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ChanceManView game page

An arcade playing cards top-down shooter, with everything randomized
Submitted by Fiki (@ahmed_alfiki) — 3 hours, 43 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Most stuff are randomized and enemies are literally dice lmao

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Well I was not expecting to see a card thrower in this jam but it was interesting to see, also the effects of them hanging around and not causing that much lag was interesting.  Made it very clear how many times I missed in my endless storm of cards.

As for the gameplay though I will say I'm not really sure how much the dice actually factor in?  There's the difficulty roller (which was a little vague for me) that takes awhile to get a new difficulty.  Which made trying out a higher difficulty quite difficult in my experience.  Though that is randomness for you.

What was a little weird though to me was how to go about actually doing it originally, it's a little vague on the fact that you need to click the actual "ROLL" text.  Rather than say the dice, or an interact button, or shoot them etc. though not the worst definitely not the most helpful UI there.

Otherwise though there's some interesting layout sin the dungeon but there's unfortunately a relatively powerful strategy of just stand in the entrance abusing there range limit of enemies to get in a bunch of free hits and then dodge back and forth in the area while they attempt to shoot and they're not really able to.

It even really worked on the boss which sort of trivialized it, since it gave you a way to hide form the majority of the projectiles.  I feel like forcing the player into the rooms could solve this.  That way there's no retreating through the hallway and such to safety.  Though then there would have to be more cover inside the rooms to compensate.

Overall though an interesting setup that's a little vagye on feedback sometimes. but with some cool basics of a combat system for sure.


Hello, my friend. Thank you for your feedback and compliments; I appreciate you staying in the game long enough to make these observations.

Well, the way I saw it, I didn't have to literally follow the theme, I just had to build around it in some way, and what I did was randomise most values from 1 to 6 and add enemies fitting the theme (might not fit the theme that much but i guess it is what it is)

I just focused on implementing the 2d platformer main menu and didn't have much time for further polishing, that might be the reason why the UI isn't very user friendly.

and it's true that the map design was not very good, due to the lack of time, and given more time, I would have probably thought of better layouts for the rooms.

I considered forcing the player into the rooms, but when I tried it, it proved to make the game more difficult, so I scrapped the idea because the game was already too difficult under certain conditions.

and thankfully I have finished fixing most of these problems in a newer version of the game that I'll be updating after the game jam is done, and I'd appreciate you giving it a retry then.

Thank you for the detailed feedback, and I'm glad you liked what you liked.


I'd definitely be up for trying a polished version post jam, and I definitely agree on not having to follow the theme literally, you just go along with it however you interpret it.  All I was meaning was that it didn't significantly impact the gameplay.  That's not a bad thing, just made it a little bit more of a background thing.

Makes sense on the forcing players into a room increasing difficulty as well and layouts being simplistic, obviously it's only 48 hours there's only so much to do.  I'm mostly just talking hypotheticals and such based off what I can see when I'm writing stuff up just to give ideas and such.


Nice one!
Extremely enjoyable game, good gameplay mechanics and I love that the cards stick to the surfaces, nice touch.
Very good base to continue developing on.
Some glitches in the tiled sprites and I'd recommend making a dedicated target reticle instead of a system mouse which gets lost all the time.


Thank you for the feedback!

Yea, that's a great idea. I was thinking of adding a custom cursor because the default one is very hard to see. I'll definitely try to add it when I work on the game after the jam.



It's giving Enter the Gungeon vibes, super sick. Great job! Played at <3


Thank you! 

It's very inspired by Enter the gungeon indeed, one of my favourite games. I hope you enjoyed it! 


Incredible art and sfx, and lots of fun. I think the little details like cards sticking to walls and pretty much no need to click extra buttons for the menu/tutorial etc made it nice and streamlined. I'm wondering if an option to turn off postprocessing could be added as it was a little heavy. Other than that, amazing job !


Thank you so much, my friend. I appreciate your compliments ♥.

Yes, I'm really sorry about the post processing. It's too heavy indeed. I went overboard with the chromatic aberration because I was too sleepy and it seemed like what I saw in real life anyways xD.

Thanks again and I'm really glad you liked it!


This is really polished, i really enjoyed it. The main menu is the best i've seen so far, really cool idea. The card throwing feels really good, the animation is perfect. It was a bit hard, especially if you select a higher difficulty, but I do suck at these games so... One suggestion is adding a custom cursor to better locate the pointer on the screen. Other than that, really solid game on all fronts.


Thank you for the compliments. I'm really flattered!

I noticed how difficult it is, so I made an easy mode so my younger siblings could enjoy it. The custom curser is a really good idea because people are indeed having a hard time locating the mouse and even knowing where to click in the main menu, I'll make sure to add it in the polished version after the jam.

Thanks for your suggestions and feedback I'm really glad you enjoyed the game!


Really fun game! I enjoyed having the player walk around the main menu area, all though it was strange to have the movement tutorial after that. The art looked great, the gameplay was solid. I especially liked how the dice were used to pick the difficulty. The final boss gave me a good laugh too! Great job!


Thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Also, thanks for not mentioning any of the broken stuff xD


I don't think I encountered anything super broken while playing. Level 4 was short and had no enemies but it looked like it was designed that way and not broken in any way


oh yeah I made a bunch of maps and they get shuffled every game  and one of them is a small empty room lol, added it so that there is a chance someone finds it the first time with the key in it and wonders wth is wrong with the game xD


Short and sweet! Very well made game. I can't emphasize enough how good throwing the cards felt. And the art and sound in general are great aswell, 

I liked some rooms more than others, in my opinion all the best rooms had the enemies come to you from multiple directions forcing you to engage in a game of bullet hell, while in the other rooms staying near the corner and shooting was sufficent, which is obviously not as fun. 

I also didn't understand, how do I roll for difficulty before the actual game starts, so maybe level design is only an issue on the lowest difficulty. 

All in all - great game, that nicely fills it's playtime with enjoyable content.


Thank you so much for your feedback!

You're right, some rooms were more fun than others. I actually didn't spend much time designing the levels. I just randomly made some maps, but I will try to change most of them if I work on them again. Also, to change the difficulty, you click the red roll button. I really should have indicated better that it's a button or made it a press key instead. It's my fault for not making it obvious to the player that they should use the mouse xD.

Again, thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!


This game is very good. I love the music choice (especially the reverb fart sound at the end) and the camera effects really add a lot to the game, I loved that (I'll even forgive that not all sprites use the same pixels per unit). I also like how the cards get stuck on the walls, they look nice (although they sometimes faze through the walls, I think you can fix that by changing the collision type from "discrete" to "continuous", but that's fine). Overall I really like it!


I'm glad you liked it. Thank you so much!

Even though I don't recall adding a fart sound xDD, about the sprites' pixels per unit, it's true I'm still a newbie with pixel art and this is my second game to draw pixel art for, I still don't know the proper way to do it, so I'll make sure to study it enough for the next game!

The problem with the card collision I don't think it's with the collider itself because it is continuous, but probably with the obnoxious stopping conditions I added in the spaghetti code xd.

Thanks again for the good feedback, I appreciate it !


The presentation and VFX were both really great. The music is pretty good and the game is really amazing for a 48-hour jam game. Great work!


Thank you for the compliments. I'm very happy you enjoyed it!


Hey, very cool game! It would be good to be able to shoot by maintaining the left mouse button but it was fun to reach that boss!


Thank you!

ofcourse that will be changed after jam ends thanks for the feedback. 


Excellent game, well done! The visuals are spot on, the music is great and the controls are tight. One point of feedback is that all the enemies seem to instantly converge on your location the second you enter a level, which just creates a chokepoint where they are all funneled through. Other than that, you did a fantastic job though! Very impressive


Thank you so much for the kind words !

also please excuse my incompetent AI They're half brained and I didn't have much time to improve them xD

perhaps sometime later I could make some improvements.


Hahaha no worries, that's just game jam AI for you. It was still a very enjoyable experience, so if you do want to get back to it and refine the AI some more, I think you have a really nice game on your hands. With some more features/mechanics I could totally see this besides the likes of Enter the Gungeon or such. You can be very proud of what you did with 48 hours!


Thanks again, friend! I appreciate your encouragement.


This game is visually wow and how did you get this looking so fine in such a short jam? The menu was good, walking to the right to go to difficulty select felt like I was in a five star game you know. I wish I didn't have to spam click to shoot though, I might have carpal's now but it was worth it.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

The answer is a borderline unhealthy sleep schedule and 1 less major meal per day xd.

Take it easy on your fingers please I just recently knew about carpal and if i knew earlier I would've definitely made it a priority to do auto attack.

also Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.


I loved your Art style and Game design


I'm glad you did, Thanks!


Sticking cards into enemies and the walls was a nice touch and I can definitely feel the gungeon inspiration. I would suggest capping the firerate and letting the player hold down fire to continually fire since I sort of just mashed click really fast to DPS down the boss (also will help prevent carpal tunnel!).


Thank you for reminding me about carpal tunnel. I'll definitely do the hold fire first once the jam is done!


Really solid mechanic and top notch presentation. 


Thank you I really appreciate it!


An extremely enjoyable experience with just the right amount of content for a jam game. Although I like the artstyle, I would have toned down chromatic aberration a bit. The sticking playing cards were cool as heck. 

One of the best main menus I have seen and played in a good while. 


Thank you so much !

I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and I'm flattered that you liked the main menu that much.

I just decided to try something different instead of the default menu buttons I usually use, and I liked the idea, so I stuck with it.


Cool game !

The art looks neat, the controls are good and the pusic is very punchy.

Not a big fan of the wobbly screen effect, but that just a personal taste.

A dodge would be a great add to get you out of tight situations.

Good work :)


I love enter the gungeon, so perhaps a dodge ability would spice it up a bit. Thank you for your feedback and compliments, they're very appreciated. I was wondering if by wobbly screen effect you meant the blurriness at the edges of the screen, or the camera movement.


I meant the blurriness. sorry wasn't clear ^^


This game feels great to play and overall it's really fun. Though I did have some problems with how the game was running:

  • There was a lot of screen tearing; if you want to fix this you can turn on Vsync to lock the framerate to the monitor's refresh rate. 
  • I saw the classic problem that unity has with cutting sprite sheets and importing sprites in general. There's a quick funny fix to this problem and all you have to do is go to the import settings for the sprite/spritesheet and subtract your pixels per unity by 0.1. For example if my pixels per unit is usually 16, I would set it 15.9 instead. This ends up filling the transparent gap between tiles.

Anyways, I found your jam through the post jam discord and I hope this feedback helps with making your next game :)


The screen tearing was very annoying to deal with, I noticed it in the last 2 hours of working on the game, tried a lot of solutions online without luck because I'm still new with the unity tile map system, but I feel like your second point could really be the fix I was looking for, because maybe the sprites are slightly smaller than the grid, Thank you for your input; it will definitely help me with future projects ❤


The game is well-build and looks awesome! nice job!


Thank you for the compliments!

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