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A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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You can hold alt like TTS for a little bit bigger image, with any bigger zoom levels the cards started looking blurry so it's not a great difference but helps a bit

Update coming fairly soon after one more patch of changes appears in the testing side, most likely (depends  a bit on creators schedules)

We actually have no idea what the Minish Cap is haha x) Got to look it up! Glad to hear you liked our game idea either way

Super creative and fun idea, well done! However the controlling aspect would have been much smoother with just dragging blocks around rather than awkwardly having to move the character around to pick them up first. Which was also thematically bit confusing since the character was the same as the actual player. Big props for so much voice acting, rarely see that in jam games.

Solid and well done, great atmosphere too. Maybe would have been nice to be able to look at level in peace before it begins, like first move from player activates snake. 

Cool idea and execution, just felt like the thief didn't really try to accomplish anything but just ran around. Was also maybe bit too hard to catch them after spotting, due to the constrained walls/speed of characters.

Could become really nice with more features and length, well done! 

Very fun indeed :D Took a while to understand the remaining knife is dangerous, somehow it felt like it was still in the air rather than on the board, maybe something can be done to improve that visualization. Also sometimes the object drops from the cursor for some reason. 

Really cool way to use the theme! Could become quite interesting with more gameplay mechanics, and more visual feedback of what exactly is happening and why. 

Charming and funny little game. Would have wished that something you did as the plant affected what happens with the snail part though, now it kind of felt like just 2 separate small games that are not really connected to each other. The walking seed was fantastic!

Neat and fun way to use the theme :) Maybe not everything should need a hold for the input to trigger, makes it feel more clumsy to control. Also since every need starts full it feels bit overwhelming at the start since there is no clear objective what to do. Would be  better if randomly some needs were lower right at the start so player knows what to prioritise first. 

Pretty good foundation, just needs more polish/sounds etc. Also it really threw me off that the HP was on the left and damage on the right. Every single big card game in existence does it damage on the left and HP on the right, no reason really to not follow that norm.

Nice concept and clean execution, loved the intuitive tutorialization too. All around feels very good to play! 

Thanks for your thoughs! The fullscreen button is in the main menu, maybe we should have also added itch ios own fullscreen button though

Not much to add what others have said, top notch presentation and funny, but gets bit repetitive/slow at the end. And even with 5 "perfect" successes, it still fails to defeat the warlock. For the gamejam game experience maybe 4 normal successes would have felt worthy of getting an ending, and all perfect for some extra good "true" ending? 

Cute presentation and fun idea, but the movement mechanic really didn't do it for me. Felt like I didn't have enough control to enjoy the experience to its fullest.

Funny, polished and cleanly executed idea. Would have wished for maybe one more attack and didn't really understand what the right mouse button "traps" did. Perhaps also skip the intro for retries? Super fun though! :)

For some reason the game didn't work for us at all :( The hooks appeared near the ship, but never descended into the water. Tried restarting the game but had same problem. The visuals looked very impressive for a game jam though. The ocean was so fun to swim around in

Cool idea but the unresponsive jump unfortunately really reduces the enjoyment. Doesn't seem to work when moving, on an edge, when hitting something etc. Also, there was seemingly a dead zone on the right where you can just stand on top of something and never get hit. Would be good to increase the speed much faster and sometimes aim for player directly to keep things moving. We also really liked how the theme was incorporated.

Great tactile sensation with this concept, just moving stuff around is fun already! Some usability issues with not knowing when something is locked, when you can click etc. Could have also been even better with some more gameplay goals (e.g. make a certain amount of humans in a time limit while keeping a good score) but a very fun concept nonetheless.


Yeah it was still fun, would be interested to see more fully developed game with the idea for sure!

This is a very fun idea especially if taken further and made faster/with even more enemy variety, some criticisms:

  • The background music beat was really repetitive and annoying to me unfortunately, the music effects from the enemies appearing were fine
  • It felt unfair to get hit by the shapes appearing from outside the screen, as there is no warning. Should either have a warning something is coming from there, or they shouldn't be able to hit you before they properly activate
  • When I played, my characters position somehow ended up off-sync from my mouse which felt really bad, not sure what caused it (like if my mouse was on top of the game window in itch, inside the game the character was not in that exact position)

With some more dice varity, maybe passive effects you can gain and more enemy/obstacle variety this could become very cool! Currently there isn't really any challenge with the default enemies, you don't ever get hit. 

Another thing I found quite frustrating is how you can't enter the next level without hitting the door with an exact number of movement, leading to a lot of time wasted just running around trying to get it right. Maybe the game could ask the player if they want to leave the level when they walk over the door instead? 

But definitely has a lot of potential, great job :)

So tidy and neat! Immediately fun to play and very easy to get hang of it. Took a moment for me to however figure out what exactly the enemy dice icons meant, and I was also not expecting to lose immediately if there were unclaimed dice left in the area, should maybe tell that to the player in the intro sequence.

Presentation is top notch, especially enjoyed the alchemists sounds haha! Quite complex but the instructions were good to solve that. The gameplay on the other hand just didn't feel fun quite yet to me, too many times it felt like the cards I have don't do anything I want them to do so I just end up doing mostly random stuff. And even with the reduction cards it felt the progress I made was much too slow to keep me interested. Maybe with enough tweaking and balancing it could become quite interesting though, just need to keep the randomness at an acceptable level.

Very nice visuals (love details like the frogs!) and crystal clear instructions, it was a breeze to understand how the game works. With some more mechanics added this could become pretty fun. Like someone else said the fights could be bit longer, and I also was surprised I couldn't enter the dark green areas, they could have had even more height difference visible to make that clear.

Thanks! Good points, didn't really have time to add much instructions and the game doesn't really even tell what is the main objective of the player, need to add that definitely.

Thank you, I'm quite proud of myself too for getting all these systems done so quick, although it seems it was just a bit too big piece of a cake this time around! Should become pretty nice after an update

There seems to be some interesting things going on in the game, but I think it's set back a lot by very difficult/confusing user experience. The game would benefit from more clear feedback to your actions and more information, for example when you collect random things on the map I don't really have any idea how many I need, how many I have, what will they do etc. Also for example clicking the end turn didn't immediately seem to progress the game, had to do some more clicking to get the team building phase going again.

Presentation and idea are super cool! Some issues we ran into:

  • The player character kept being pushed outside the play area somehow, leading to stuck game
  • Would be nice to have some feedback for hitting the boss
  • It seems like the left and right bottom corners are bit too safe, easy to always move there to dodge out of the way

All the die shapes were so creative and we especially enjoyed the cat! Also your main character looks a bit like ours :D

Interesting idea and cool visuals, but very hard to grasp what is going on at first with the "draft" at the start! Maybe some hint messages would help there

My pleasure!

Thanks Mikal! Yes, for me this is the very best dueling card game out there :D

Fun idea, but the basic controls could use a bit of fine tuning. They felt really slidy, although I guess that's thematic for pickles of all things! 

Thanks for the comment! I also got some other feedback about the difficulty/gameplay in general and will probably make some adjustments after the holidays. I'm also very happy myself how the cover art turned out haha

Very fun and chaotic one! Feels a little unfair at times though, when the balls get behind you or roll on the floor there's just nothing you can do but take a bunch of damage which feels bad. It's also a bit confusing it's best of 5 but 2 wins in row ends it immediately, it would work better with just normal best of 5 or even best of 3 for a match in my opinions. I think if the swinging was a bit more horizontal motion it would feel nicer too. 

I think sometimes the balls went so fast they clipped through the play area as well. And to be honest, the music of the flying boss was kind of irritating, the others were nice! 

I also couldn't go back to the menu if full screened, probably needs a button other than esc for it to work.

Got stuck a couple of times with the bugs, but nice and clean little game :) 

Hey hey, played this and it's awesome! A strong core mechanic with excellent (and cute) execution. One bug encountered was that the underwater flower's and one others petals started flying all around the screen back and forth haha.  One suggestion I'd liked is that you could also cut the wine by pressing jump. This would make sense as usually this also lifts you up, giving it similar meaning to using jump button. Of course this should only work when in air when you can't jump either way.

There was also at least one case where you couldn't go back to the previous level (since the next one was below), so accidentally went to the level before getting the flower. But overall, great job.