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Asif Khan

A member registered Nov 09, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Glad you seemed to enjoy the game. You were so close to beating it. 

This was pretty great! Nice work! 

I really enjoyed this game and had fun figuring out the puzzles. It kind of reminds me of the Double Fine game Hack 'n' Slack. 

Cool concept! I like the idea a lot. 

It would be great if you could get more than one guard with a shot from the bazooka. Right now if two guards are next to each other only one of them gets hit. I can see why guards can walk through the fires given the time constraint, but maybe there could be a timer that allows the fires to hurt guards for the first second or half second that they exist, so you can kill more than one guard at a time. 

Also, the hitbox for the player is really big, so sometimes there wasn't a clear collision between a guard and the player and the game would end. 

I guess crime doesn't pay? 

Yeah, cars/trucks should definitely stop once you win. I went up right to the 3 hour mark and decided to stop with this one rather than go over on time and uh... yeah, there are a few things I'd like to fix, including all of the temp graphics I put in. haha.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the game and the name. 

Thanks for playing! I agree with you suggestions and potential future updates to the game. I was going to implement villagers collecting resources in this jam version, but ended up cutting it because it wasn't essential for this version. Definitely thinking about continuing development of this for a while longer. 

Thanks for playing! To get all of the features in I tried to make them the simplest version of each and hoped they'd come together pretty well. I'm glad it looks like I was able to make everything work. The music that Zhakh created for the game was really excellent and fit perfectly. 

I definitely want to update the difficulty curve post-jam voting to increase the challenge. Glad you enjoyed the game.

It's a pretty simple concept, but it came together to create an enjoyable game. The early part of the game gives you a chance to understand how the game works before the difficulty ramps up. 

It feels like you could reskin the game using the same mechanic and come up with some interesting variations to make a longer game. Nice work on this!

A fun short clicker game. I really liked the musical sound effects for picking up the vegetables. I thought it worked really well. 

I think you could have made the vegetable upgrades cost more poop over time, but overall the game encapsulates the entire idle game loop. 

This is a fun little game, especially once you get an idea of how the player inertia works. 

The size of the circle is just the right size, so you generally can't just let the AI take each other out and push out the last hamster. Nice work!

Thanks! Glad you had fun with the game. 

As far as the game pretty easy, I'd agree. Originally, the enemies would come more frequently, but it was making the game really difficult really fast. The relaxing time would just disappear and it was all just stressful. 

I think a good solution would be to have more enemies spawn in a group as the game progresses, so that the player still has time to relax and collect resources without being in defend mode the entire time. 

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. 

Really enjoyed the game.It's a good concept that could use some upgraded visuals. Nice work!

Enjoyed the game! I think if you could grab the corners of the triangles it would be easier to maneuver the triangles. I spent most of my time knowing how to solve a puzzle, but trying to get the triangles to cooperate. 

Good concept and nice use of the theme. 

I wonder if this might work better if the controls were mouse-based rather than the player controlling a character. A lot of time knowing what I needed to do, but there wasn't enough time to move around the screen to combine the colors. 

This was a really charming way to tell this story! Nice work!

It's cool that you made a multiplayer game. 

As some others pointed out, the sequences are really short and it's unclear when they're going to end and when a new one will begin. Making that more obvious through a gauge or some other UI element would be really helpful. Instead, it feels frustrating trying to get the sequences in on time without some feedback. 

I really like the assets you put together for the game. I think you could definitely tie a mechanic like this into a short story type of game. Because there wasn't a lot of context around the different elements, it was hard to know what stuff would combine and actually create something. It required a lot of brute force. More context/story could definitely point people in the right direction. 

Yeah, each ammo type is different. Rockets travel faster and deliver more damage than bullets. The drifters (red circles) are slower than the other ammo types and they slowly drift upward after you fire them. Bullets are... just bullets. They deliver more damage than the default ammo you start out with. 

Thanks for playing!

Ha! Yeah, it's possible to do this. I was already over three hours when I noticed this and didn't have a chance to put something in the game to fix this. 

If i made a homing missile or something that forced the player to move, I would need to also make a version that the player could fire and just didn't have time to implement it. Definitely, something that could be added later. I also could have done floating platforms that disappear over time or if you stand on them too long. Lots of options. 

Thanks! I was definitely happy to be able to get a couple of different combinations of power ups and ammo types in there. 

As far as hit points, it's something I debated putting in. Maybe it's something I can try with some after jam updates. 

Glad you had fun! Yes, I'll remember to add some arrow key controls going forward and patch it into this game shortly. 

(1 edit)

What can I say? The enemies really enjoy their work. 

Thanks for playing. It definitely gets challenging fairly quickly. Glad the upgrades made it easier! 

Not a lot of time to tweak the design and change balancing in the jam, but that was the intended difficulty curve. Glad it worked out. 

Glad you enjoyed it and liked the art! 

I ran out of time to put some music in and sound effects, but now that I have a better idea of how to budget my time for a 3 hour jam I'll hopefully get sound into future Trijam efforts. 

I'm glad it had you coming back to play more! Appreciate the kind words. 

Thanks for playing through. Glad you had fun. Yeah, the game is pretty challenging. I only had time to do one level, so I basically put the entire difficulty progression in the level. 

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.