Thank you for playing and thank you very much for your feedback. Hold and release the spinning blade sounds like a great idea. I will try to implement it.
Thank you very much for playing and providing feedback even though the game is not to your taste. Falling objects are so easy to implement that I use them whenever I don't have any better ideas, haha.
Nice art and animation. Gameplay is fun, and ranking system add more layer to the challenge. Not a fan of sharp retro music, but it help add the retro vibe i guess. Really well done!
A lot of feedback, thank you very much. I really appreciate that. There's actually option for dodge and attack direction on menu, my mistake to not make it clearer since not many game have that. and maybe i should change the default value as well. Thank you again for playing.
Thank you very much for all the feedback, I really appreciate that. There's option for dodge and attack direction, i will make more clearer next time. and the bell aswell. thank you again for playing.
Cool art. gameplay quite fun. the stay still while healing is not a bad idea, but constantly doing it reduce the fun at one point. for me at least. Still, nice work!
Interesting choice for controls. Really nice art and good choice of music. Gameplay is fun. Maybe feature to lock aim at enemy will be really helpful for new player.
Fun game! a bit hard to adjust the speed and direction. and maybe give the player 2 or 3 chance before reset the boss will be less punishing. Good game overall.
Good game! The visual and music is really well made. I think instant travel bullet will suit the intense atmosphere better, maybe. Overall, Great work!
Nice game! Cool model design. Sound and music fit the game nicely. The 3rd boss seems to be the easiest currently. I think separating the normal attack and drilling attack will be nicer. Overall, Good work!
Really impressive! everything is well made. Especially the visual and the music. Gameplay is fun. Sometime i feel like jump or dash, so maybe you give that some consideration. Overall, Great work!
Interesting and fun gameplay. I don't know if the boss health get scaled with more player. But when alone it feels too high. Not made it harder just too high. just my opinion of course. That aside, Good work!