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A member registered Jan 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The first case is correct. This can be best seen on 1-5 by getting any character to the finish point. 

Holy smokes, this is by far the most polish and creative sumbittion by far. The movement being emphasized by beats in the music was super neat! Tunes were banging, platforming was fun. Just a super polished submittion.

Cute visuals and some nice tunes! The only real issue I had was sometimes when aiming real close to being directly up, the cat seemed to go in the opposite direction (this seemed to be at semi-specific angles). Other than that, the game played really well and was fun to play!

Okay, this one was just something I thought of while playing and had to say it (not a knock against the game in anyway). The lack of canned tuna and/or fish as a collectable was a huge missed oppotunity.

If there was any in the game I clearly missed it lol 

A platformer with a few flaws. The major flaw is that the hitboxes are far to large for each individual object. Most platformers give quite a bit of leeway when it comes to these things. When it comes to spikes, think of it like a haircut, "take a little of the top". 

The player movement seems to be good! Definitely not bad for a first jam. 

Congrats on your first jam!

Really impressed with how many levels are in here! Played out a lot like fireboy and water girl (old cool math games puzzle game)! Puzzles felt managable and didn't come off as too confusing, which was nice.  Each character had their own unique abilities which paired well with the levels. Well done!

A few gripes: I think the controls are a bit awkward (keyboard), mainly the position of the action keys felt really unnatural and I left like I constantly pressed the wrong button/confused it with another.  Also, I noticed you can get hit once you "entered" the little shape things. I assumed this was a safe point, but damage was still recieved. It just felt a little misleading.

Yep, seems screen formatting has been a big downfall with our submittion. I am glad you at least got to play a little bit! That's further than other's were able to get to before issues arose.

Like someone prior stated, it gives off doom vibes. Loads of fun! Really impressive for a weekend jam for sure! Lots of polish for a game about shooting colored rectangles.

Ah I seems I have missed the bit about clicking where to drop it! Time to play it again LOL

Torch was a little lack luster, all it did was increase the movement speed while in range

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I will have to check and see if it is allowed. If so, I could definitely add a windows version

I ran into a bug there the penguins wouldn't fall... the countdown started, but other than that nothing.

In the end, only ~8-9 penguins dropped.

I later than into an issue where I went ~25 seconds with no ice. 

Not sure if these things were intentional or not, but ignoring these two things the idea was super neat.

The concept was pretty unqiue and played out really well too.  Great submission!

I am a fan of the mono color scheme. The game played well with the only main issue I came across were the bombs hitboxes and being unable to see where exactly they spawn if you are not elevated a bit. Other than those few things, the game was quite a bit of fun! Well done!

Took a while  before getting the hang of things, but I eventually got it. The game is simple, yet the art is very charming. 

rats, seems there were some bugs I missed.

Thanks for playing!

Neat concept, but my brain is just a bit too small.

The visuals look really nice and the mechanic was pretty darn neat!

I may as well be the worst at platformers after playing this one LOL

The game was fun and though I did fail... A lot! It was loads of fun and I throughly enjoyed it!

I really wish I got to a few of these, but I fell a bit short. Thanks for playing!

Interesting concept! Seems I am pretty garbage at managing risk and time LOL. Failed a few times before an eventual success. Great Submission!

Much Appreciated!

weird, thanks for letting me know

dang a time to beat

Neat puzzle game with an interesting "cheat" option... I totally didnt use it ;)

Game plays out pretty well and I had fun playing. Nice submission!

Ah I did 1920x1080. As for instructions, There is an instructions button in the main menu, but I guess it wasnt quite clear (little book in the corner). Weird that the game doesnt reload on the first level... huh. Thanks for playing!

Have you tried opening the game into full screen? There is an option in the bottom right.

Looking for people to play my game and leave a rating. I also plan on playing the games of those who play mine, so make sure to leave a comment if you do!


A Little more on the difficult side and didn't quite hit the theme, but was a cute platforming concept

Neat concept with a few design flaws. Timer seems to tick before anything spawns or even upon restarting. Furthermore, the timer rewards don't quite come in fast enough to stay alive for more than a few seconds.

7,8,9 a tale as old as time

(1 edit)

Really fun game! Though, im still sad there is no toot feature lol. 

My only real complaint is that aiming around their heads seems a bit scuffed in terms of hit detection. I found it best to aim at their bodies and completed the game just fine. Luckly for me, the sensitivity felt at home. All around, a good submission!

Warning: Contains cute visuals, but the most rage inducing difficulty. LOL 

An Interesting tower defense themed game, but I could never get more than a few towers in as they'd just end up shooting me.

Platformer with a few jokes. My type of game!

Really fun and hiding from a crowd is an interesting concept. Very nice!

Really neat concept. Played through most of it and the thing that sticks out the most to me is the camera. Sometimes the next platform is barely insight. Other than that the gameplay was fun!

(3 edits)

GG really fun!

However, the game seems to freeze when trying to submit a score/return to the menu

Forget getting used to controls. Spammed buttons till I achieved victory, very fulfilling 10/10. 

In all seriousness, well done with the submittion. The game plays out well and though it is short, the creativity was definitely shown. Well done!

It took an ungodly amount of time, but I learned how to fly

With a score of 1030 I dub myself the sushi master lol

Really polished submission! I can't even tell how many times I've fallen to my own bullets, but the game itself is super fun. Really creative idea and great visuals and effects!

A fun game, but I had to throw in the towel before finishing all the levels. Fun concept and plays well. Nice submittion!

Sorry about that. This issue couldn't be replicated... Did the game actually load or did you get stuck on some weird freeze screen before loading in? If so, just click anywhere on the screen and it should "unfreeze itself", otherwise i'd have to really dig around to see what is happening.