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Banana Person

A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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So I was watching this video when I spotted a random Godot logo in the top left corner at 1:55

(which btw as a fellow Godot user is hilarious)

Hi! Here's mine, hope you like it :D

I'm a bit late but mine is https://itch.io/jam/go-godot-jam-3/rate/1561183

I love the physics on the moving cells. Nice puzzle platformer design.

Mmmmmmm soup


Cap you off. Like, the timer sets a limit to the speed of your progress.

I loved it. This should win the 3D category.

The story is fun and the ending is great. There are a few lighting bugs and the movement does get weird near the poles.

I really like the polish. It feels like a finished game. The swears switch is a nice touch. And the closeup to the ship looks awesome.

Looks very nice and the combat is fun. I evolved once and don't know how many particles to get before evolving again, it was taking a really long time. The dash just seemed to make the movement jagged and laggy or something.

I was going to comment the same thing. If the timer didn't cap you off I could get addicted. I'd love to play an endless version of this game with more mechanics and stuff.

Had fun, definitely good for starting late. The sperm quickly become too many, but it's not impossible. I don't like the implications tho, it gives me eugenics vibes. Probably not on purpose but the idea of choosing the "best sperm" with the "best dna" is super fucked up. I really like the background, is it a shader?

Oh you're right I didn't think of it that way. The thought process was that since the legend its based on is about not giving up, the health bar should be motivation. I was gonna make the currency for upgrades something abstract like believing in yourself or something but my partner said "Koins" and I couldn't resist the pun lol.

I don't think its about trying to avoid ridicule though. The fish wants to get to the top of the river despite the ridicule. It's never implied that they're trying to prove themselves to anyone. The demons are literal demons from Japanese/Chinese myth. I think they're meant to represent people mocking you when you try to achieve the "impossible". And the grind isn't endless, the game does have an end and you can win. Still, I get how your interpretation makes sense, and yeah it is kinda fucked up :/

I got depression and pollution :(

Amazing take on the theme. I really love it. 🍌

Very cute. Had fun for the first while but it got boring fast. Nice game and love the rats!

Very fun, very polished. I liked going for all the collectables. I don't get how it fits the theme tho.

Pretty fun. Love the take on the theme. The shift mechanic is pretty sweet. I like how the cops' bullets are bigger than yours.

Ohhh okay, that makes sense. It does end in .x86_64 now. It didn't a few days ago when I uploaded the first working version.

Oh you need to run chmod +x Upstream.x86_64

It's a native executable but I don't know if there's a way for linux to recognize it as such automatically. I'll update the description.

Really cool mechanic. I could see this becoming a longer game. Loved it! :D

Cool game. Lots of fun. The turrets seem to shoot at your last position, which makes them shoot to the right when you first approach and shoot to a random position when you leave their trigger area and come back. I love the artstyle!

Pretty cool. The game is HUGE and I needed to zoom out the page to play. But the mouse can go out of the canvas and click on stuff by accident. This needs a fullscreen mode. It's fun tho.

Actually pretty fun once I figured out what I was doing. The music jams and perfectly conveys the urgency.

I think it needs to explain its mechanics better. What do the blue neurons mean? Why do some white ones have blue numbers? How do I know how many connections a neuron needs to turn blue or green? How do I know what neuron I'm connecting from? Also some feedback for when clicking on a neuron works or not and for whether you are hurting the virus or clicking from too far away.

Anyway I enjoyed it and I'll wait for a potential update before voting. :D

Basically the same idea as this previous post, but the topic has been closed. I just wanted to know if this is a planned feature and, if so, when we can expect this functionality to be added.

Ohhh okay. I thought it was more of a "try to shoot as least as possible" instead of a "don't spam the laser" kind of thing. In that case it does fulfill its purpose well, my bad.

Nice and polished, the simple artstyle looks really good. The energy mechanic isn't very present, at least as far as I got. If I hadn't read it in the description I wouldn't have known it was a thing. I played on web and with the mouse it is kinda weird, but I get how nice it would play on mobile. Great work!

Love the idea, the vibes and the way the story is handled.

I quite disliked the combat though, the player is put at a clear disadvantage. You can only attack left or right, so you have to line yourself up with the enemies, who can attack you from any direction. The enemies respawn every time you re-enter a room, making it cumbersome to backtrack. And the little blue guys that shoot are way too accurate with their shots compared to the size of their hitboxes; the small hitbox and the player's limited attack range means your approach has to be precise, but their accuracy means your approach has to be fast and you can't walk towards them in a straight line to line up your hit. I'm also bad at games lol so I might be biased on this.

You have me hooked with everything else, I want to see all of it but I can't push through my problems with the combat. If you make a post-jam version I'll come back to it.

I agree, the idea was to have more polish and enough activities to be able to cycle them so that not every one of them can be done every day. They were also supposed to scale better in difficulty and some also in length over time. The scheduling system was built with more activities in mind.

Personally I'm not a big fan of putting an ever approaching lose condition to the game, it stresses me out while playing and I like to enjoy my own games. The original plan was to have a leaderboard that ranked you in how many days it took you to win.

The game was also originally planned to include notifications and flavor text to support the gameplay, which isn't much on it's own even if it were in its desired state.

I clearly bit off way more than I can chew as one programmer who kinda knows Blender. But I'm still happy with what I managed to do. I would really appreciate it if you stick around till the (eventual) post-jam version where I will add everything that I didn't have time to make, addressing most of your criticisms. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Had a lot of fun playing this. It's simple and polished, great work!

I know how that feels. I once had to convert a jam game from level based to endless arena at the last minute cause I couldn't get the enemies to stop walking into the walls lol

This game was really confusing. I stuck with it, figured out that the tools the Q menu said I had were actually in the spaceship, died a bunch of times trying to get stuff from the spaceship, setup some traps but I didn't know what I was supposed to catch. I'm guessing it's the rats but they were stuck.The concept is nice and I had some fun flying and mining, I would love to see a post-jam version of this, I'm guessing a lot of the problems come from a lack of time.

Btw make sure that the things you place down are snapped to the grid and not the player's position. I placed a trap while standing on a rat and the trap appeared above the rat instead of on the floor. And having the rats and birds collide with the player in general is kinda whack.

The little buildings are cute. I like the design, it's simple and polished. The gameplay doesn't have much in regards to motivating me towards some goal or posing choices, I was just placing a somewhat uniform amount of each building wherever they fit. At the same time, I like how the game doesn't put pressure on you, making for a pretty chill experience. I'd really like if, when going forward, the motivation for the player to make choices doesn't come from an ever approaching lose condition but from working towards an end goal.
I wonder how this would work from a more zoomed in perspective, building actual towns with roads and stuff.

Great work!

I really like the design where different parts of the level can be a roof and then a platform

Incredible! Looks good, plays good, sounds good. Love the UI and the polish. This doesn't feel like a jam game.

Loved it!

The puzzles with the mirrors really made me stop to think. I had to go back to find some of the collectables too. But it never felt cheap or too hard, just hard enough.

Hey! It's been months, but we're currently working on a small post-jam update with a lot of bugfixes and more, better levels. I've been thinking about this for a long time, but for the life of me I can't think what more intuitive controls would be like. Do you perhaps have any suggestions/feedback or could you be more specific with how the controls feel unintuitive?

The idea is great and the execution is excellent. The amount of polish put into this in just 48hs is incredible. I would maybe consider making the craft menu pause the game and also having more inventory space, as often the crafting recipes required an amount of items that would fill my inventory if I also wanted to keep something else I found. That makes interesting inventory management decisions but in my opinion it's a bit much.

Cool idea, it really did get out of control. It's pretty hard but I beat it somehow. The presentation is really neat as well.

This is amazing! Great presentation, very polished and the core mechanic is really solid.