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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Funny short little story game. I liked it!

Nice graphics, nice gameplay, nice story.
Enjoyed it!

No, I'm using Windows

Quick and simple little game, I enjoyed it.
The little sprites of the people are cute, I like them.

Really nice game, the animations, art and audio fit nicely together.
If there are features that I'd like to see, they would be jump buffering or coyote time, those 2 can really make your platformer feel smoother.
Other than that, nice game!

(1 edit)

I barricaded the windows and the door, but I didn't know what to do after that...
Nice art though!

The gameplay of the first couple of waves is extremely simple, just shooting left and right while standing still.
Nice art and animations, great game!

Reminds me of Cleaning Simulator on Roblox. Good days...
Nice little game!

Really nice and simple idea.
If 2 marbles remain their fights can sometimes take forever, just rotating around each other.
Other than that, cool little game.

Really liked the artstyle and the atmosphere.
A bit confusing that you often have to talk to after you've just talked to them.
Unexpected ending, I enjoyed it.

Really simple concept that is surprisingly good. I like it.

I thought at first that I would be controlling the little wooden boat. Imagine my surprise when the big wave suddenly showed up! Surprisingly dark game.

Simple and nice little game, I enjoyed it!

Dodging the zombies by juking them is an interessting concept, but it's kind of unclear when I can pass them and when I can't.
Other than that, nice game!

I'm encountering an issue where pressing WASD sends me in unexpected directions.
The atmosphere is very nice, though.

Everytime something new spawns in the scene, there's a lag spike. Could this be prevented by using preload() in instead of load() in Godot?

Other than that, nice art, nice soundeffects, nice music. It's cool!

Simple little game. Reminds me of 'The World's hardest game'.
The safe spaces are really nice idea. I always disliked moving objects in these types of games but having a safe space for you to wait in removes a good bunch of that frustration. Nice!

Simple & nice game. Didn't expect the tornado to show up and ruin everything, but it did make me laugh.

I really liked the little graphic animations for the mini-taur.
Could use a good bunch more polish, though.
Other than that, nice game!

Thanks for playing!

The idea of lighting campfires as checkpoints and protecting your flame is nice.
Pretty hard, but fun nonetheless.

Really slick. Loved the art and the atmosphere.

Thank you!

I really enjoyed this game. Original, simple and easy to understand. 
Has a good amount of depth for strategy as well. 

I liked it, my ending score was 28. Didn't expect the switch.
Dodging and hitting the cloud is fun.

I like the idea, a good use of the theme.
Too bad I suck at flappy bird though, I couldn't see a lot of the effects.

It's a simple and fun little game.
The effects of the clouds are nice & the way the game immediately starts with fading text looks great.

Great art and atmosphere. The whole idea of the game is unique and interesting.
Dying during the night seems to be bugged though. You just die and can't do anything, constantly being attacked by the monster.

Simple nice detective game. I'm not very good at it though. Got it on my third try.

Simple fun fishing game. Step 4 in the description said 'Money' but I didn't see any money in the game.

Great artstyle and general atmosphere. But I wasn't able to test out the game with multiple people.