I just finished your other free games, you definitely have a talent for short horror games. I think what I was missing in the Unholy demo is a clear direction, it was atmospheric but did not really go anywhere and felt rather random. I enjoyed your other games though, keep doing what you're doing :)
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I have mixed feelings about this. With all the random pagan stuff around the christian place (which might have a plot reason) and the fact that the main character immediately took a crucifix with him, it seemed really off to me that he just let Jones into the crypt alone and went back to the chapel. I also didn't quite see the point of having to walk an alternative path to the crypt when there was nothing challenging, scary, or explorable on the way and the shortcut just magically opened afterward.
I've only played Room 202 of your games so far but Unholy felt really rough in comparison. You'll get there eventually.
The controls are smooth and I love the idea of exploring a "past" place through a camera. Perhaps you could even take that a step further and add some virtual augmented reality elements. But the time limit is really out of place, you should remove that. I was just running through the city instead of breathing in the atmosphere and taking the time to read the texts. Maybe also add some kind of help to find missing items, I only found 10.
I love the narrative. I'm pretty sure I read a Lovecraft short story that was at least very similar, but anyway. I actually didn't finish the game - after I beat the floor tile maze, I tried to take a shortcut back and was reset to the main menu. And some chambers, especially the one where you push the columns, felt so repetitive that I didn't really want to replay it. It's a great start but needs some polishing.
Thanks for playing! The bucket holds 6 drops and there is only a visual indicator when you catch the 6th drop. I found it too easy otherwise - especially because I keep forgetting to count and the warning sound often takes me by surprise :D
The sound effect when you catch a drop is actually louder when the bucket is fuller, but it's probably too subtle to tell you the exact count.
Cool interpretation of the game jam theme! I also won on the first try with exactly 100 points and played another round to find out if this is a winning criterion. Turns out, you need to get AT LEAST 100 points, this is not clear from the instructions. A second game mode where you're not allowed to have "1 point too many" would be a nice addition.
I loved this and really want to play another dungeon crawler now! It's also the first game in the jam I have played so far that comes with a story. Some feedback:
- A damage log would be nice so I know if an enemy attacks before/after me and if my shield blocks an attack
- The point of the necklace in my inventory is not really clear to me, other than that it reduces the space by 1. It's probably a part of the story that I missed
- There is no indicator of how far I need to go. The game ends very suddenly (and too early)
- The balancing is good but the loot feels too generous. I'm not sure if it is really "one too many" or "many too many" because I never had to be picky and won on the first try without reading your strategy hints
Cool idea, I spent more time on your game than I was planning to :D
I think the difficulty peaked somewhere around Wave 20. All my turrets were overpowered later and I was just grinding points, but the first waves were fun to play.
The music doesn't loop! (Neither does it in my Defold game, so I guess the "Looping" flag just doesn't work and needs to be overridden when playing the sound...)

I love the graphics and you did a fantastic job with the ambiance and the lighting. The game constantly feels unsettling because you know there is something somewhere but you don't see it.
However, as others pointed out, it's a bit buggy and cannot be finished. When I picked up what turned out to be the password, the subtitles only said "It seems stuck" because I interacted with the computer next to it at the same time. When I turned on the generator, the lights did not turn on and the HUD disappeared. When I got into the elevator, I could walk and throw flares but the screen just stayed dark.
I'd love to revisit the game if you fix these issues, it's been almost a month already.
Jesus! Even your "Yet Another Parkour Game" is over 2.4 GB in size and doesn't look like it shouldn't even have 100 MB. You need to learn how to reduce the package size of Unreal Engine games. There are plenty of tutorials for that and, unfortunately, lots of parameters. This is a good starting point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9hMB_50B5o
Wow. The intro got me hooked immediately. I liked The Building 71 Incident already, but this... You absolutely know what you're doing and I'm looking forward to more of your games. This is one of the best horror games I've played, I only wish it explored something else than just guilt - that's kinda become the default in psychological horror.
Right, I missed the first safe zone entirely and didn't even make it to the stairs. Knowing that, I finally finished the game. The 2 jumpscares after the emergency door got me good (though I really dislike jumpscares) but the game got really stressful near the end with the increased stress and lack of safe zones, which was nice. The stress level should decrease faster though, I was waiting forever in the first zone
I can't believe this was developed in under a week. One of the most fleshed-out games I've played here. The cleaning mechanic feels immersive and is a great way to lead the player to story pieces and other events.
I'm a bit confused by the story, though. The letter "The slow down signs haven't been here recently" made it obvious to me that we hit a child or something and disposed of it, but I can't see any connection with the actual ending.