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Adam Wom

A member registered Jan 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the slow reply. Thanks so much for your feedback.

We've been working on getting some socials set up. A discord is in progress (although you are welcome to join while we get it set up!). 
Best place to stay up to date for now is our twitter which you can find here:

We've already posted some videos of the updates we've made so far :)

Don't worry... it's in the works ;)
Any further suggestions for things you want to see, please let us know.

Thanks for playing! <3

Glad you liked it! Thanks for playing 

This was a nice idea. Changing the movement and the weapons was such a great take on the theme! I was missing a soundtrack and sound effects, particularly to know whether my bow was ready to shoot or not. I'd also say that the movement was way too fast sometimes that really effected the movement and made it very hard to shoot the enemies. A UI with score on would have been good too. But well done!

Such a cool little game! I really enjoyed this actually - I'm a sucker for upgrade based games anyway so this felt great. Some points that would be nice - some of the upgrades didn't give a huge impact and didn't feel like much changed. It's always satisfying when upgrades make a big difference, either visually or in terms of how it feels so I missed that satisfying feeling of feeling faster/more in control/better. The art was simple, yet effective though and I loved how to background got slowly darker the higher that you got. The high score line too was an awesome touch.

Overall: a great game, really enjoyed!

Ah I don't know about perfect (there's still plenty in the Trello board that we didn't get to!) But thanks so much for the high praise. Glad you enjoyed it!

I'm so glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback and glad that you enjoyed playing. Even I surprised how satisfying the mining was after getting those upgrades. Maybe I'm being modest but I think we were lucky it turned out even better than we'd hoped!

Glad you liked it! I definitely spent way too long coming up with those death dialogue lines!

Thanks for the great feedback. Of course, we still have an endless list of things we wanted to get added but glad that you enjoy the core gameplay!

Thanks dude. Glad you enjoy it! Now we feel we have to add more to it!

This was such a clean game. The colors and the glow just felt relaxing and almost soothing in a weird way. I was actually playing this with someone else in the room who said "what is that? I love that sound!" and i can't agree more the sound of collecting a blob is super satisfying so perfect choice there. normally I'd suggest adding background music or something but in this case, with just the blob collecting sounds it felt perfect.

Things I'll note, the game is sort of luck based. Since the blobs randomly drop from different positions, sometimes it is literally impossible to collect them. A few of those in a row and you can easily get screwed. Although I like the simplicity and relaxing nature of the game as it is, I feel obligated to ask for more stuff to make it feel more unique - like special blobs that make your paddle faster or wider or increase your "health bar" at the bottom. Just something to add to the gameplay. However, take that with a pinch of salt, I think it would detract from the chilled out vibe this game you were going for. 

Great job!

First of all, wow, someone is a fantastic artist! The art was stunning and absolutely beautiful really can't fault that. It was short but sweet - perfect for a game jam game and it just felt really polished. 

I do feel like there were some missing sound effects that could be added since they were noticeably repetitive. But that is a teeny tiny speck of feedback on a really great submission.

Final thought, and this might just be me, but I felt like it was missing a sort of "bounce" upward each time you hit an enemy - almost smash bros style. I feel like bouncing between enemies hitting them in mid air was where the gameplay really flourished and so if you could sort of keep up air time I think it would feel super satisfying for an otherwise quite simple combat mechanic.

Really fantastic entry though. Absolutely incredible job.

Cute kitty = 5 stars. 

In all honestly though this game looks fantastic. The pixel font, the colour palette, the environment and of course, everyone's favourite little kitty. It's just kind of like a piece of art in its own right. The concept is cool and nails the theme. 

I suck at platformers so maybe this game isn't quite for me (not a negative on your part) however, I'd suggest looking at making the movement feel a bit more natural or easier to control - not sure on best describing that... I just felt that there was something about the movement that didn't quite feel right but no idea what it is specifically - could be the gravity or control while in the air, not sure.

But overall, this game was awesome and a great entry. Your art is incredible and I want to buy a poster of it! Well done.

This was actually such a fun game. My first run I found that I ran out of ammo and it ended pretty fast but on my next runs that wasn't an issue. The sounds an ambience were great and the speed in which you got upgrades felt really good since it didn't take long. 

One thing I'd suggest is to make it clear when the player is out of ammo or make it reload automatically after shooting whilst you have an empty mag. Of course, the art could do some polishing - the player, tileset and rocket and effects like the rocket flames and death burst effect all felt like they were from different game rather than a cohesive single game. 

I think if it took inspiration from vampire survivors where you keep your upgrades after a run could make this game really hard to put down!

All in all, this is a solid entry, that beneath the simplistic art has some solid gameplay and is fundamentally fun. A great proven concept!

Also the thumbnail art looks great - Am i right in thinking it's AI generated? Midjourney maybe?

Anyway, great effort, keep it up!

Loving the synthwave vibes in this. I suck hard at platformers but this was a pretty awesome concept. I had a few issues with picking up blocks sometimes and I think having pickup and drop just be the same button would save having to shift between Q and E. Platform movement was great though, not too floaty in my opinion and the post processing was some great polish! What a great submission!

thanks for such high praise. We'd love to add tons more to the game!

That's the thing right, no one is winning anything. The point is to get good feedback on a game that you made in a week and probably already learned a ton from. We're all (mostly) in the same boat. We're all trying to learn. We're all trying to get better. And jam feedback is a great way for us to help each other.

I completely agree. There's nothing wrong with a short comment, sometimes, there's not much new to add. But when it's the same comment pasted across loads of games in such a short space of time, I can't help but feel frustrated for people who just want legitimate feedback. It's like, if you want good feedback, then give good feedback in return.

I looked one persons comment history and apparently they'd played, rated and commented on 25 games in less than 15 minutes... 

Sounds a bit Sus to me.

Aw thanks man, appreciate it!

 This wasn't an attack on you! I've just seen a lot of games with copy pasted feedback that make me think they've spammed a load of comments without taking the time to play people's games. 

Giving feedback is sometimes hard though, I get that. I worry I'm too mean sometimes!

I'm seeing people literally spamming the same short non-committal comments across loads and loads of game - literally a copy and paste - even on games that has been submitted with deleted files/not-working builds. 

So did you actually even play any of these games?

It's lazy and totally against the spirit of game jams. It's not about "getting the most ratings" it's about giving and getting feedback that actually helps people improve right? 

The worse part... people doing this are getting a ton of reviews when there's games out there that deserve way more. 

Sorry, needed to rant. Anyone else notice/annoyed by this?

Queue influx of "Good game bro." comments on my own game now lol

Awesome work from the 2.5d to the day night cycle, playing this was great fun! My jam partner recommended playing this one and I was not disappointed. Great job!

To be honest when the jam started I was really lost. I had no creative or interesting ideas and none that got me excited. I also wasn't a huge fan of the theme which made it harder at concept stage. 

Then we started working on it and even after three or four days we kept asking ourselves, "is this even fun?" We were unsure. It wasn't until we were pulling the super late nights towards the end of the jam that we felt we were doing alright.

So we submitted the game and... People seem to love it! It's really rewarding and a good lesson that sometimes you might feel like you're lost or struggling but that doesn't mean that what you create is always going to be bad. 

So how did the jam go? Okay, I guess!

Behold my sweat shop factory of soot covered children! This was great fun, I loved seeing the visuals being added as you added more workers. Had a blast playing this despite its simplicity. There's something so satisfying about seeing that number tick up! I had a few issues understanding the UI at first but maybe that's just because I'm a dum dum. Also would have loved some background music and sound effects so I could hear my child workers as they made me rich! Great entry to the jam, well done.

This was so cool|! Great to actually play as the zombie instead of be running from them for once! Got a score of 3100! Would have loved to have seen some more sophisticated AI that ran and cowered from you instead of having set "patterns" they'd run. Overall, I had a good time with it though, not too long which is always good. Some sound effects could have been improved slightly since there were a lot of them that were repeated with not much variation but overall it was a good bit of fun. Great job

This was a good effort, well done. I think the platformer control felt a bit annoying since the movement was a bit floaty and the player didn't move with moving platforms. Have a look at coyote time - something that a lot of platformers use that really polishes the movement! I was a little dissapointed to see "blue mario". I'm an awful artist but it's always nice to see original artwork. I hope you enjoyed the jam and well done for completing your second game! will definitely check your other on out.

A great entry. One of those where I looked at the time and realise I'd be playing for over 20 minutes haha. Great job though. Would have loved to have had more varied sound effects or even just some subtle pitch shifting on the repetitive sound effects since the tree chopping sound especially got a bit irritating after a while. Great entry!

It's nice to play a good puzzle game. That background music is gonna be playing in my head for the rest of the day now! I can't imagine how you are after a week! Great entry though, love how the level changes slightly each time. Good job!

It's nice to play a good puzzle game. That background music is gonna be playing in my head for the rest of the day now! I can't imagine how you are after a week! Great entry though, love how the level changes slightly each time. Good job!

A nice neat little game, well done! I would have loved some extra abilities like a dash or something because those darn snowmen were a nightmare to try and dodge! Maybe a health system might have felt more forgiving too. I thought it's a really cool concept though and a great base to build on - ranged weapons, abilities - there's so much stuff you could do here. Amazing job with this, keep it up!

This a cool little experience - although it was super tough! Would have loved it if it was a bit more forgiving but other that I thought it was a cool little experience. Big well done!

Most unexpected horror game of all time. Sound effects we on point. Time for me to stop hiding under this blanket now. Well done!

I love a bit of retro fun. This really did feel good to play. I would have loved to have had some sound effects but still, this was just plain old fun to play. I did notice after losing 3 lives that there was no way to restart but this was a great effort. Keep it up, and well done!

I really enjoyed this game - and that's coming from someone who hates platformers! It's like a rage platformer meets golf game and it works so well. The level design and the mechanics of the game all worked perfectly. Of course some more varied audio or game art wouldn't go amiss, but those are small points on an otherwise super well made game.

Main main concern would be that it wasn't super clear that I had to die to move to the next level - but that's on me for not reading :D Great job with this!

Gotta love some Pong. Managed to get my partner to play this with me and we had a lot of fun (once we'd read the controls and knew how to use those abilities!). In game UI telling you the controls would be good, and as someone else mentioned, a cooldown for these abilities would have felt really cool. I also would have loved to have just seen more (don't take that negatively, it's a game jam game after all!) because i thought it was good fun, would have been good to play a few more rounds / get more abilities etc.

All in all, great effort. Well done!

I'm not much of a community guy either and normally just lurk in the background. But you've inspired me. 

Thanks to you and everyone for making things like this special as we celebrate this hobby or career that sometimes makes us want to jump out a window. 

Keep making awesome experiences <3

This game looks and feels awesome. The effects and UI tweening just make it feel so polished. Awesome effort and great submission!

Such a chilled out game. Love this. From the pastel colours, the relaxing music and the satisfying sound effects - this is a great submission. Well done!