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A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Pretty cool game! My only suggestions would be to perhaps zoom out a bit more and to have the player movement feel less floaty by upping the gravity. Other than that, pretty neat! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also checked out my game!

Really nice game! My only suggestion would be to have the enemy bullets contrast with the floor/background! It's a bit difficult to dodge the since they kind of blend in. Other than that, pretty nice! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also checked my game out!

Super neat game! I like the bullet redirection mechanic, but I wish the default direction it shoots in isn't going up. Other than that, pretty great! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate it if you checked my game out!

Definitely a cool idea! I could see this being a fun little game on newgrounds way back when flash games were popular! I hope you visit this again in the future! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you could also check out my game!

Even though it's just one level and it's unfinished, I see the potential here! The movement is smooth and I like how shooting the cards feel. I would've loved to play a game like this! For your first ever game jam, this is a good step in the right direction. Good luck with your future jams! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate if you tried my game out!

Cool game! My only suggestion would be to have the jump not lose momentum. It's pretty hard to jump on stuff when it feels like you only move a pixel left or right when jumping. Other than that, neat! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also checked my game out!

Very interesting game! I can see the potential for a full murder mystery game here! The art palette also reminds me a lot of the Layton games. Other than that, I have just two suggestions. One is to make it so that perhaps there's a log of what each person says-- it's a bit difficult to try to remember what everyone said at the moment. The second is to perhaps make it so that each person looks like their description. I know that it couldn't have been done in the span of the jam, but if you ever revisit this, I think it would be a worthwhile change! Other than that, pretty solid! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you could also play my game!

(1 edit)

Love the game! I remember playing Candy Box 1 and 2 way back when, and the way you just wait reminds me a lot of it! I also love that effect throwing atoms away has, with the universe slowly lighting up! I'm not sure who the face is on the top right, but that was a pleasant surprise LMAO. Other than that, it's definitely super relaxing and worth a play! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also checked my game out!

EDIT: I just realized you can click on the face, super cool secret

It's been said multiple times already, but I think it bears repeating. The art style and atmosphere in this game is AMAZING. I could see this being an actual game on steam. Aside from that, my only suggestions would be perhaps to increase the gravity when jumping, and to have the walk be faster/implement a sprint mechanic. All in all, pretty great! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate it if you could take a look at my game!

Super cool game! I managed to survive for 5 minutes. Everything about this game is pretty much good! I like how random pickups give you upgrades, and I like how everything looks. I wish there was more content in this since it's super relaxing to play. Other than that, nothing much to say! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate it if you gave my game a try!

Super cute game! I love how the movement feels, it's super smooth! I also like how the main menu music starts to layer after each level! I wish there were more levels, because the music is definitely something that makes this game shine! Other than that, I hope you expand upon this on the future-- I definitely see the potential! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also checked my game out!

Neat game idea! The only comment I have is that one time, I was inside the green area, but the zombies still managed to attack me. Other than that, cool! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you could also play my game!

Neat idea! I have a few suggestions though. The first would be to make the ui a little bit better. The story at the beginning felt a bit odd, perhaps put the name of the person who was speaking at the moment. The second would be to maybe have only the level you failed at reset if you mess up. It felt a bit demoralizing when I would get to a point but screw up in another level so I had to start everything all over again. Other than that, it's pretty neat! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate it if you played my game!

A cute and fun little game! I really like how the game looks, and the crouch jumping and ledge hanging mechanics are super nice to have! One thing I noticed however was that sometimes enemies would get stuck inside walls. Other than that, super fun to play! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate it if you played my game!

Charming and fun! I found it a bit too easy (but I don't think I can be trusted on that since I have a lot of hours put into twin stick shooter games) I also love how the character walks in the real world, he looks like he's grooving out. One suggestion however would be to have characters spawn not so randomly, since I had to spend over a minute or so waiting for the last character to spawn. Other than that, cool game! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also checked my game out!

I like shmups, so it was no wonder I like this! I also liked your twist of having it be reversed after the first trip! I just wish that you could've had more time to polish this (as you said, you thought it was a 9 day jam) Other than that, it's fun, albeit short. If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also looked at my game (which is also a shmup!)

SUPER neat concept and I love it! It's a bit difficult to get the timings right but once you start to get into the swing of things it's super fun. I can definitely see this being a bigger game. I also love the 1-bit style! One thing I noticed however was that the area between the player's legs wasn't actually transparent-- I'm not sure if that was on purpose, but I think it's worth saying. Other than that, super good game! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also played my game!

Oh wow! I love the idea of getting different powers by changing your costume! I'd like to see a more polished version of this. The only comment is to maybe have the camera not do that weird panning thing when hitting a certain height (I'd much rather prefer the camera follow the player at most times) Other than that, great game!

Thank you for the feedback! I just realized that I accidentally change the gold ore to the default rock ore texture o - o. Thank you for the tons of feedback through the video, we'll definitely make sure to fix those issues (ESPECIALLY the enemy ai, which seems to be massacring literally every player)! I'll also have to check out Vostok Inc. , that seems like a game that would really be up my alley. All in all, thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for the kind words! We'll definitely try to play your game once we have the time!

Thanks for the feedback! Haha yeah, the enemies seem to be a common problem amongst players; I probably should've made them weaker

Thanks for the feedback! I had the enemies despawn after a certain amount of time out of the screen, but since we didn't get to playtest, I didn't realize they would still chase you to the ends of the galaxy LMAO-- I'll definitely fix that!

Thanks for the kind words! We'll definitely find a way to put audio in soon enough!

Thank you for the feedback! We weren't able to add audio since we ran out of time. I also think your suggestion is definitely worth taking into account-- it might be a good idea to allow boulder detection immediately. Thanks for playing!

That was the final level? Aw man I should've finished it then LMAO

Super fun game! I managed to get up to level 15 but couldn't clear it, so I stopped to write this review. The tongue physics work super well and aren't frustrating! The one suggestion I have however would be to allow the frog's tongue to go through the thing you have to collect. I lost a couple of times because of that LMAO. Other than that, pretty solid game worth a play! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also played my game!

Super fun physics based crane game! I guess the only comments I have would be to make the levels look nicer and to have the smaller animals be easier to pick up (I genuinely could not get a single chicken after two minutes of trying) Other than that, good luck with your future games! if you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also tried my game out!

(1 edit)

Super simple and cute game! This reminds me of the old flash games I used to play as a kid (the ones where you just try to get as high in the sky as possible) If you have more time in the future, I definitely suggest adding more upgrades and obstacles! If you have the the time, I'd also appreciate it if you played my game!

EDIT: I almost forgot to add, the main character reminds me of the people from World of Goo (which is a compliment since that's one of my favourite games)

Thanks for the kind words! I definitely have to tone down the AI, it's a bit too smart LMAO

Thanks for the feedback! We ran out of time before we could add sounds and music, so we'll definitely add it if we revisit this. As for the menu comment-- I agree with you, I'll try to make that a bit easier to digest.

Thank you for the feedback! We were planning to add music and sound effects but ran out of time, so I'll definitely add them when we revisit this!

Thank you for the kind words! I'll do my best to provide better indicators for that if I ever revisit this!

Thank you for the feedback! I agree with your health comment-- it's pretty difficult to get the money to heal you're one hit away, so I'll definitely change that in the future!

Thank you for the kind words! I was planning on adding a screen shake but ran out of time T - T , I'll also definitely add that ship bounce, thank you for the idea!

Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the upgrade system! I'll play around with the rock spawning time more when I revisit the game, since it seems to be a common comment amongst players. Good luck jamming as well!

Thank you for the feedback! I'll definitely play around with the camera zoom and player size if we revisit this, since the dasher sometimes dashes so far it goes off screen. 

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Right off the bat, I could already tell that this game was going to be fun. I love games that have this kind of management and progression! However, I think that one of the things that you can work on is the HUD and the text. There's a bit of an information overload at the beginning, and the text kind of seems to be stretched horizontally. Other than that, I DEFINITELY see the potential in this-- keep up the good work! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you played my game as well!

EDIT: I also forgot to add that I really dig how the gameplay rolls out. It kind of reminds me of JRPG turns!

Super quick game, but a really interesting concept! Krollectibelus definitely has a personality, and I'd love it if this game were fleshed out or expanded upon. It took me a bit to realize that you could go back by pressing spacebar though, (I guess I should actually READ what Krollectibelus says at the start next time LMAO) Other than that, I'd appreciate it if you could also play my game!

I'd definitely play this if it were fleshed out more! Aside from the things that other people have already mentioned, I think it would be nice if the font were something a little easier to read. Other than that, I think the management aspect of the game was really fun! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also played my game!

First of all, I love how the game looks! I'm also a sucker for point and click adventure games, so I'm definitely going to try and finish this. The only suggestions I have would be to have interactable objects in the scene have some kind of indicator when you hover over them, and to be able to skip text. Overall, super cool entry! If you have the time, I'd also appreciate it if you played my game!