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A member registered May 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, and for your feedback! :))

Nice work! Once I learned the map I was able to keep up with endless mode in hard! I particularly liked the tileset!

Thanks for playing, and for your feedback! Our idea was to have each enemy type countered by an ability, so, knifers countered by jumping, spikers countered by rolling. In a full game, we'd definitely tighten up hitboxes and maybe even add iframes :D

We had lots of fun, thanks for hosting the jam, and playing our game! :D

Nice work! Each level offered something unique and was challenging in its own way!

Thank you for your kind words, and for playing our game!

Thanks for playing, and glad you liked the art :))

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed!

Nice work! I think the bonus for getting matching numbers should be more, but otherwise it was fun playing in multiplayer!

Thanks for playing, :D

Thanks for playing, and the kind words! :D

Thanks for playing, and will do!

Lots of fun!! Juggling the tools and keeping track of the line was challenging but doable, I made it with 1 second on the clock! Great work!

Thanks for playing, and we appreciate your feedback! :D

hahaha! better be careful, I hear there's a gnome around here who's itching to go bouncing on goblin brains xD
Thanks for playing, and the kind words, we're glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for playing and the kind words!! :DD

Solid puzzle game here! The controls were a bit unintuitive at first, but I had lots of fun solving each room!

Nice game! It was fun to test different orders until I got it right!

It was tricky at the start, but I got better, especially when I understood how to use my special cards! Well done, and a good interpretation of the theme!

how did I carry the bridge in my pocket? you do not need to know funny little man, on your way! Hope you guys finish this game, it's a cool concept!

It was rough at first, but then I got the idea and now I'm top of the leaderboard >:) Super unique controlling everything from the numpad, also it is totally in character for a raccoon to have a gun and have no issues using it lmao

Great art and gameplay! I had some issues with the game freezing up when I was attacking or jumping, but other than that it was fun!!

Nicely done! Would have been nice to have some sound (or maybe it was just bugged for me?) Not sure if it fits the theme, but it was fun anyway!

Neat idea of designing each level to be played through with the different characters! I must say, wall climbing up that shaft was pretty tedious, but I did it!

Fast-paced! I barely got through, I think I had like 1 hit remaining haha. Good work!

(1 edit)

Good effort here! The laundry bug got me, so I couldn't finish the game, but I can see you worked hard on it!

Wow well done! Great pallette choice and the minigames were fun! Makes me wanna go do my laundry now hahaha

Thanks for playing :D

Thanks for playing, and the kind words :)) we had lots of fun learning this engine and seeing what it could do!

Maybe if you kill too many people they should turn into a boss and come after you hahaha

repair man doesn't deserve this!!! haha, fun game, well done!!

That was loads of fun! Crazy Taxi was one of my favorite arcade games, so this brought back fond memories! Definitely had waaay more fun wreaking havoc on the protesting citizens than delivering them to a working toilet xD

Thank you for playing and the lovely feedback!! Maybe we'll add more levels in the future, who knows? :) Heading over to your team's game now!

Great concept!! I managed to get out of bounds a couple of times but that's on me hahaha! 

Hahaha the comments the sheep make as you heard them really caught me off guard, and the twist at the end! Great work! I think my only feedback would be when you go to sprint, the camera shift is a bit jarring, maybe making the transition smoother would help. Otherwise great work on your first 3D game!!

Thank you for playing! And I agree, we wanted to cram in all sorts of abilities, but had to settle on just two in the end (personally I really wanted a gnome bodyslam ability to really show those goblins what for!)

This is so well done, something I would keep coming back to play over and over again! 

This is perfection!! Love the art style and mechanics, reminds me of Baba is You, one of my favs. Your interpretation of the theme is top tier, and I really enjoyed trying different combinations to see what worked! Level 15 had me scratching my head like an ape hahaha. Easy peasy 5 stars all around, and I am checking out all your other games!