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Sup3r87 games

A member registered Feb 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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The instructions do tell you that though - they mention at the start that buying drills help you gather parts faster

Really interesting RTS - unfortunately I had trouble commanding people around (without dragging them), had a hard time learning the game and couldn't click the characters easily. There was way too much micro and I couldn't get my feet off the ground. But I would play it again if the characters had a bigger click area and the start of the game was more forgiving!

I thought the art was neat but I was unable to play the game :(

Took me a moment to realize I needed to press Z to do things, but this is a fun game! I wasn't able to beat it because my time is a little tight, but I would recommend letting the player run across the map a little faster. I didn't bring any dough back from my voyage and all the customers were mad at me :(((

I actually think the art is pretty neat! Good job drawing everything yourself. However I wasn't able to further progress after getting the speed upgrade - idk if the game was relying on the default movement code wall climbing bug (please don't rely on it) but I wasn't able to leave due to the platforms being too high up.

This game was very frusturating. You can't see far enough ahead to figure out where/when to jump, you have way too little health, the orbs don't heal you for a lot, you can't double jump if you jump from an enemy or a shrub, and the physics are wonky.

That being said, the art is pretty cool and I really like the tileset! The attack animations are also cool. I just wish I could beat the game, because fighting through or rushing both resulted in me just dying over and over.

The holy bombs are REALLY difficult to bounce off of - you have to jump and launch the bomb at the perfect time to do it. If they were bouncy platforms on their own, I think I could have gotten to the end of the game. Aside from that I wish the bombs took less time to explode, but I thought the idea was neat!

Pretty solid card auto battler! I wish the card icons and numbers explained what they were better, and I also wish that the first few battles were more forgiving. But still a really cool game :)

I wasn't able to beat it - the random arrows are really unfair and it would really go a long way if you saw a short visual cue before an arrow hole fired. Also, if you slide along a wall and the wall ends, you can't move in the direction the wall was prohibiting you from moving in until you stop moving altogether. Definitely fix that, but otherwise neat submission!

This is probably one of if not my favorite submission for this jam. It's juicy, oozing with personality, has a lot of really funny scenes and voice acting, is full of easter eggs, god I could go on. I was not expecting this at all from the cover art but I'm very glad I decided to play it!! My only critique is that if you go back to working on it, turning the ground into tilesets would go a long way.

I really like the technical stuff behind the game, the whole stealth theme, and the juice behind the game!

Unfortunately I find the game extremely difficult to play. Once you see an enemy there is a 95% chance you can't hope to stab them silently. There are few places to hide after being spotted. For a stealth game, there were a lot of loud shootouts and very few quiet killings, which was disappointing.

This is a neat idea! Unfortunately it's held back by really frustrating platforming and level design. I would definitely recommend making your own platforming code and not relying on the wall jump bug with the default movement bundle to move around, as it's difficult to move.

I would also recommend a slider for visibility somewhere, so you can get the world just to as low as someone can see. "Price Point Live" from this jam has that at the start of the game, and you can use it to guarantee that the player has to use the light ability to see and that the screen isn't so dark they can't play.

I would also definitely increase Flikie's glow, it was quite weak and I didn't get much use out of it (I held my head close to the screen so I could see lmao). All this said I really like the cover art and you should definitely try adding non-pixel art to your games :)

I was not able to beat it. I really like the concept behind it, but I just couldn't navigate through the map fast enough. I also really wish the game had a warning when your timer was low because I thought I died for no reason multiple times.

I would very strongly recommend an ingame tutorial next time, and completely hand drawn art.

This game made by blood boil! the puzzles and challenges were difficult to get through, but they were fair. I liked the concept overall, but I wish the platforming felt more fluid and dynamic.

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Thanks to your tool I was able to quickly make this game for a jam!

Really nice little game! It took me a lot of retries but I eventually beat it. The only things I would change are not making it cost points to read dialogue, making the lifts a little faster, allowing the lifts to work if you go to another tab and of course fixing the viewport dimensions. But otherwise this is one of the best platformers made for this jam, well done :)

I liked the use of recryptext! But I wish there was an actual game after the lore.

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I survived with B rank! I was a little weary on it at first bc of the art but it's actually a pretty well designed game, well done!

My main gripes are that the gameplay feels clunky, too zoomed in, and the descriptions of the upgrades are vague (2x hp actually means 2x hp from enemies, not double your current health)

I would also recommend an ingame tutorial - do your best to instruct everything ingame.

That's great to hear! Thanks so much for playing as intended!! :)

Wasn't sure what I was expecting but I like the gimmick of using a desktop and doing different things! Unfortunately I didn't find the actual minigames or the platformer game very fun, and I didn't want to grind all the money to get to level 4.

Fun little rolling platformer - unfortunately I had a hard time getting through it due to difficulty navigating the world - definitely try using JR 01's camera bundle if you want the player to get a better sense of where they are in the world!

Really liked where you were going with this and the character animations look good! Sad that the game couldn't get finished.

Noooo, the screenshots look interesting but I can't start the game :( I'll just abstain from voting.

Really fun, short little game! Love the juice you put into your projects as always. I really hate that I couldn't buy the cannon though >:(

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it's a shame I couldn't download this one to try it :(

I honestly loved the use of the stock market as a way to make money from enemies, and I also love the art, the gnome sounds (I got gnomed, damn), and all the alludes to capitalism with the striking and stock market.

However, this game is unfortunately held down by bugs - multiple times I died randomly despite no enemies getting to the end. Which is a shame bc all the gnomes were cute and I wanted to make an assorted collection :(

Aside from that, I wish the gnome shop had descriptions of the gnomes, and maybe for the stock market to be a popup rather than an entire other section of the game.

No link? Where's the game??

This is a really cool and also really ambitious project! I really liked the part where you could make decisions about your village.

I found the RTS part a little frusturating, though. I wish my warriors automatically attacked instead of needing to be ordered to do so. Archers and mages not shooting at enemies while they follow me feels kinda dumb. Also, where's the music and audio?

All that aside, this is a really cool and impressive game, well done :)

I liked the concept and vibe behind the game! However I failed to understand the use of the other two drones and ended up not having enough power to re-deploy, so I had to restart.

I would probably play it again if the drones were faster and maybe didn't need to turn. The RTS mechanic, while very cool, is soo slow. It really ruins the experience. But this is still a very cool concept and I hope to play a full version someday :)

Superb top down shooter that is oozing with personality and creativity! I don't really have any criticisms aside from the game being a bit short and the want for more enemy variety. But this is still a fantastic entry that misses basically no marks. Very well done :)

Lots of people are requesting an AI vs. mode.. I'm weary of it, but if I have the time budget post parse-o-rhythm I'll think about it :)

Neat little platformer that has charm, but it really kills me that you decided to split your effort up into three games this jam. You could have made an outstanding submission had you focused on one game!

I uh.. I did not expect that lol. Really nice project nonetheless, I enjoyed it and was.. a little scarred :P .

Really awesome little puzzler - reminds me of that one game where you need to get a brick in the hole by flipping it across the level! Also the complete lack of pixel art is very admirable. I also love how the puzzles can be solved many different ways. Really great submission - only weak point is the theme adherence imo.

Fun top down shooter, unfortunately the right click issue with fullscreen just ruins the experience, so I'd recommend using another button to open med kits. I liked the enemy variety and the upgrades, but I wish the game was a little more forgiving early on and that the blood effects didn't lag the game so badly.

Very nice roguelike project! Unfortunately bugs that force the player to refresh the page (and liquidate bosses apparently) really take away from the enjoyment. The enemies were also quite tanky and it gets really difficult to survive if you let enemies build up and not go on a constant murder spree. But I'm still a big fan of the player, upgrades and enemy designs :)

Neat little game, shame you couldn't finish it in time! It was a fun little experience but it's kind of a crime to have kicking, jumping, and not jump kicking. Please fix!!!!

Lol this is a fun little homage to the games I've made. Honestly kinda wild that I'm getting fan games (and also my face hidden in some other games)! As for the game itself, I liked the reel through all of the games Logan and I have worked on, but I wish the minigames themselves were a little more polished.

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Really loved the art, music, and design of this game - unfortunately like most alpacasaurus games, bugs just ended up ruining the entire experience again. It's a shame, because you guys would have a lot better shot at winning without them (even though you have a very good shot already!)

I also have to agree with pug - the combat could be reworked, the enemies were total bullet sponges and it made dealing with them a bit annoying, though still fun!

Pretty fun top down combat game! Well balanced, good enemy variety, and thoughtful upgrades. The only thing I wish is that the upgrades could be returned, though I guess I get why they can't be. Shooting the barrels to explode enemies was a ton of fun!!