These are my full thoughts on all 17 entries that made it before or within the deadline. Any games made after I will not give personal thoughts here. You are free to disagree/agree with me however you like.
I am not a prolific writer, not an expert in mapping, not the greatest game developer nor artist. I'm just a guy playing all these games and give my thoughts on the subject. If you are offended in my writing structure, I sincerely apologize.
One game I did not exactly describe my thoughts in full. Its a little much for me personally. Which is why I redacted the full details. If you want to experience it, play it yourself. Not going to name it directly here. You'll see it if you read the document below.
Keep in mind that the criticisms and thoughts may not be accurate since some games I played were submitted before the deadline, and I played them earlier. So any issues that have been rectified may change the key point of the criticisms that I pointed out. But otherwise, the scoring doesn't change that much.