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The Stone Path to MadnessView game page

Can you reach your destination and keep your sanity?
Submitted by BroMandarin — 2 days, 2 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun (enjoyment, game feel, gameplay)#53.9004.111
Presentation (audiovisuals, style, UX)#54.0584.278

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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eye of the beholder vibes!


This game pulled some strings. Really well made, simple, yet complex enough to suck you in. I love the gameplay it's so fun. The controls might benefit from using a mouse, but in that form it has it's own charm. I really like the idea of inventory management and you put it to another level with the ending. Great game!


I like retro-style and atmosphere of the dungeons in the game. 1-bit game visuals has its vibe and looks consistent. Nevertheless, I'd add some colorful spots, maybe as VFX. The SFX and music stuff is OK, but it's not looped, it stops at the end and never repeats. A "bag of coins" that taking a slot and ability to discard it seems as controversial mechanics to me. My suggestion is to add a mouse support in menu and game (for a keyboard, I expected ESC key to exit sub-menus like control/credits, as well as for the CANCEL key in the game).


Thanks for your feedback! :) If you don’t mind, what browser did you use to play the game? That’s regarding music not looping, as it should indeed loop.


It's Firefox. I've tried the game again. There is no music loop at the very beginning where the text "As you approach the entrance..." is shown. The music plays and stops. The in-game music is playing OK (actually there is no loop, but few music files changing each other).


Got it. Thanks for the reply!


Nicely done.  never really played these kind of games.    you created a nice fibe! 


Very nice and polished game. Well done. Loved it :)


Thanks! :)


Very cool game.  I was going to make some specific comments, but it seems like the preceding comments by AntiCebo covered everything I was going to mention!  I love the retro feel of it - for some reason that just makes me happy.


Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it :)


I loved this and really want to play another dungeon crawler now! It's also the first game in the jam I have played so far that comes with a story. Some feedback:
- A damage log would be nice so I know if an enemy attacks before/after me and if my shield blocks an attack
- The point of the necklace in my inventory is not really clear to me, other than that it reduces the space by 1. It's probably a part of the story that I missed
- There is no indicator of how far I need to go. The game ends very suddenly (and too early)
- The balancing is good but the loot feels too generous. I'm not sure if it is really "one too many" or "many too many" because I never had to be picky and won on the first try without reading your strategy hints


Thank you so much for such an in-depth feedback!

I’m really interested if you’ve beaten the game with necklace or without :) The point of a necklace is exactly that, to take 1 slot of inventory! If you complete the game without getting rid of it, you get the good ending, otherwise the bad one.

About damage log I absolutely agree, explanation of many things was offloaded to itch page, as that was way easier during jam.

About game length: I actually made it almost 50% shorter than intended because I felt that monster variability is not enough for so many rooms, and I preferred that more people will reach the end, even if game may feel too easy as the result. I will probably release ‘original’ version after the voting ends!

Thank you for playing!


Ah, I didn't realize you could discard the necklace. When I met the first goblin, I noticed that I couldn't sell it and just ignored it from then on :D


Hm, that’s strange. You’re supposed to be able to sell it for 3 coins. (You can sell even if shop list is full, as items you sell don’t appear in shop, unlike when you discard them to chest.)


Hmm true, I can sell it. Maybe I just mixed it up with the bag of coins and assumed it applied to the necklace, too, since it looked like a quest item.


I love it, I hope you'll continue to improve it.


Thanks for playing! I will definitely consider that! :)

I agree with Selimanac! I just want more of it :)


This brings me back to the old days! I love the style and gameplay. It is wonderfully done!


Thanks so much! :)