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Fox and Lion Games

A member registered Aug 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Fun fact lol that ambiance didn't happen until I was putting together the YT video :D Glad I went with my gut!

Thank you! I think drums may be one of my weakest instruments, I'll try to work on them for the next jam! 

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you liked the vibe!

Sorry to disappoint, I'll let the cafe staff know to be better about not being good at their jobs :D 

This is probably my favorite comment I've ever gotten about my music lol

I played Sims 1, but YEARS ago :) What a compliment, thanks! That second sax kinda game me K.K. vibes from Animal Crossing lol

I appreciate all the positive feedback and that's a great callout on the piano! Those little details I need to incorporate into my mixing, editing and work flow and now knowing that I need to, half the battle is done! On this one in particular that human touch would have been perfect.

I use FL Studio with mostly out of the box plug ins - I've seen YT videos about how to add some randomness in there - I'll look into it!

Thanks! That second one is one of the built in ones in FL studio - I almost used it for the whole song lol glad I found that other one, but by the time I did, I had already gotten used to and like that stank lol

AH, yes, I should have thought about that! I'll definitely do that when I come back to touch this one up. Thanks for the always direct areas I can improve in, I'm pretty green still so having specific things to fix helps me the most!

I dig this song man! I think you got the jazziness in there for sure! I can kinda see it being the background music in an old noir detective film, you can almost smell the cigarette smoke in the air lol Great piece!

THIS is some Christmas jazz! You nailed that aspect. lol I can even imagine and feel like I'm shopping in some department store while a live band plays. I like the way it all fades out with that roaring fire at the end, its so soft, warm and welcoming :) 

What a cool journey this song has! I love the mixing concept you came up with - so perfect for this jam and a brilliant idea! I love how everything fades in, out and together - I love the base melody which ties it all in. Great job!

I'm amazed :) This is an incredible song, I love the big band swing to it, such a good groove! This is my personal favorite of all your entries to this series so far! 

Wonderfully put together! 

Man, this is a great song! I really like the whole tone you achieved, everything is mixed well and sounds so full! Beautiful melodies - I love this one!

This is a pretty cool idea and I like that you've really done a whole story here!

The first song, I immediately get the alley way feel - the drums sound like someone beating on metal trash cans and dumpsters (beautiful touch!) while the melody screams a tense cat staring interaction.

You capture that tension again when the stray approaches. :)

I think I personally like Camilla's theme more than Emile's theme, that one was a bit too dissonant for me.

And the final song I can see them walking away together down the alley and turning the corner. 

Love the idea and creativity here - great job!

I love how you blended the sax into this, I never would have thought about using orchestral instruments with it! Great melody and a beautiful sax! I liked how the rhythms changed and the sax still kept doing its thing :) 

Hey! I've been working on a project that will wrap up within the time frame of this jam. I will be submitting it to others with a similar theme/purpose (Nov. Accountability Jam & Promote Your Game Jam) and wanted to see if I could submit here as well? I'm not in Portland so I can't attend the location events, am I still able to participate? I don't think this qualifies as submission spamming since it's a single title? All good either way, just looking for clarification!

Your technical feedback never ceases to amaze me! I'm glad you liked the transition part - that's one of my faves too :) Thanks for listening!

Like a factory that cats work at or a factory that makes cats lol I can see it going either way!

Thanks for listening!

Thanks! I'll take it lol

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, the video game vibe is there lol I make the music for our games so it's hard to pull out of that mode sometimes. 

Might need to find a game this works in now... :D 

I love this! This is so well put together! It sounds like it belongs in a Tim Burton movie or something, like a dark, quirky character introduction montage as they are being toured around a magical academy or something lol

I think this is my favorite so far!

Such great atmosphere and outer space vibes!! Everything vibes so well and I love the panning effect too - sounds like you had a lot of fun with this one! Great job!

How/what did you do to get the way the instrument sounds in the solo section 0:52 - 1:11? It sounds so cool!

I love this, this feels like old school Final Fantasy (Playstation 1 era). Such a beautiful track, the 'rolling/moving' bass is such a nice energy under everything else! Great choice of instruments, this all came together really well!  

What a cool track! I love the metal underneath and the drums were fire! I think the verses are my favorite sections. Well done for an evening's work! 

If I hadn't read the description, I wouldn't have been able to tell they were meows! What a cool, grooving track - you did the 80s proud! Well done!

Such a cool track! With the title, and description, it also gave me vibes of a racing scene/montage music in a 90s/00s Cartoon Network show lol really good groove!

This was so good! I felt like I was watching an anime intro, somewhere in the realm of Hamtaro but with cats :D Really good entry! Love the fast pace.

Love the cafe feel of this, you nailed it! Really good groove and my mouth is watering for some coffee now :D 

This is beautiful! I love the slow build and how well the instruments blend together and I liked the atmosphere you created!

lol I tried to be subtle about it :D 

Thanks for listening, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the kind words!

Ah - yeah, I thought the piano was a bit lacking too, I kept trying to get it right but I ran out of time. Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to go back with this one and make some updates thanks to all the great feedback I'm getting. I'll mess with the reverb/saturation and see if that can help out!

Thank you!!

Yes, this one was a blast! New instruments, progression challenge and a great theme :) 

I like the woodwinds section a lot too - when I got that part mostly together, that's when I thought I could make something worthy of entering here :D 

Yes, the melody gets a bit lost, was trying my best to embrace the "no repeating" as much as I could, this likely led to those dissonances, too. 

I appreciate the feedback and the kind words!

Thanks for the constructive feedback! Yeah the melody drops off a little, I went hard in the "avoid repeating" lol 

I'm still navigating and learning about FL studio (only used LMMS prior), plugins, mixing - producing in general :D I agree, there's that synthy sound that I tried to negate with some filters, but they only do so much. Thanks for pointing out the free option! I'll give it a try!

I appreciate the kind words, looking forward to more of your music in the upcoming jams, too!

Thanks for sharing the issues and the details on how to fix them! I've got some music theory knowledge and typically follow the period form naturally but I'll look into the sentence form, the name doesn't ring a bell. 

I really tried to embrace the "no repeating patterns" challenge and brought it into the melodies - true, there are a couple points where it gets lost because of this. 

Mixing is a very weak point of mine, I'm still pretty new to producing and I tend to wear multiple hats so I don't always dive as deep into topics as I'd like to - jack of all trades, master of none lol thanks for the pointers here, I'll work on leveling up my mixing - much appreciated!

Thank you so much! I really tried to embrace the challenge and make each section part of the story, something I really haven't tried to do yet. I usually make music as an accompany to our games, but trying to tell a story within a track was a fun challenge and I feel like I've grown from it. I know enough music theory to get me through, but unfortunately not at the level to REALLY understand the mode differences - I tried to go with what sounded nice and make my melodies not land on the root/five notes of the chords as the progression continued. lol didn't always work, but it was a rule of thumb.

I appreciate the listen and the feedback!

Thank you!! That's one of my favorite parts :)

Such a wonderful compliment - thank you!

I really enjoyed this one, its soft, beautiful and then it gains some playfulness and is just "cheery" - I really love the piano in the second half. Great job!

I love how I can feel like I am approaching the Thunder Temple, talking to an NPC that warns me about entering - I, of course, pay them no heed and continue in anyways to then discover a vast, expansive temple that has all kinds of twists, turns, puzzles and dangers that I didn't realize. Then (as the intense drums start) I am surrounded by the temple cultist that have tricked me into walking into their sacred shrine. They tell me of their plans and the screen fades to black...

Loved it - great job and an incredible atmosphere!