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A member registered Apr 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fallait pas me laisser seul au labo simulator xD

Très rigolo, un peu dur à contrôler, mais je pense que c'est fait exprès pour augmenter la panique du joueur, bien joué !

Trop mignonnes les potites chauves souris et les petites citrouilles ! Dommage que vous ayez été si généreux sur le spawn des citrouilles et la pendule, du coup c'est difficile de perdre

Merci pour ton commentaire super sympa :D

Là j'ai très envie de faire une V2 plus étoffée et pourquoi pas la sortir sur Android ^^

Très mignon petit jeu !

À améliorer :

  • Je pense que rajouter la possibilité de sauter et ainsi étoffer le level design serait le bienvenu

Très bien :

  • Ton jeu est très beau !
  • La musique est trop trop trop bien !

Très cool jeu ! Mes retours :
À améliorer :

  • La courbe de difficulté : au début on rame, à la fin on est immortels
  • Le son : avec une bonne musique et des feedbacks sonores, ce sera hyper cool !

Très bien :

  • Superbes graphismes
  • Très drôle devoir son armée grandir !

Très cool jeu ! Voici mes retours :

À améliorer :

  • Feedbacks quand on récolte une citrouille

Très bien :

  • Très beau
  • Sound design nickel

Je tiens à partager ma peine et ma douleur.

Comme dit en live, le jeu est trop lent, mais l'idée est super originale et finalement assez addictive, y a de quoi faire un cool puzzle game chill

Sympathique petit jeu, mes quelques retours :

À améliorer :

  • Régler les bugs
  • Ajouter des animations et des feedbacks
  • Implémenter la fin

Très cool :

  • La musique est très chouette et dans le thème
  • Le sound design est bon
  • Les graphismes sont pas mal en vrai !

Une fois fini, ça fera un chouette jeu d'arcade !

Oh non, je pensais sortir le bonhomme d'affaire et il a quand même mouru !

Très cool jeu, mes quelques retours :

À améliorer :

  • Pas fan des sauts de l'ange
  • Dommage les téléportations de la caméra quand on arrive sur une plateforme

Très cool :

  • La musique, franchement stylée
  • l'animation de course du perso est très cool
  • Globalement l'ambiance du jeu marche très bien
  • Des bonnes idées de level design !

Merci ! Je me suis dit que ce serait le plus drôle de voir la longueur de Super Long Boy ^^

Pretty cool game! You went for a simple idea but the implementation is good and the puzzles are well designed, well done!

Pretty interesting rogue like, the changing attack feels a bit too hard to master. Well done for making this in 48 hours!

Hey, very cool game! It would be good to be able to shoot by maintaining the left mouse button but it was fun to reach that boss!

Very cool game! The dice mechanics for the type of the weapon is really interesting, well done!

I did not understand at first that you need to use the bomb on yourself to roll but that's a great idea! The game would need some more balancing but is interesting and the art is great, well done!

The game lacks some balancing: the population can go up or down quite exponentially. Still an interesting idea that we do not see often, well done

Great puzzle game! The design is clever and the art is cool, well done!

Very well polished shooter! Nothing more to say, very well done!

Great art and puzzle design! Well done!

Very interesting game! It is quite basic at the moment but has great potential! The art is gorgeous, well done!

Interesting game! The balance isn't perfect and I would have loved to have more abilities like a dodge but it's already a good game for 48 hours, well done!

Pretty cool game! The level design could be improved, the spikes placement looks random, but it was fun to play, well done!

Pretty clever puzzle game! It's so hard to clear everything ah ah, well done!

Really cool concept, with just some more sound design and juice (particles, shake cam, zooms, etc.) it would be even better! The art is great and it's fun to try to get the highest score, well done!

Hey, that's a very interesting prototype to build a full RPG, the art looks great and the use of luck is clever. 

This game is quite hard, reminds me The World's Hardest Game with its minimalistic art style and punishing difficulty. I think you could have put more checkpoints and your game  lacks some juice with more feedbacks, particles, sounds, etc. Overall well done!

That's an interesting shooter. Sadly it's really frustrating because we are so slow and our shot speed is really bad, even with bonuses, which makes us feel powerless against an ever growing army. I liked the art and royal flush idea, overall well done!

Really cool game! I have nothing more to say but well done!

Yo Pierre! Il est cassé ton écran de fin mdr

More seriously, it's another masterclass, I really enjoyed the experience, well done!

Wow, great shooter, there is a real sense of danger with the dice disapearing on the ground, well done!

Pretty interesting idea! It is quite when there are many bombs and can't fold them all but that was fun, well done!

Yeah, I beat the game! That was very fun, well done :D

Pretty fun puzzle game! I think the art could be more consistent but I had fun doing these puzzles!

Pretty cool game! It would need more balancing but is fun to play, well done!

The game design could be improved, we can't correctly aim enemies and having to use every attack before being able to reroll the die is frustrating when no enemy has the same color as our attack. The graphics and music are great!

What an amazing game! I played on the mobile version and it was great! Graphics, music and game design are great, well done!

Very fun game! My only concern is that we do not really feel the theme in a cool way, but I enjoyed the level design and the music!

It doesn't feel like the game fits the theme and it really lacks of music and sound design. Great game idea and it looks good, well done!

On the platforming side, the height of the jumps could be greater, it is hard to just reach the next platform and the jump feels a bit floaty.
On the random generation side, sometimes you start the game with one jump and there is no dice on the first platform so you automatically loose.
I would enjoy to see a post jam version, keep up the good work ^^

Very good puzzle design! With just some more feedbacks it would be even greater, well done!