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RIDDICView game page

Riddic is suicidal. He smashes his starship into a planet to end his life. Instead he loses his memory and power.
Submitted by The Grave Dave — 2 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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cool game! I like upgrading the jump height and speed and the addition of variable jump height. I recommend turning the player into a capsule shape so they don't get stuck on walls. I wasn't able to figure out how to get past the red and black door but I think I got to everywhere else. I wish I could have seen that chicken boss!


Thank you so much.


I actually think the art is pretty neat! Good job drawing everything yourself. However I wasn't able to further progress after getting the speed upgrade - idk if the game was relying on the default movement code wall climbing bug (please don't rely on it) but I wasn't able to leave due to the platforms being too high up.


it's got a cute vibe and I like the player character sprite! pretty fun to level up your mobility like that, but I couldn't find enough coins to level me up so I could reach the last thingy, and I wasn't able to finish ):

still tho it's a nice game (:

my rating: 3 su*icide hotlines out of 3

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

So I got the jump ability, then unlocked the door and got the higher jump . . . but after that I'm kind of stuck as to what to do. It seems like you can reach some more coins, but not really much else.

The player animations look really nice by the way! Also having to power yourself back up is a cool idea.


Some of the coins are pretty difficult to get but there are enough to upgrade yourself until your able to jump across the map to a little building in the top left corner. 
It'll take you to the next and final level where you get the arm cannon gun.


Oh ok, how do you use the coins to upgrade yourself? Do you have to interact with that thing in the building again?


Yes, and on level 2 there are 2 trade terminals one increases your health the other increases movement speed and jump height.


Cute! I really like liked the art style! Is there a way to jump. I was too dumb to figure it out if there was, but I'd love to give it another go if there is a way functioning.


Haha, so yeah once you pick up the two blue lines on the right of where you start you unlock jumping.


Perfect! I shall give it another go!


Thanks for participating! Please embed your game on your Itch page, so that everyone can play it. Instructions are here if you need them:


W comment. I fixed it thank you so much.


Development Platform: Flowlab Free Edition
Chicken Boss Idea: Christopher Saucier
Everything else: David Daniel