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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing!

Thanks so much for playing!

Really impressive submission for a game jam, nice work!

I hope that realization was more satisfying than annoying… I’ll need to work on making the mechanics more clear in future projects. Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for playing, glad you enjoyed it!!

Thanks for the kind words, and thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much for playing! The difficulty ramp is absolutely something I’ll be considerate of in future games, that’s become clear through this jam - especially with regards to hinting or leading the player towards certain goals.

I love your idea of a feature cemetery! Hardly a feature, but I had every intention to create all of the sounds and music from scratch as well, but that quickly got swept under the rug. I was hoping to add some glow and particle effects as well. As far as actual gameplay features, I had the opposite problem. I knew that I wanted to make a platformer around this one mechanic (scaling and using each other as platforms) but I really struggled coming up with unique ways of implementing that, as I didn’t want every level to play out the same way but in a different order of moves if that makes sense. Thanks for asking!

I feel that! I’m only picky for the games I rate well and enjoy :) very well polished game.

Thanks for playing!

The difficulty ramp and wall jumps will certainly need some tweaking, thanks for playing!!

Thanks for playing!!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing!

The soft locking is my biggest regret of level design. Glad you had fun nonetheless!

Thanks so much for playing! I’ll definitely be tweaking the platforming mechanics after this jam to make it a bit more approachable.

Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for the feedback, and thank you for playing!! Scaling difficulty is definitely something I need to improve upon.

Thanks so much for playing!

Well, your cover art is fantastic! I can’t wait for the rest of the game to match that level as well. Keep it up!

Great game, really nice level of polish, I probably didn’t make it far enough in but the core mechanic did end up feeling a little repetitive. I also would have liked a non-mouse button to attack with but that’s only me whining because my finger got tired of clicking! :) Nicely done!

Such a cute game, great graphics too! I liked your game, and rated it quite highly :), so I’m going to be a bit nit-picky here. I found myself cursing at hitboxes of the spikes, and wished for either a higher jump or a slightly slower fall as it felt like I had to be pretty precise even in the early levels. However, other than those two relatively minor gripes I enjoyed your unique take on the floor-to-ceiling platformer! Nicely done!

Cute! I had a lot of fun playing this game. Very impressed with the graphic style, it feels very well put together. Congrats!

Nice game! I’ve seen a few card games in this jam, I think I like the way you incorporated the theme into yours the best so far. Congrats!

Ha, love the game! Such a goofy premise, but really fun and a rewarding game to play. Nice work!

Really cool game, well done! I hope you continue working on this even after the jam closes, it’s not perfect but I think it has a ton of potential with more polish and detail work.

Whoa, sweet mechanic! Very innovative, great take on the theme. Cute game, I had fun!

Overall I have to say nicely done, you submitted a 3D game that’s playable and has a lot of potential! It took me a while to figure out how to get the truck started, felt like randomly by pressing the w key it would start. Congrats on the work you did here, I hope you continue to develop this game!

Having a real single player experience is in the works! I’m thinking some sort of “freeze frame” type of mechanic, but haven’t worked out the details yet. Thanks for playing!!

Thanks for playing!! It’s not obvious nor did I tell anyone anywhere (making it clear this is totally on me) but you can reset from your last checkpoint from the pause menu! Thanks for playing, I’ll be sure to check out the game you mentioned as well!

A few things to work out that hopefully if you decide to continue working on this game you’ll be able to iron out (diagonal movement, humans being tricky to eat), otherwise I had fun playing the game you submitted. Nicely done!!

Fun game! I appreciate that the physics seemed to work the same way each time, which meant I could fine tune everything. Nicely done!

Really nice, simple game! This would play great on mobile I’m sure. Nice work!

good idea to add something for a failed attempt! didn’t even think of that, since some of the levels do start the characters too close to see the “expand” icon over them. great idea, thanks!

Great take on this classic type of game, a perfect fit for the theme. Nicely done!

Love pinball! Cool to see it in a game jam, nicely done!

Wow, great visuals! Love the art in this game, and there’s so much of it too! Cool storyline to boot, nicely done.

Cute game! Very relaxing playthrough, nicely done in that regard. If I had to be a little picky, the art style seems to change a bit depending on what I’m looking at. For example, some of the UI elements look like they might be vector art while others are pixel art or hand drawn. However, I still had a lot of fun playing!