural and polished, and I really like the potion transformation/powerup idea. Level design was well done with a good mix of puzzle/difficulty. Great submission!

Love the shadow boxing interpretation for the theme! The game is a lot of fun, and the art and sounds are all great! The left side of the screen gets very chaotic very fast, but I really like the overall idea you've come up with. The boxing portion of the game felt very polished and "punchy". Great submission!

LOL! Machine gun farmer, love it! Thank you for playing, glad you liked it!

This was awesome! Gameplay felt very polished, and the upgrades gave the right amount of power increase. I really liked the minion and flag mechanic once I figured it out as well. I loved the art and audio also! Really great submission!

Great job, this was fun to play! Controls felt good, level design was great, platforming was really fun, and the art and music set a really good atmosphere. The only thing I would add is a little more variation to the combat system, but otherwise great work!

Great work on this game! I really liked that you could knock over enemies by hitting them in their legs. The background art and scrolling were very nice, and the music was great! I can definitely see potential with adding crazy effects to the slingshot projectile.

I think you did a really good job with this for only spending 4 days working on it! I beat all of the levels, and I loved the music! There definitely needs to be some balancing as the red tower just completely destroys everything, but with such limited time features are more important than balance. Great work!

I really enjoyed my time playing this! The art, sounds, atmosphere and vibes are all great and very relaxing. You did a great job with this!

Wow you did a great job on this game!  I like the art, sound and music.  All of the spells and levels were really well thought out.  Lot's of fun!

I really liked this game.  The jumping physics feel good and I like the power ups!

Oh no, you were so close! 

Thank you for playing our game, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! We also appreciate the feedback. We did have some ideas to expand on the alchemy theme, but due to time constraints we were unable to finish those ideas.

Great job on this submission! I really liked the art style and music. The gameplay all felt very smooth and polished to me. Also, the main menu was very cozy and well done!

Really great job on this game! The art and music/sounds were all very good. The mechanics were fun and the whole experience felt very polished!

This was actually a lot of fun for how simple it was! I really liked the light/shadow mechanic, and you did a great job with the different powers and puzzles. Great work!

Great work for your first game jam! The art, lighting, shading, and music/sounds were all great!

Thanks for playing our game! We're glad you enjoyed it!

Hi, thanks for trying our game out! There is a shop button in the bottom right of the screen that can be clicked to access the shop.

As you complete orders you earn cash and can use this cash to unlock new plants and additional farm patches.

Great job on making this game! The art is great, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere you created with the lighting and music/sounds.

Nice work on the game! I really like the art style and music!

Thank you for playing, and for leaving the detailed feedback! We are glad you enjoyed our game!

Hi, Colton, thank you for playing our (team of 2) game! We are glad you enjoyed playing, and we thank you for taking the time to write up all of this feedback. This was our first attempt at making a game, and we appreciate every bit of feedback we can get. We hope to continue updating and improving the game into the future.

Very cool idea, and implemented decently well for the short amount of time you had! Great job, I enjoyed playing!

Very charming game! Love the music!

Great job guys! Very fun game!

Fun game! Really enjoyed the art and music!

Fun game! Great job!

Thank you for the kind feedback!