Yeah, the player attack was supposed to be a ranged attack but we didn't have enough time to implement. What I do is pop about 5 minions to start with and add as mana comes back. You're basically unkillable at that point.
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When we compiled our build it came out to like 10gb and with limited time left we were trying to get the size down. I forced the texture fidelity to 64x64. Which worked but degraded all the bitmaps to the same size. I didn't have enough time to re-import everything before the deadline ended. Thanks for playing, we're really glad you enjoyed it.
The game was submitted a little glitchy, admittedly. I was a really big project for our team and we're kind of just happy that people are able to roll around, apply treatments to people and have fun seeing the environment we made. Thank you for all the great feedback and we're really happy you had fun.
Man, we are working hard on it, I promise. The interest in the project has been obvious. Almost everyone who submitted hit our page the day the jam ended. We are nearly done with core things but we still have to tie everything together and make sure it all works. We appreciate everyone's patience and we're as anxious to get the project published as you are to play it. There's well over 500 hours of work in this project and we're dying to show it off.
Well, you're wonderful level designers and the variety of enemies was really refreshing. I guess, since I'm on the spot here, I would suggest just mixing it up a bit more. You've clearly got good instincts for enemy design and level design so, lean into that and just spread the bomb mechanic out a bit. It has fantastic potential and when you're looking at something from three feet away sometimes you can't see what's right in front of you. My suggestion would be to try and step away from it a bit and draw inspiration from a couple of other source that would blend well with what you've done.