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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was fun, thanks! I think I got all the rules (not exactly sure about the cube but I solved based on my understanding).

Also, is page 23 (the first hole) missing a bunny?

Cool idea, but due to the UI I was finding infractions before understanding what they were infractions of. I didn't get to the manual until after I had already found a bunch of the infractions. I also haven't found one still: (rot13) V unira'g orra noyr gb svaq bar sbe zrqvpny (V nffhzr vg'f fbzrguvat nobhg qbvat gur 10 zvahgr evghny ohg V'z abg fher jurer vg vf)

Very short but seems like something that I'd like more of! I was confused about the evidence screen at first because I don't think I knew all the evidence from previous dialogue.

This was fun! I got a little worried I would get lost if the map got too big and I had to go back for information but it wasn't too big in this demo version (for a full version maybe a teleportation option would be helpful). I was able to connect the clues together and figure out everything, and that felt neat!

This was neat! I didn't see the confirmation text in the top left since the link color blends in with the background a little, so I was stuck not knowing how to proceed after I got the artifacts all lined up at first. But otherwise I enjoyed it!

Nu bxnl V zvffrq gur xvq'f anzr. V jnfa'g noyr gb frr gur cvpgher fvapr vg jnf ghearq nebhaq (vs vg'f gur bar V'z guvaxvat bs). V gubhtug gur xvq jnf Fnzzl sebz gur svfu fvapr gur jnl gur svfu jbeqrq vg V gubhtug vg zrnag gur xvq naq gur zbz jura vg fnvq gung fragrapr (ohg V thrff vg jnf whfg fnlvat gur zbz gjvpr?)

I love this mechanic! Was there anything after finding the first two identities? I'm not sure if an envelope was supposed to show up but nothing did for me (I know it says it's unfinished but I wasn't sure how far it goes).

I like the style and it's a neat idea being able to see the same scene from different view points! But I get motion sickness so I couldn't play too long and wasn't able to figure it out. It was hard for me to tell what was going on in the pictures too, and for some reason I couldn't type "Dwight" into any name field (it didn't let me type the H before the T). 

This was neat! Cool way of using the password as the input! I messed up and read too deep into the "no redundant questions" so I thought the actual answer was wrong. Whoops!

I tried playing this and don't really know what to do.

This was great! I really liked going through and figuring out different small steps and a-ha moments. I didn't quite get to the end (but read the solution in the discord). The Thinky Games mascot drawings were cute too!

I haven't finished yet but I like the logic puzzle here! It's kinda weird having a puzzlescript answer sheet vs. just part of the pdf, since if I'm doing a pdf paper puzzle it'd be neat to just be away from the screen entirely.

I liked the concept but I couldn't play after a few levels because the lines kept sticking together when I was trying to drag them off and get a different order (they'd automatically jump and stick to something when I just clicked on one line to drag it).

This was fun! I liked the deductions and having chat is a neat way to do a mystery game!

This was so cute how it was all low from the dog's point of view. I didn't get the final answer and would have liked some clarification on what exactly I got wrong. Rot13: V gubhtug gur png gbbx gur fbpx bhgfvqr naq gura gur oveq gbbx vg sbe vgf arfg ba gur puvzarl. 

Nice game! I enjoyed it a lot! It was short but had a fun point and click puzzle and a cute story!

Thanks for the game! It was a fun puzzle but it took a while for me to figure out what the information meant. I didn't know what the sound one meant and I still don't know what the white icons on the map are.

Yup, I did complete the report (and got it all right)!

Hehe I liked the radio interludes with the weather! It was a fun short game! And it felt mysterious even though there weren't any actual detective moments, which was neat.

Thanks for the game! I liked the story and the clue combining, but I got stuck partway through and wasn't sure how to fill in any parts on the character tab, so I wasn't able to finish. Was I supposed to be able to drag clues there or was something supposed to fill in if I found the right clues?

There were also a bunch of clues and I wish it cleaned up the clues that weren't needed (like the tutorial clues), and it was hard to find clues that I remembered from before if I wanted to combine them.

I got an error and wasn't able to continue on the 3rd case (I was stuck at the blueprints looking scene). I wasn't sure exactly how it worked or what I was trying to do, but it seemed like a neat concept of putting the shapes together.

This was fun! I liked the gathering evidence and that it showed you when you found everything. I wasn't able to get all the evidence for the motive (I thought it was something but it wasn't filling the bar, so I'm not sure if it was a bug or not), but it was cool figuring out the story behind the case with all the evidence!

Thanks for the game! I was confused if I was supposed to find any evidence by walking around, but I just ended up clicking through the dialog options and getting the story from that. I liked the dialogue (although I never watched Columbo so can't comment on the similarities).

Thanks for the game! I liked the writing and the beginning narration! I got a little tired of having to walk everywhere so a run or fast travel option would have been nice, but otherwise it was fun.

Fun little logic puzzle! I did all 3, and the 18 card case was my fastest! I was a little confused about the rules at first because I read them on the page and not in the Help section (I didn't know what the red circled numbers meant). I also wasn't sure if the murderer always lied or not - when I solved the 12 card case it didn't lie.

Nice game! I like the mix of top down adventure game with mystery. I was excited that I got the clues down and was able to figure it out!

Thanks for the demo! Very amazing for a solo dev!

Thanks for the game! I got confused because I didn't realize you could scroll the phone, and I also sometimes didn't know where clues went so I just guessed. But nice little mystery once I got the clues! I never was able to open up the Audio Shop or Blue Dream.

Thanks for the game! I liked it, but I got tired of the looping when I wasn't sure of the order of the injuries, and it got annoying having to start over from the very beginning each time (I had to do it many times since it only gave a hint for the first thing I healed each time). I was so relieved when I got to the final section and I could restart from after the fall.

Cool spacial puzzle! Neat idea how the puzzle was in spacially fitting the evidence in rather than figuring out the crime. I did level 3 twice because I clicked the arrow and it just restarted the level - I almost did it a third time before realizing it was the last level 😅

Cute twist on a logic game with the information not always being accurate. I was a little confused with all the rules at first since I wasn’t sure what it meant for someone to see someone else, but after a few turns I realized what it meant.

This was really neat! At first I had no idea what was going on, but gradually I pieced everything together and that was fun. I think I guessed on a couple in the first chapter but most of the things I could eventually figure out.

This was a fun quick little deduction game! I like how it’s in google slides and works well!

Thanks for the game! I wish there were choices instead of it just being a story (or maybe I missed something). And it took an abrupt turn!

Wow, this was amazing! Very thorough and compelling mystery, and I kept wanting to uncover more! I like how it's like Obra Dinn with the confirming guesses, but also has a notebook for typing notes which helps me so much! And it was so fun searching through the different sources and finding new things to look through. Thanks so much for the game!

(1 edit)

I think the main one was to be able to sort by something. I was also missing being able to join tables but I think that would take away more of the puzzle. I streamed the gameplay on twitch:

Thanks for the game! I get motion sickness from first person games so it would be better if the camera stopped moving during the pause menu.

rot13: V jnf pbashfrq naq gur gjvfg gbgnyyl znqr frafr orpnhfr V jnf jbaqrevat nobhg zl oybbq gur jubyr gvzr naq jul V jnfa'g ba gur fhfcrpg yvfg. Qvq V unir gb chg va n fcrpvsvp fbyhgvba gb trg gb gur raqvat? V jnf gelvat bgure fbyhgvbaf naq vg qvqa'g jbex, fb V'z abg fher jul.

This was a neat game, except I didn't know what to do at first and didn't realize you could only visit each person once (and that the evidence was saved for outside the time limit). It was also a little confusing about what exactly was going to happen - I wasn't sure at the beginning if it was one crime or three different crimes from the three different suspects. So an intro would be helpful. But otherwise it was cool finding the evidence and trying to piece together the info!

Neat game! It perfectly captures murder mystery mixed with database searching. I wanted to be able to do a little more complex queries sometimes, but it was simple enough that I didn't need to.

Neat game! I'm not really into horror games but this wasn't too scary and the card combination mechanics were neat. I also liked how I could use a hint if I wasn't sure exactly which cards to combine. Also, rot13: V xarj vg jnf n onq vqrn fb gunaxf sbe yrggvat zr xrrc cynlvat nsgre trggvat gur qrngu pneq!