Really cool game! I liked the variety of puzzles and they were fun to solve, I especially liked the conveyor one with the added tension of trying to avoid the monster running after me. Loved the overall weird vibe of the game and the fact that I was routing meat to some giant monster thing lol. Great work!
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Really cool game! I like the art style and the overall vibe of the game is nice and creepy. It took me quite a bit to figure out that I had to be crouching to open the panel thing on the side of the elevator to get the flashlight, but I think that was the only thing I struggled with in the game. I was really surprised by the ending and it added to the creepyness of the game for sure. Great work!
Really cool game! I love the art style, it looks great and has really nice animations. The story of the game was really cool and I was surprised by the twist ending. I think the only thing I wanted more of in the game was difficulty as it felt pretty easy to me. Great work overall tho, really enjoyed the game!
Cool game! I like the concept, tho I don't think I full grasped how I was supposed to do some of the jumps in the game. I think adding a death plane to kill the player and respawn them when they fall off the map would be a really nice addition cuz I had to refresh the page every time I fell down there. I ended up finding the exit but I was missing tons of coins lol. Great work on the game!
Very cool game! I think you nailed the vibe, it's very creepy and I was super intrigued with what on Earth was going on at this platform. I think the puzzles are cool and some took me a bit to figure out, but I managed to get thru the game with some help from twitch chat lol. Great work on the game, it's cool and creepy!
Fun game! I enjoyed the shooting mechanics and the upgrades were cool. I think the 2 things holding the game back for me were the camera not moving til you were at the edge of the screen, it caused me to walk into bullets I couldn't see a lot of the time, and the monsters spawning on top of you sometimes felt really unfair. I enjoyed my time playing the game tho, great work!
This was super fun. I really like the art style, the lightbulbs are so cute and the game looks nicely polished. I think the mechanic of stringing lights together as you get new bulbs is really cool, it's a nice twist on the survivors genre. I think you did good job with the difficulty, it ramps up nicely and gets crazy as the time ticks down. Really great job on this!
This was super fun. I love the art style, the game looks really polished. The gameplay is a lot of fun, I appreciate that the pieces lock into place even as they're slowly rolling down, makes it feel more possible to get a big stack going. I think maybe there should have been some penalty to missing pieces, I didn't try it but it felt like I could fish for just the cube shaped stuff and build a massive stack. Had a ton of fun playing this, I played multiple runs to try and get a nice score, ended up with like 6k for my highest. Great work!
Really cool game! I don't think I've ever seen a keep talking and nobody explodes style game in a jam before! I think the 3 different puzzles were cool and I could see this being a lot of fun to play the intended way with someone else reading the instructions. I like the art style a lot too. Great work on the game!
Really fun game! It was fun to scan stuff and I like the aspect of having to make sure the customer is getting the right item when you scan the special stickers. The minigames that pop up on the monitor are cool too and I like that it adds to the hectic-ness of the game. I didn't really understand most of the tutorial, but I was able to work out how to play the game over the course of a run or 2. Great work!
Fun horror game! I got all 3 endings! I thought the gameplay was fun once I realized how to tell that the monster was coming closer. It felt really frantic to try and get to my house without losing all my batteries or getting eaten by the monster. Great work with the voiceover too it adds a lot of charm to the game. Really great job on this!
Awesome game! I love the visuals, the game looks outrageously polished for a jam game, it looks more like a full release game. The music and sound effects were great, I loved all the different noises things made. The gameplay was fun, I loved stompy and it's fun to try and fulfill orders without breaking the vases. Fantastic work!
Cool game! I love the art style the slime is so cute and bouncy. The mechanics are fun and the puzzles were interesting to solve. The game felt a bit buggy for me, it crashed a few times while I was playing and once I was past level 2 or whever the first memory puzzle was, none of the memory puzzles would work and I couldn't click on anything so I got softlocked and had to restart the game whenever I opened one of them. Great work on the game, it's cool!
Cool game! I love the visuals the game looks crazy polished and nice. I think the gameplay was fun at first, but got a bit repetitive over time. I didn't really understand why sometimes animals turned into monsters when I threw them into what I thought was the correct gate. Overall really cool entry tho, had fun playing!
Really fun game. I love the trolls, I think I fell for each one of them and they had me laughing the whole time I played. I think the game controls well and is fun to play. I would've liked a bit more content as it's pretty short, but I get that it's hard to add a lot in a 1 week jam. Incredibly impressive work for a 13 year old, this is so much cooler than anything I did at that age. Keep up the good work, I'm excited to see what you make in the future!
Really cool game. I love how fast the mouse moves and it was fun avoiding the cat and jumping around. I like the fact that you respawn at wherever you were before you last died, but I ended up having my save point be in the abyss area and I wasn't able to get back out from my respawn point. Great work overall, I had fun playing!
Awesome game. I love the art style and visuals, it's so cute. The concept is so funny, and I was cracking up at the twist at the end. I think it would've been cool if there was a bit more to the gameplay as I found it pretty easy and the difficulty didn't ramp up over time or anything. Really great work tho, I enjoyed the game and it's so cute and funny!
Super cool game! I love factorio and have played hundreds of hours of it, so this is right up my alley. I love the automation half of the game, it's really fun to make stuff and especially fun to setup a machine for the more complex recipes. I think the checkout process would be cool to automate somehow too, I kept forgetting that I even needed to check people out so they could leave. I think with some more polishing this game would've been my favorite from the jam, I love anything with conveyor belts lol. Great work and super cool submission!